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dào xué
  • Daoism;Neo-Confucianism;a Confucian school of philosophy of the Song Dynasty;affectedly moral
道学 [dào xué]
  • (1) [a Confucian school of philosophy of the Song dynasty]∶宋代儒家周敦颐、张载、程颢、程颐、朱熹等的哲学思想

  • (2) [affectedly moral]∶形容迂腐守旧

  • 假道学

道学[dào xué]
  1. 虽然道学纳入佛教和道教的思想,许多新儒家强烈反对佛教和道教。

    While Neo-Confucianism incorporated Buddhist and Taoist ideas , many Neo-Confucianists strongly oppose Buddhism and Taoism .

  2. 李渔在小说中提出了一个新的道德观念,即道学、风流合而为一。

    Li Yu put forward one new moral concept is namely " Neo-Confucianism , distinguished and admirable to integrate " among novel .

  3. 一天,一个狡猾的骗子,企图骗取季子的钱袋,就骗他说:“我是一个得了真传的道士,只要你跟着我云游,我就一定把道学传授给你。”

    One day , a sly swindler tried to get Ji Zi 's bag of money . He said deceitfully : " I am a Taoist priest with the true doctrine1 of Taoism . If you 'll follow me , I 'll certainly teach Taoism to you . "

  4. 商季子特别爱好道学,带了很多钱,游学四方,只要见到戴黄帽子的先生,就以为是道士,跪拜求教。

    Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism . He carried a lot of money with him and travelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism . Whenever he saw a man wearing a yellow cap , he would take him as a Taoist priest and kneel down before him to ask for instructions .

  5. 道学和儒学是中国历史上最具影响力的两个哲学流派。

    Taoism and Confucianism are the two most influential philosophies in China .

  6. 道学形成及道学对儒学影响论略

    A Brief Summary of the Taoist Studies and its Influence on Confucianism

  7. 中国传统文学理论批评的话语是道学系统;

    The speech of Chinese traditional literary theory criticism is of Tao ;

  8. 商季子特别爱好道学,

    Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism .

  9. 宋朝、明朝时期,道学成了一种时髦,

    During the Song and Ming Dynasties , Confucian morality became fashionable .

  10. 21世纪的新道学文化战略&中国道家文化的综合创新道家·道教·道学

    21st Century Strategy for Neo-Daoism Taoists , Taoism And The Theory Of Dao

  11. 新道学文化是中国文化的第三次重构。

    Neo-Daoism is the third reconstruction of Chinese culture .

  12. 早期儒学、道学对性本源的认识比较开放。

    Early stage the knowledge of sex origin was civilized of confucianism and Taoism .

  13. 在这些作品中,柳宗元信奉儒学、融汇佛学、贬低道学;

    In these books , Liu Zongyuan believes in Confucianism , merges Buddhism , depreciates Taoism ;

  14. 零与形而上学&从数学、佛学、道学到现象学的有无之思

    Zero and Metaphysic - Thoughts about Being and Nothing from Mathematics , Buddhism , Daoism to Phenomenology

  15. 全球化浪潮下的民族文化&再论21世纪的新道学文化战略

    National Culture in the Era of Globalization & On the Strategy of Neo-Daoist Culture for the 21st Century

  16. 道学的观点认为,必须采取恰当政策减少过度的盈余和赤字,最好是通过国际协同行动。

    The goody-goody view is that excess surpluses and deficits need to be reduced by appropriate policies , preferably co-ordinated internationally .

  17. 面对外部的严格规限,一部分知识分子高扬道学的大旗捍卫真理。

    Faced with the strict external restriction , part of the intellectuals raised the flag of " Neo-Confucianism " to adhere to truth .

  18. 宋学到南宋发生一个重大变化,即理学(道学)兴盛,成为显学。

    Neo confucianism founded mainly by Chen Liang had a very great development in the Southern Song Dynasty and occupied a major position .

  19. 术数学源于先民的巫史文化,是中华道学文化的一大支柱。

    Chinese Numerology traces its origin back to the Shamanistic culture of our predecessors and is one of the main supports of Taoist culture .

  20. 道学形而上的内在精神超越,赋予了汤氏独特的思想者气质,并进而影响他的文体选择。

    The intrinsic spiritual highness of the metaphysical Tao endowed TANG with inimitable temperament of " thinker " and further influenced his choices of styles .

  21. 他的道学思想中天人合一的宇宙观,既虚静阴柔又刚键大气的人生哲学,以及无为自化的政治哲学,对今天所倡导的图书馆精神之弘扬有着深刻的启迪。

    Taoism and the life philosophy and the political philosophy of Lao Tze provides the deep revelation on how to develop the library spirit today .

  22. 古代朝鲜朱子学界整体,在漫长的500年历史中,充分体现了这种道学精神和论辨性特色。

    Zhu Xi Thought in ancient Korea , as a whole , reflected this " Taoist spirit " and its argumentative feature in its 500-year history .

  23. 论文肯定了以宋明道学为核心意识形态建构的社会,是我们现在学术界所认为的传统社会。

    The dissertation confirms the society which takes Song Ming Taoism as its central ideology structuring is the traditional society affirmed by the contemporary academic circle .

  24. 道学文化作为一种“生道合一”的学说,将“生命”本身视为“道”的体现。

    As a theory of " life being merged into Dao ", Daoist culture regards " life " itself as the embodiment of " Dao " .

  25. 道学精神存在的主体域性,使其在实践上由于主体间自我领悟的不同而外在地不断发生争辨。

    Due to different self-realizations between the main bodies , the realm of subjectivity in which " Taoist spirit " existed brought about continuous arguments in practice .

  26. 新道学文化的创立是中国文化的第三次重构,也是世界上第二轴心时代普世文明的发现。

    The establishment of the neo-Daoist culture is the third reconstruction of Chinese culture , and also the discovery of universal civilization in the " second-axis period " .

  27. 本文正是基于此作理论上的尝试,更好地理清道学以及明代中期思想发展的理路。

    This thesis is exactly a theory of making theoretical try , to clear the line of the development of the Ether School in middle period of Ming Dynasty .

  28. 例如,道学是恢复旧版本的儒家原则,出现在宋代,与佛教,道教,以及法中的宗教特点。

    Forexample , Neo-Confucianism was a revived version of old Confucianprinciples that appeared around the Song Dynasty , with Buddhist , Taoist , and Legalist features in the religion .

  29. 唐宋之后,随着文人直接参与造园的活动日益广泛,使得道学对古典园林的影响更加深化和普化。

    Especially after Tang and Song dynasty , as literary directly involved in gardening activity increasing , the influence of Daoism on classical garden has been deeper and more popular .

  30. 然后回到审美观,东方人重意境、轻技巧的审美观与老庄玄学、道学中模糊性不可分割。

    Then returns to the aesthetic standard , the Oriental heavy ideal condition , in the light skill aesthetic standard and the Lao-Zhuang metaphysics , Neo-Confucianism the fuzziness is inalienable .