
  • 网络moral knowledge
  1. 它质疑道德知识的确定性,强调道德知识的不确定性;

    It queries certainty of moral knowledge , emphasizes its uncertainty ;

  2. 第4章,道德知识与德育课程。

    Chapter Four is about moral knowledge and moral education curriculum .

  3. 道德知识与德育课程也是本研究主题的基本变量。

    Moral knowledge and moral education curriculum are also essential variables .

  4. 由被动传递道德知识的教书匠转向教学的设计者、课程的开发者;

    From a passive didact to an active teaching designer and curriculum developer ;

  5. 三维架构中的中国道德知识&二十一世纪中国道德文化建设前景展望

    Chinese Moral Knowledge in A Three-dimensional Framework

  6. 向善主要是在理解人际文本的过程中,学生接受道德知识发展道德能力等,具有丰富的道德蕴涵和德性考量。

    Good-oriented means that students receive moral knowledge and develop moral capacity in the process of understanding interpersonal text .

  7. 道德知识与其它类型的知识相比较,具有主观性、控制性、情境性和生成性等特性。

    Compared with other knowledge , it has some different characteristics , such as subjective , controlling , situational and generative ones .

  8. 学校德育课程作为道德知识的组织平台,框定了道德知识在学校场域中的生存命运。

    As an organizational platform of moral knowledge , school moral education curriculum frames the existence destiny of moral knowledge in the school domain .

  9. 道德知识是一种价值之知,中职生对道德知识的接受,是建立在情感认同的基础上的。

    Moral knowledge is a kind of value knowledge . Vocational students ' moral knowledge acceptance is built on the basis of emotion recognition .

  10. 目前学校德育软弱无力。学校德育局限于传授道德知识,忽略了道德情感、道德意志和道德行为;

    The fact that moral education is weak in classroom results from mere moral knowledge regardless of moral emotions , moral will and moral behaviors .

  11. 环境伦理教育是有组织、有计划地对全体社会成员传播环境道德知识和培养环境道德素养的活动。

    Environmental ethic education is a systematical and designed activity of spreading environmental morality knowledge in all the society and forming their environmental morality consciousness .

  12. 教师必须提高自己的道德知识和道德认知能力,端正自己的教育态度,优化自己的教育行为;

    Teachers must develop their own moral knowledge and moral identification ability , take a correct attitude towards education themselves and optimize their own teaching behavior .

  13. 在学位制度的全球化进程中,传统、普遍的道德知识被逐渐分解,以科学为代表的西方认知体系成为知识的主体。

    Traditionally shared moral knowledge melts into the western cognitive system , which is represented by science and has gradually become the main part of knowledge .

  14. 作为真理代言人、道德知识的灌输者、课堂管理者的传统教师角色已远远不能适应新课程的需要,教师角色的转换势在必行。

    Being spokesman of truth , inculcator of moral knowledge and manager of class , teachers of traditional type must adapt their new role correspondingly to New Curriculum of Education .

  15. 本章力图通过道德知识与德育课程关系的视角,发掘高校德育课程现存中的问题,并寻求产生问题的根源。

    From the perspective of the relation between moral knowledge and moral education curriculum , this chapter intends to explore the problems and reasons in moral education curriculum in institutions of higher learning .

  16. 第一,德育课程的滥觞与学科定位。本节探讨了德育学科地位与德育课程的缘起,以及德育课程的特点等。第二,德育课程:人与道德知识相遇的平台。

    Firstly , discussing the subject position , the foundation as well as the characteristics of moral education curriculum etc. Secondly , mentioning moral education curriculum , the platform on which people meet with moral knowledge .

  17. 在这个过程中青年缺少系统的道德知识教育等问题,其内在原因是道德教育形式单一;传媒带来的负面影响;

    The reasons why youth lack moral knowledge in the process are the simplism in moral education , the negative effects of mass media , pluralism and contradiction of social values and psychological pressures in life .

  18. 如果不能赋予学生一定的道德知识,不能形成学生对好人好事的羡慕、热爱和对坏人坏事的仇视、憎恨,那么,培养出来的人才,他的行为就是失去道德标准的,软弱无力且难以见诸实效的。

    If our moral education neither endows the students with certain moral knowledge nor shapes their admiration and love to goodness together with hostility and hate to badness , the talents cultivated are certain to act weakly and inefficiently without a moral standard .

  19. 思想政治课的教育固然是向学生传授与社会发展要求相一致的道德知识,但更重要的是情感、人格的陶冶过程,是精神享受的过程,是提升生命质量的过程。

    The education of this course is to teach student moral knowledge which conforms to social development . But more importantly , it is educational processes for students ' emotion and personality , for their spirit enjoyment , and for improving their living quality .

  20. 道德知识和道德智慧是前提,道德生活的投身与体验是基础,行为过程中的道德反省是关键,道德境界的归化是目标。

    Its prerequisite is the knowledge and wisdom of morality , and it based on the practice and experience in moral life . The crucial point is the moral introspection of one 's behavior , and its aim is the return of the moral world .

  21. 传统哲学通过理性形而上学来说明道德知识的生成,在个体本位主义的基础上确立个体的自由、理性和道德之间的相关性,建立主导西方历史和文化的道德合理性模式。

    The traditional philosophy interprets the formation of moral knowledge via rational metaphysics . In accordance with this interpretation , the rational pattern of morality , which dominated Western histories and cultures , was founded on the association between individual freedom , ration and morality based on individual departmentalism .

  22. 对伦理,道德,知识教育学的反拔;

    To the ethics , the morals , the knowledge pedagogy ;

  23. 职业道德·知识·能力&高校教师素质构成的三个基本要素探析

    Three Elements of Teachers ' Quality Composition in Higher Schools

  24. 重道德理论知识传授,忽视个人的道德修养和践履;

    Focus on teaching theoretical knowledge and neglect personal moral improvement and practice .

  25. 道德文化知识分为陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识。

    Moral cultural knowledge consists of narrative knowledge , procedure knowledge and strategic knowledge .

  26. 美德、道德、知识是什么?

    What is virtue , morality , knowledge ?

  27. 道德与知识是相辅相成的。

    Knowledge and wisdom complement one another .

  28. 高师教育现状反思跨越道德与知识的鸿沟&关于高校德育现状的反思

    Bridging the gap between moral and knowledge & reflections on the present state of moral education in higher schools

  29. 认为体育教师在不断提高教学水平的同时,还应注重道德、知识和能力等方面的修养。

    It is believed that sports teachers of the university should improve both teaching level and their morality , knowledge competence .

  30. 知识的道德是知识主体对知识所秉持和恪守的一种道德态度。

    Morality of knowledge is an attitude about ethics , which the knowledge main body must be stick to and uphold .