
  • 网络road space;path sPace
  1. 综合利用城市道路空间,尤其是城市道路地下空间,积极建设集城市各种生命管线设施为一体的共同沟是城市道路空间有效利用的重要途径之一。

    The comprehensive utilization city path space , in particular the urban road underground space . The positively constructing the utility tunnel is urban road space effective use important way , it collects city each kind of life pipeline installation into one body .

  2. 英国综合交通委员会(CommissionforIntegratedTransport)前主席戴维?贝格(DavidBegg)承认,自动驾驶车辆能够更高效地利用道路空间,但他表示,一个问题依然存在,就是汽车占用道路空间相对其运载的人数还是太多。

    David Begg , a former chairman of the UK 's Commission for Integrated Transport , accepts that autonomous vehicles will use road space more efficiently but says the problem remains that cars take up too much space for the people they carry .

  3. k最近邻居问题(kNN)是空间数据库研究领域最基本的问题之一,是指在特定空间中寻找离查询点最近的k个目标点,包括几何空间,道路空间等。

    K nearest neighbor ( kNN ) query is one of the fundamental issues in spatial database research area .

  4. 那也没有道路空间更为宝贵

    and it would not be so valuable as road space .

  5. 一般道路空间中超曲面的基本方程

    Fundamental Equations of A Hypersurface in General Space of Path

  6. 使用有限道路空间的最有效方法

    that the most efficient way to use scarce road space

  7. 城市绿化树种对道路空间大气颗粒物浓度的影响

    Effect of urban forest tree species on TSP concentration in street space

  8. 居住小区道路空间可居性研究

    The Research on the Living Function of Road Space in Residential Quarter

  9. 路网中新建道路空间走向的基因算法优化

    Application of genetic algorithm in optimizing spatial location of new road in network

  10. 就有权获得比一辆小车,多100倍的道路空间

    has a right to 100 times more road space than a car ,

  11. 城市道路空间改造实例剖析

    The urban road space transform instance of analyzing

  12. 城市道路空间有效性利用研究

    The Research of Validity of City Roadway Space

  13. 城市景观道路空间形态设计研究

    The study of space and form of urban landscape way and its design method

  14. 有权获得比单人驾驶的小汽车多80倍的道路空间

    has a right to 80 times more road space than a car with one .

  15. 就是如何分配城市最宝贵的资源就是道路空间

    is how to distribute that most valuable resource of a city , which is road space .

  16. 应该从道路空间形态、道路绿化、道路设施三方面进行道路景观的微观设计,由此初步建构了山地城市道路景观宏观控制和微观设计相结合的规划设计方法。

    Thus a planning and design method of macro-control and micro-design for mountainous road landscape is established preliminarily .

  17. 城市道路空间的三个组成要素为:道路空间、路外空间及人的活动。

    The three elements of the urban road spaceare : road space , off-road space , and human activities .

  18. 一些人担心,无人驾驶技术将会带来更多私家机动车出行,而不是促进更节省道路空间的公共交通。

    Some fear the technology could prompt more journeys by private motor vehicles rather than more space-efficient public transport .

  19. 唯一办法就是实行各种改善措施,以便更加有效地利用现有道路空间,以应付日益增长的交通要求。

    Therefore , even more efficient use has to be made of the available road space to cope with ever-growing transport demands .

  20. 高架桥是一种新的土地立体化路径,其所附属的空间有别与传统的二维道路空间。

    Viaduct is a new three-dimensional path of the land , its affiliated space are different with the traditional two-dimensional road space .

  21. 道路空间中连续最近邻居查询方法的研究基于约束三角网探测点线面空间邻近关系研究

    Researches on Continuous Nearest Neighbors Query in Road Networks ; An Intelligent Method of Detecting Multi-factors Neighborhood Relation Based On Constrained Delaunay Triangulation

  22. 随着城市的发展,城市道路空间逐渐成为人们重要的活动和交往的空间。

    Upon the city 's development , the city roadway space gradually turns into interspace for people 's vital and concernful activities and interactivities .

  23. 首先是混行交通,道路空间被快速的机动车和慢速的非机动交通方式共享。

    Firstly , there is a mixture of transportation technologies , with road space shared by fast moving motorized vehicles and slow non-motorized modes .

  24. 如何有效利用城市空间,尤其是城市的动脉&城市道路空间,是一个越来越值得关注的问题。

    How to utilize the city space effectively , especially the city roadway space & the citys aorta , becomes a more and more important question calling for peoples attention .

  25. 公路的养护工作需占用有限的道路空间,导致养护区域的通行能力随之降低,易出现交通拥堵和交通事故,因此,公路养护作业区的安全需予以充分的重视。

    Highway maintenance would take up limited space resource , and result in highway capacity dropping , even traffic congestion and accidents . So safety study of work zone should be taken seriously .

  26. 目前我国大城市的交通拥堵越来越严重,发展公交能使更多的出行者有效地利用有限的道路空间,缓解交通拥堵。

    At present , transportation of our large metropolitan is getting more and more congested , development of bus service can make more travelers utilize freeing up space on our streets and alleviate congestion .

  27. 第3章校园建筑外部空间环境设计从人性化特征较为明显的广场、庭院、灰空间、道路空间四方面总结设计原则。

    The third chapter discusses the exterior space of campus building , and sums up the design principle of square , court , space between exterior and interior and road space which all have obvious humanity characteristic .

  28. 今年发表的一项研究发现,空气污染、安全问题和道路空间不足是首都民众避免骑自行车上班的主要原因。该研究是由北京大学的研究人员开展的。

    A study released this year by researchers at Peking University in Beijing found that air pollution , safety concerns and a lack of road space were the main reasons people avoided biking to work in the capital .

  29. 我国高度密集的城市居住人口和有限的道路空间资源,决定了优先发展城市轨道交通是缓解我国交通拥挤形势、实施城市交通可持续发展战略的必然选择。

    Due to high density of urban population and limited sources of road space , developing rail transit is an essential choice both to alleviate the situation of traffic congestion and to carry out the sustainable development strategy of urban transportation .

  30. 本文在讨论了国内外现有各种交通运行状况评价方法的基础上,根据交通流设施和道路空间分布形式的不同,建立了多种类、多层次的指标体系。

    In this paper , according to the differences between traffic flow facilities and spatial distribution of road , a multi-types , multi-hierarchies evaluation index system is established which is based on the existing domestic and foreign transportation performance evaluation methodology .