
dào tǒng
  • Confucian orthodoxy;the body of transmitted orthodox teachings
道统 [dào tǒng]
  • [Confucian orthodoxy] 宋、明理学家称儒家学术思想接受的系统。他们自认为是继承周公、孔子的道统的

道统[dào tǒng]
  1. 人格独立与道统自任&角色意识;

    Fourth , personality let by oneself with Confucian orthodoxy independently - Role 's consciousness ;

  2. 中国的道统,徒有个人道德,缺乏制度化的组织。

    In Chinese " Confucian orthodoxy " , lacking in any institutional organization , there was only personal morality .

  3. 中国文化并没有一个纯正的正统或道统(orthodox);

    There was a pure orthodox in Chinese culture .

  4. 韩愈的道统思想,对后世产生了重大而深远的影响。

    HAN Yu 's ethic ideology greatly influenced later generations .

  5. 韩愈的道统思想及其对后世的影响

    Influence of HAN YU 's Ethic Ideology on Later Generations

  6. 中国思想学术史上的道统与派分

    Dao Tong and Different Schools in China 's Intellectual History

  7. 道统论表明了赵秉文对儒学学术传承统续的理解,明显有调和不同学术观点的倾向;

    The theory of Dao Tong was made up of different academic elements ;

  8. 礼法等则属于人为、有为之物,在老子看来,应服从道,所以以道统法;

    The ethical law is equal to artificiality .

  9. 道统、系谱与历史&关于中国思想史脉络的来源与确立

    Orthodoxy , Pedigree and History & Origin and Establishment of Thread of Chinese Intellectual History

  10. 道统是儒家学派的重要概念。

    The tradition of the Way ( Tao ) was a very important concept in Confucianism .

  11. 现代儒学应回到源头来回答现代性的意义基础问题,而不能停留在宋明理学的道统观上。

    Modern Confucianism should return its headstream to answer the problem of the signification foundation of modernity .

  12. 纬书和图谶伺机侵入经学的道统之中,为倾听神意的统治者所利用。

    Wei Shu and Figure got the opportunity come into Confucian classics and were used by rulers .

  13. 儒家宗法、孝悌的道统观念及其生演基督教孝道观与中国儒家文化中的孝道观既有相似之处,也有相异之处。

    The Christian view and the Confucian sense of piety are somewhat similar and somewhat different as well .

  14. 并且提出了所谓的虞廷十六字,将其作为道统的内容和实质。

    And made a so-called " Yu-ting set by leaders ," as " Orthodoxy " content and substance .

  15. 究其原因,在于人们总是在儒家道统的视野里估价其意义。

    For one thing , people tend to evaluate its significance in the vision of the Confucian tradition .

  16. 叶适用他的推断,直接从关键部位对程朱所宣扬的道统论进行了腰斩。

    He leaves for the inferred directly from the key parts of the Neo-propagated " Orthodox " were cut .

  17. 中国传统历史与文化最宝贵的资产就是伦理道德的思维与主张。这是一套人本的价值思想,有其形上的道统根源,形下的正统传承、法统规范与学统分流。

    The precious part of the Chinese traditional history and culture is the thinking and allegation of ethic morality .

  18. 如在对正统与道统的态度问题,王夫之的思想有明显的歧异。

    Such as in the orthodox and the attitude of orthodoxy , the idea of Wang Fuzhi significant differences .

  19. 因为这种身份的特殊性和模糊性,他们往往把书法研究,纳入到礼仪文化或道统领域内。

    Due to the specialty and ambiguity of their identity , they put their calligraphy under the rules of Confucianism .

  20. 韩愈本着儒家知识分子的使命感,以儒家思想的卫道者自居,拿起了恢复儒家道统这一批判的武器,对佛学思想进行了批判,即使为此坐贬,也矢志不渝。

    Guardian of Confucianism , he took on the critical weapon to fight against Buddha even he was demoted for it .

  21. 这种情感反映了韩愈本人的失意、愤懑,也表现其维护道统的思想矛盾。

    This kind of emotions reflects HANYu 's own the disappointment , indignation and contradictory thoughts in defending the feudal morals .

  22. 由前者产生贯穿两宋始终的文统、道统观念,由后者生成宋代文坛上体派纷纭的现象。

    The former is responsible for literary and political traditions in Song Dynasty and the latter for phenomenon of literary cliques .

  23. 三是文统的革命,即结束言文分离的局面,改变文统与封建道统的内在关联。

    E. an end to its separation from the speech and a change of its inner links with the feudal orthodoxy .

  24. 曾子是孔子学说的主要继承人和传播者,他上承孔子道统,下开思孟学派,在中国教育史上占有极其重要的地位。

    Zeng Zi , the heritor and sower of the Confucius Theory , has a great status in Chinese educational history .

  25. 两个道统和简化的汉语具有极端意义并且应该被同样在国际层上和由联合国认出。

    Both traditional and simplified Chinese are of extreme significance and should be recognized equally on the international level and by un .

  26. 道统表明了对儒家思想的认同和对儒学精神内核的理解。

    The Confucian orthodoxy ( Daotong ) indicates the identification with the Confucian theory and the understanding to the core of Confucian substance .

  27. 希望通过这一研究,为真实准确地展示朱熹的道统观发生与发展过程提供一个重要的研究背景。

    Zhu Xi is true and accurate to show through this study , the Confucian Orthodoxy and development process to provide an important background .

  28. 所谓儒家的道统就是对这一圣人之道的传续,并且这一道统中断于汉唐。

    The so-called Confucian orthodoxy is to this " sage " of the tradition and orthodoxy that disruption in the Han and Tang Dynasties .

  29. 文中进一步探究了其中深层的文化心理根源是诗人的道统人格与高层权势之间的矛盾斗争的反映。

    The paper furtherly explores and its culture cause , which is the reflection of the combat between the Daotong personality and the thought of donating society .

  30. 他虽固守程朱道统,却又提倡守道救时,有一定的经世主张。

    Although he insisted the Orthodoxy of Cheng-Zhu , he also recommended " guard the Tao to rescue the age " and had some propositions of Jing-shi .