
  • 网络traffic;Road Traffic;Road transport
  1. 与残疾人停车位不同的是,德国道路交通法规中并未明确指定女性停车位,因此只在私人停车区域实行。

    In contrast to disabled parking spaces , women 's parking spaces are not designated in the German road traffic code and are therefore only allowed in private parking areas .

  2. 不过,只要私人停车区域不在联邦道路交通法规管辖范围内,其主人就可要求该区域只供女性使用。

    However , as landlord , the operator of the parking facility can insist that these spaces be used only by women as long as it is not claimed that the parking facility falls under the rules of the federal road traffic code .

  3. 警方今天开展了一场减少道路交通事故的运动。

    Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents .

  4. 50%的道路交通事故都会导致头部损伤。

    Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries

  5. 如更多的人骑自行车,英国一年能在道路交通上节省46亿英镑的开销。

    Britain could save £ 4.6 billion a year in road transport costs if more people cycled

  6. 适于道路交通安全分析和管理的GIS研究

    The study of GIS in the road traffic safety analysis and management

  7. 基于GIS城市道路交通噪声环境管理系统的构架与实现

    The structure of urban traffic noise environment management system base on GIS

  8. 智能交通系统(IntelligentTransportationsystem)这一研究领域便应运而生,而道路交通标志识别系统是智能交通系统的重要组成部分。

    Intelligent Transport Systems have come into being in this research field . The road traffic sign recognition system is an important component of the intelligent transportation system .

  9. 能否准确地对城市道路交通流进行预测,便成为智能交通系统(IntelligentTransportationsystem,1TS)关键解决的问题之一。

    One critical problem of the intelligent transportation system ( ITS ) is whether or not to predict traffic flow of urban roads accurately .

  10. 重点针对道路交通事故灰色和随机不确定性,研究了一阶单变量灰色预测模型,即GM(1,1)模型。

    In light of the grey and stochastic uncertainty of the road traffic accident , an one-step and single-variable grey forecast model GM ( 1,1 ) has been investigated .

  11. 在道路交通事故预测模型和方法研究的基础上,论文运用MATLAB的GUI编程技术,开发了道路交通事故预测的辅助软件。

    Based on the research of the forecasting models and methods of road accidents , the MATLAB 's GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) development technology is applied and the auxiliary software of road accidents forecasting is developed .

  12. 总结了LX-A系列-LED道路交通灯的研制过程。

    The design of LED traffic light signal was described .

  13. 城市道路交通系统是一个离散和连续相结合的混合动态系统,具有动态、并发及同步等特征,混合Petri网可以很好地描述城市道路交通网的静态属性及动态行为。

    Urban traffic system , which is characterized by dynamics , concurrence and synchronization , is a Hybrid dynamic system involving discrete and continuous behaviors . The static attribute and the dynamic actions of urban traffic system can be modeled through Hybrid Petri Net .

  14. 本研究的目的是对城市中心商业区(CBD)内的公交线路实施合理管理,减少CBD内过于集中的公交线路和停车站点对道路交通和商店街景观的影响,削减CBD内的交通公害。

    This study aims to proper manage bus lines and bus stops in CBD , to reduce the negative impacts of dense bus lines on road traffic and landscape in CBD , and to improve tail gas emission , traffic noise and vibration .

  15. 本文着重研究视觉导引智能AGV系统在路径跟踪过程中对道路交通路标进行识别并给出AGV的运动控制信号的方法。

    Accordingly , this paper analyzes " research on tracking trails system of port intelligent AGV based on vision navigate " The paper focuses on vision navigate intelligent AGV system in the process of tracking trails on road signpost recognition technology and how to give controlling signals according to it .

  16. 阐述一种新型的路况信息监控器&远程交通微波传感器RTMS的工作原理及技术特性,并与其它道路交通检测技术性能进行了分析比较。

    The operating principle and technical characteristics of a new type of road condition information monitors , called remote traffic microwave sensors ( RTMS ), are expatiated upon in this paper , and its technical characteristics are compared with those of other road traffic detectors .

  17. 方法根据Haddon模型的原理,结合本地区道路交通事故发生情况专门制作了道路交通伤调查问卷。

    Methods Based on the theory of Haddon 's model and the incidence of local traffic accident , we designed the ' questionnaire for injure from traffic accident ' . The questionnaire was revised according to pre-investigation .

  18. 城市交通控制系统(UTCS)和城市交通诱导系统(UTGS)是智能交通系统(ITS)对道路交通进行在线实时管理的核心部分。

    UTCS ( Urban Traffic Control System ) and UTGS ( Urban Traffic Guidance System ) are the core parts of ITS ( Intelligence Transportation System ) in the Real-time management of urban traffic .

  19. 城市道路交通噪声影响因素与传播规律分析

    The Urban Road Traffic Noise Impact Factor and Spreading Regularity Analysis

  20. 我国道路交通信号灯的现状分析

    The Analysis for the Current Situation of Traffic Light in China

  21. 重庆ITS示范工程对道路交通安全作用的模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of the Effect of Chongqing ITS on Traffic Safety

  22. 道路交通安全文化建设水平评价指标体系研究

    Studies on Evaluation Indexes of Road Traffic Safety Culture Construction Levels

  23. 基于GPS/GIS的道路交通安全预报研究

    The highway traffic safety forecast research base on GPS and GIS

  24. 浅析新《道路交通安全法》的新特点

    Elementary Analysis on a New " Road Traffic Safety Law "

  25. 道路交通安全问题与我们的日常生活密切相关。

    Road safety issues is closely related to our daily lives .

  26. 因此开展道路交通行人保护工作势在必行。

    Therefore , to carry out road traffic pedestrian protection is imperative .

  27. 道路交通事故紧急救援保障体系与技术支持

    Road traffic accidents emergency rescue security system and technical support

  28. 道路交通事故预测及控制研究

    Study on the Forecast and Control of Road Traffic Accidents

  29. 城市道路交通系统抗震可靠性研究及应用

    Research and Application on Seismic Reliability for Urban Transportation System

  30. 促进我国道路交通安全建设策略的探讨

    Probe into the Tactics in Improving the Road Traffic Safety