
  • 网络morality;moral system;ethic;moral frameworks
  1. 在社会主义中,官德居于整个道德体系的核心地位。

    Official morality is the core of the socialist ethics .

  2. 信用经济时代大学生诚信道德体系的构建

    On the Establishment of the Honesty Ethics System for College Students

  3. 大多数人认为他们是依照基督教的道德体系来处理自己的私生活和公共事务的。

    Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality .

  4. 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(b乔治f.威尔)

    The sense that there is a moral economy in the world , that good is rewarded and evil is punished ( bGeorge F. Will )

  5. 诚信是我国道德体系的根本和基础。

    Honesty and credit is the foundation of our moral system .

  6. 传统文化与现代企业经营道德体系建设

    Traditional Culture and Construction of System of Modern Enterprise Operation Morality

  7. 论企业伦理道德体系的动态整合

    Discussion on the Dynamic Integration of the Moral System of Enterprise

  8. 论预防职务犯罪的道德体系建设

    On the Moral System Construction of Precautions against the Job Crime

  9. 论新时期道德体系的重新建构

    On the reconstruction of the moral system in the new period

  10. 中华民族现在特别需要重塑良好的礼仪道德体系。

    Chinese nation now specially needs to reshape the good moral system .

  11. 考试伦理是由公正和诚信共同维护的道德体系。

    The ethics of examination is protected by both honesty and justice .

  12. 构建法治社会的道德体系

    The Construction of Moral System in the Society of Rule of Law

  13. 用科学发展观统领道德体系建设

    Leading the Construction of Moral System in the Light of Scientific Development

  14. 企业伦理是建立社会主义道德体系的重要组成部分。

    Business ethics is an important component of the socialist moral system .

  15. 就社会主义道德体系而言,公正所描绘的是社会成员在社会各领域的权利和义务的均衡状态。

    In socialist society , the balanced state is the display of justice .

  16. 论社会主义思想道德体系的构建

    Discussing the Construction of Socialistic Ideological and Moral System

  17. 对此,必须创建新的道德体系来进行规范引导。

    Thus , we must construct a new morality to rule and guide .

  18. 试论新闻媒体道德体系的建构

    A Discussion of Morality System Construction of News Media

  19. 新时期社会主义道德体系的研究

    To Study Socialist Morality System at the New Stage

  20. 它们所吹捧的优越的道德体系已然坍塌。

    The system they touted as superior has failed .

  21. 弘扬中华民族的传统美德建设社会主义道德体系

    Carrying Forward the Traditional Virtues of Chinese Nation Energetically

  22. 社会公德在公民道德体系中处于基础而重要的地位。

    Social moralities play a critical role in the system of civic virtues .

  23. 构建有中国特色社会主义道德体系需要深入的理论研究;

    The construction of Chinese characteristic socialist virtue system needs deep theoretical study .

  24. 学术诚信是大学生诚信道德体系的重要组成部分。

    Academic faith is the important composing part of the undergraduates faithful moral system .

  25. 论道德体系构建途径的新视角&行政道德

    Study on the new way how to construct ethical system & the administrative ethics

  26. 建立适应社会主义市场经济发展的道德体系

    Building Up a Moral System Adapted to the Development of a Socialist Market Economy

  27. 构建符合时代要求的新型家庭伦理道德体系势在必行。

    Construction complying with the requirements of the new family ethic system is imperative .

  28. 建设社会主义思想道德体系,要以诚实守信为重点。

    To construct the system of socialistic morality we must focus on this item .

  29. 完善的道德体系,是社会主义市场经济发展的基础。

    An improved moral system is the foundation upon which socialist market economy develops .

  30. 我们将失去我们的经济,接着我们将失去我们的道德体系。

    we will lose our economy , right after we 'd lost our morality .