
  • 网络Taoist Buildings
  1. 其一,是对道教建筑的装饰进行一个全面的阐述。

    First , a comprehensive exposition of Taoist buildings decorated .

  2. 装载武当和它的道教建筑已经被列为世界文化遗产地。

    Mount Wudang and its Taoist buildings have been listed as world cultural heritage sites .

  3. 浅述河北古代道教建筑及文化特色

    On the Ancient Tao Architecture and the Cultural Characteristics in Hebei Province

  4. 道教建筑是道教文化和道教思想的载体。

    Taoist architecture is the carrier of taoist culture and taoist thought .

  5. 试论武当山道教建筑群的等级观念

    The Degree Concepts Reflected from Wudang Mountains Taoist Building Complex

  6. 中国道教建筑艺术的形成、发展与成就

    Formation , Development and Achievement of Chinese Taoism Architectural Arts

  7. 道教建筑自身的发展也经历了不同的阶段,从简陋的茅屋演变成恢宏的宫观。

    The architecture itself has experienced different stages from shabby huts to magnificent palaces .

  8. 台湾道教建筑的脊饰艺术

    Ridge ornament arts of Taiwan Taoism construction

  9. 道教建筑形态初探&以山西省道教建筑为例

    A Probe into the Form of Taoism Architecture & Based on Examples in Shanxi Province

  10. 道教建筑应有的独特风格

    Particular style of Taoism Buildings

  11. 广惠宫是南浔古镇上,源远流长且富有地域文化色彩的道教建筑遗存。

    And reserving its long history and rich regional culture accumulation , it is the remaining Taoist architecture of Nanxun Town .

  12. 道教建筑是伴随着道教的传播与壮大而逐渐发展起来的。道教又是中国土生土长的宗教形式,其来源于中华先民的原始崇拜。

    Taoism architecture has been developed with the spreading and expanding of the Chinese local religion Taoism which came from primitive religion .

  13. 山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名“黄龙古寺”。据松潘县志记载,该建于明代(公元1368一1644年)。

    On the hilltop stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery , a Taoist retreat hilt in the Ming Dynasty ( 1368 -- 1644 ) .

  14. 道教建筑同其他的建筑一样,有着它固有的历史存在价值,是道教历史发展的有力证明。

    Taoist architectures with other buildings , with its inherent existence value , are the history of the development of Taoism history strong evidence .

  15. 只是一直以来,学术界对于道教建筑的研究是有限的,这与我国现今遗存的道教建筑的客观局限性有着莫大的关系,也是道教建筑研究的一大缺憾。

    But since , academic research of Taoist architectures is limited , and it remains the present construction of objective limitation of Taoism , is a great relationship between building a study of Taoism .

  16. 本文从文化现象出发,关注道教建筑文化内涵及其民俗精神,对道教建筑的平面功能、空间形态、构造技术与装饰艺术进行了分析。

    With a concern of social culture factors as Taoism intension and folklore , the thesis investigates the aspect of plane function , space form , structure technology and decoration art of Taoism architecture .

  17. 数、质、文、位四种列等方式在武当道教建筑实践中演化为宏观和微观两个向度的多个方面的等级表征。

    The four rank manners of number , quality , culture and position has , in Wudang Taoist buildings , evolved into many dimensional demonstrations of the two directions of the macroscopic and the microscopic .

  18. 如果说山东境内的道教名山建筑风格与众不一的话,那么应该是平邑之北的蒙山了。

    If there really exists a representative Taoist architectural style in Shandong Province , it would be the buildings found on Mount .

  19. 清代后期,由于战乱和地震等自然灾害,道教文化建筑遭到了很大破坏,但民间仍很活跃;

    But unfortunately in the late of the Qing Dynasty , Taoism culture buildings were badly destroyed by wars , earthquakes and the like .

  20. 根据对相关资料和数据的统计,关中地区道教遗存建筑共有239处,其中宋代建筑1处,元代建筑10处,其余均为明清建筑,且以清代建筑为主。

    According to the relevant data and data statistics , there were guanzhong area remains Taoism in Song dynasty , including building 239 , building 10 , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties buildings for the rest , and in Qing dynasty architecture .

  21. 道教的世俗化使得简易的乡野道教建筑林立,成为现代关中地区道教遗存建筑的主要组成部分。

    The secularization of Taoism , Taoist architectures make simple farm , with modern guanzhong area remains Taoism became the main component architecture .

  22. 具体为:1.论文分析了道教的思想起源,并论证两种类型的神灵崇拜导致了道教建筑的产生。

    Such as : 1 . Paper analyzed the origins of Taoist thought , and demonstrated two types of " divine worship " to lead to the emergence of Taoist buildings .

  23. 道教文化内涵丰富,包括了文学艺术、生命哲学、医药养生、道教建筑、历史遗迹等多种文化资源。

    The connotation of Taoism culture is very prolific , including literature and art 、 life philosophy 、 medicine and health 、 Taoism architecture 、 historical relic and so on .