
  • 网络moral relativism;ethical relativism;moral relativists
  1. 道德相对主义的困境及道德共识的重建

    The Problem of Moral Relativism and the Reconstruction of Common Moral

  2. 第三,陷入道德相对主义。

    Thirdly , it degenerated into moral relativism .

  3. 第三章着重探讨构建普遍伦理的可能性思路。首先,在否定的意义上指出不能在道德相对主义和道德绝对主义的框架内建构普遍伦理及其原因;

    Chapter Three emphasizes on the possible construction of universal ethics .

  4. 这一概念被称作道德相对主义。

    This concept is called moral relativism .

  5. 从道德相对主义到核心价值观&学校道德教育转向的心理学思考

    From Moral Relativism to Core Values ; Psychological Considerations about the Reorientation of School Moral Education

  6. 在价值多元社会中,学校德育面临道德相对主义的挑战。

    In a pluralistic society of values school moral education is facing the challenge of moral relativism .

  7. 全球网络的文化与交流:文化多元性,道德相对主义,以及一种全球伦理的希望?

    Culture and communication on global networks : cultural diversity , moral relativism , and hope for a global ethic ?

  8. 社群主义的文化观也存在道德相对主义和否认公共理性普适性的危险。

    The cultural views of communitarianism also bear some danger in advocating moral relativism and denying the universality of public reasons .

  9. 网络技术的虚拟性、道德相对主义盛行、商业网站利欲驱动等是其产生的内外部根源。

    It originates from the virtual nature of cyber technology , the prevalence of ethical relativism , and the profit-driven practices of commercial websites .

  10. 道德相对主义,披着各种名义的外衣,踏步前行,经由所谓的知识阶级之中乏味卑劣且自称无所不知的人一路炒作。

    Moral relativism , cloaked in jargon , was on the march , promoted by the tedious , despicable know-alls of the supposedly educated classes .

  11. 但是,社群主义并未真正突破西方的自由传统,它本身存在的矛盾和缺陷以及导致的道德相对主义倾向也使社群主义无法摆脱道德评价上的缺失和不足。

    But the western tradition of freedom is not really broken through by it . Its contradiction , defect and morals relativism cause itself to be criticized .

  12. 人们只有首先在程序中符合正义的标准,才能够确立起有稳固伦理基础的社会正义。其次,在价值多元化的背景下,如果要避免道德上的价值相对主义,也必须从程序的角度出发。

    People cannot establish a solid ethical foundation of social justice without in line with the standards of process of justice . Second , in the context of the pluralistic value , to avoid the relativism in moral value , we must begin with the view of procedure .

  13. 这一个是很多人都认为具有说服力的论点,我们必须尊重所有的道德信条,所以道德相对主义是真实的。

    Here 's one that 's actually lots of people do think is persuasive We must respect all moral beliefs , therefore moral relativism is true .

  14. 西方道德教育从强调道德相对主义到提倡核心价值观,反映了西方社会对学校道德教育实效性的一种反思。

    The change from emphasizing moral relativism to recommending the core values education in Western moral education have reflected the western society 's new understanding of the effectiveness of moral education .

  15. 网络空间的道德冲突使网民陷入道德相对主义之中;

    Moral conflicting in network space makes net man fall into moral relativism ;

  16. 第一章主要是应对道德实践多样性和道德相对主义的挑战,说明道德普遍性的存在。

    Chapter One points out there exists moral universalism . The plurality of moral practices cannot negate the existence of object moral values ;

  17. 对普遍伦理可能性问题的考察,既要超越启蒙道德对普遍性价值标准的谋划方式,又要从后现代主义的道德相对主义和虚无主义消极立场中杀出重围。

    The study of the feasibility of " general ethics " should transcend the general standards of value defined by enlightenment morals and break through the pessimism of postmodern moral relativism and nihilism .

  18. 现代技术的伦理困境深刻影响着现代人的道德世界观,突显了道德的相对性和主观性,从而为道德领域中的相对主义倾向提供了孳生的土壤和蔓延的空间。

    The ethical dilemmas of modern technologies have a deep effect on the moral worldview of the moderns . Such dilemmas reveal the relativity of the morality and give rise to the spread of moral relativism .

  19. 麦氏认为启蒙运动为道德谋划的道德合理性企图已无可避免地失败了,当今社会是一个道德相对主义盛行的社会,道德生活充斥着断言与反断言的持续不休的争论。

    Mai thought that Enlightenment the moral rationality attempt which plans for the morals has been defeated inevitably . Nowadays the society is a moral relativism society . The virtuous life floods the continuous argument with the counter-assertion .

  20. 它被称为自封式论点的原因是,这是道德的绝对化,我们应该尊重所有的道德信仰,你不能从道德绝对主义中得出道德相对主义。

    The reason that is a self sealing argument is that is a moral absolute , that we must respect all moral beliefs you cannot derive a moral relativism from a moral absolute .