
dào lù xì tǒng
  • road system
  1. 本文分析了上海交通的现状及所存在的问题,分析了上海道路系统的潜力和采用lTS的可能性。

    In this article , analysis is made of the existing traffic condition and problems in Shanghai , the potential capacity of Shanghai 's road system , and the possibility for adoption of ITS .

  2. 利用MAPC以网路为基础的GIS工具,使用者可以在正片上观察道路系统、水流、界限和MBTA等。

    With the MAPC web-based GIS tool , users can see the road system , water bodies , boundaries , MBTA lines , etc , on top of orthophotos .

  3. 最后,本模型应用于加拿大多伦多的401高速公路和辅道组成的混合道路系统,并且对CMS系统设置结果进行了检验。

    Lastly , the proposed model is applied to the Highway 401 express-collector freeway system in Toronto and CMS location solutions are examined .

  4. 卫星遥感图象中道路系统提取方法的研究

    A Study of Road System Detection in a Remotely Sensed Satellite Image

  5. 台北市道路系统发展对城市外部形状演变的影响

    Research on the Impact on Street System forwards Urban Morphology in Taipei

  6. 交通荷载下层状道路系统动应力特征分析

    Studies on dynamic stress characters of layered road system under traffic loading

  7. 可持续发展的城市自行车道路系统规划

    Plan for Sustainable Development of Urban Bicycle Road System

  8. 城市环网式道路系统规划与设计初探

    Discussion on planning and design of ring and radial system in urban area

  9. 城市交通发展策略与道路系统

    The measures of urban traffic development and highway system

  10. 基于景观生态的丘陵地区城市道路系统研究

    The Study on Urban Road System of Hills Region Based on Ecological Landscape

  11. 中等城市道路系统规划发展浅析

    Study on the Development and Planning of Road System in Middle Scale Cities

  12. 北京市城市快速道路系统节点分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on Nodes of Urban Express Road System in Beijing City

  13. 交通事故发生规律与城市道路系统的规划设计研究

    Study on Occurrence of Traffic Accident and Planning Design of Urban Road Network

  14. 电机输送的道路系统。

    A system of roads for motor transport .

  15. 第三是交通道路系统不完善;

    Third , the traffic system isnot perfected .

  16. 基于网络规划的道路系统设计

    Application of Network Programming to Highway System Design

  17. 基于海湾型城市的泉州市区道路系统分析研究

    Analytical Research on the Road System of the Centre of the Bay City Quanzhou

  18. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。

    The new road system permit the free flow of traffic at all times .

  19. 居住区道路系统与交通安全

    Road System and Traffic Safety in Residential Areas

  20. 河北省满城县卧龙山庄道路系统规划研究

    Study on the Road System Planning of Wolong Villa in Mancheng County Hebei Province

  21. 车的数量越来越多,因此道路系统需要拓展。

    The number of cars keeps increasing , so road systems should be expanded .

  22. 自然保护区道路系统的初步探讨

    Design of the Road in Nature Reserve

  23. 目前,天水围已拥有相当完善的交通网络及设计妥善的道路系统。

    Tin Shui Wai already has an excellent transportation network and a well-designed road system .

  24. 德国高效城市道路系统分析

    Effective Urban Roads System in Germany

  25. 聚落一章,分析了选址布局、道路系统、建筑构成。

    The chapter of traditional settlement analysised the site layout , road system , building form .

  26. 城市道路系统布局是否合理,直接关系到城市能否经济而又合理的发展。

    Reasonable layout of city road system directly relates to economic and reasonable development of city .

  27. 道路系统易损性分析

    Vulnerability Analysis of Road System

  28. 作为汽车的数量增加,更多的资金用于道路系统。

    As the number of cars increases , more money has to be spent on road systems .

  29. 随着城市交通道路系统的日益复杂,人们对车辆定位精度的要求也越来越高。

    With the increasing complexity of urban traffic system , the demand of vehicle positioning accuracy has been increasing .

  30. 预防性养护是一种在路面状况良好的情况下采取的对现有道路系统进行有计划的、基于费用一效益的养护策略。

    Preventive maintenance of existing road system plan is a good road to take , based on cost-effectiveness of conservation strategies .