
  • 网络Parliamentary System;the parliamentary regime;the British Parliament
议会制度 [yì huì zhì dù]
  • [parliamentarism]具有行政和立法互相依存特性的政府体制,通常有个空衔的国家元首,而行政实权却赋予内阁, 内阁由议员组成,他们各自地和集体地对议会负责

  1. 这种议会制度是模仿了英国议会制度。

    The Parliamentary system is closely modeled on the Westminster system .

  2. 对公众事务的广泛辩论可以大大充实我们的议会制度。

    General debates on public affairs can greatly enrich our parliamentary system .

  3. 他在立宪、议会制度以及选举制度等方面都有自身的见解。

    His constitutional idea , parliament system and election system etc.

  4. 国际代议和议会制度史委员会

    International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Ins

  5. 这是我们目前使用的选举我们的议会制度。

    This is the system we currently use to elect our Parliament .

  6. 我们必须使议会制度摆脱其封建起源。

    We must wrench the parliamentary system away from its feudal origin .

  7. 美国对加拿大联邦议会制度的影响

    The United States had had Impact on the Federal Parliamentary Institution of Canada

  8. 芬兰有半总统议会制度。

    Finland has a semi-presidential system with parliamentarism .

  9. 近代以来,西方各国建立起来的议会制度是西方政治体制的核心。

    The parliamentary system established recently in Western countries is the core of Western political system .

  10. 这些特点表明,民盟设计的议会制度有一定的进步性。

    These characteristics shows that the Parliamentarism designed by the Chinese is progressive to a certain extent .

  11. 第二部分即本文的第二章,民初地方议会制度的初试。

    Part II is Chapter Two & the first try of the parliamentary system at the provincial level .

  12. 封建地产制度直接塑造了英国的议会制度并且保留了地方自治的传统。

    The feudal real estate system directly molded England ` parliamentary system and retained the local autonomous tradition .

  13. 地方政权体制主要从地方行政机构、地方议会制度和地方政党制度三个角度来进行详细的论述。

    It is introduced from three perspectives of local administrative bodies , local council institutions and local party system .

  14. 其次,进一步完善体现宽容理念的选举、政党与议会制度等常规宪政机制。

    Secondly , we ought to make perfect general constitutional mechanisms such as electoral system , and congress , etc.

  15. 民国时期国体与政体的非一致性及民国政府形式与内容的非统一性也是议会制度屡遭破坏的内在原因。

    That is to say , the form of the government and its regime were not unified , therefore it was often demolished .

  16. 早期的中国人逐渐认识到,以议会制度为特点的西方国家政体是西方国家富强的根本原因。

    Early Chinese people come to realize that the parliamentary system characterized by the political system is the root cause of Western prosperity of the country .

  17. 在政治制度方面,他对英国的君民相维系的政党和议会制度很是赞赏,对英国的法律所要求的人人平等,尤为羡慕。

    In political system , he appreciated the British political parties and parliamentary system with constitutional monarchy and admired the British law that all men were equal .

  18. 第一部分亦即本文的第一章,民初议会制度形成的条件。民国初年之所以采用议会共和制,不是一种偶然现象,而是与中国特定的历史背景分不开的。

    Toward the Republic Part I is Chapter One & the conditions of the formation of the parliamentary system at the beginning of the Republic of China .

  19. 在与王权的斗争与妥协中,引导着英国议会制度的建立与发展。

    During the monarchical time , they were the social group with cohesion and creativity to combat and compromise with king , they established British parliamentary system .

  20. 英国以议会制度为核心的独特的混合君主制在17世纪的形成,彰显出英国宪政革命浓厚的博弈色彩。

    With the emergence of the unique Mixed Monarchy in the 17th century , kernelled on the parliament , the English constitutional revolution displayed a strong color of game .

  21. 其中虽不乏理想成分,但对当时特别是民初的议会制度、政党政治产生了相当影响。

    Though with some ideal elements , they exerted a great impact at that time , especially on parliamentarism and party politics in the first years of the Republic .

  22. 弗吉尼亚殖民地议会制度演进的历史为美国的政治文化的发展提供了有益的教材,有着极其重要的历史价值。

    The evolving history of Virginian colonial parliamentary system provides useful teaching material to the development of American political culture , and it has an extremely important historical value .

  23. 英国各阶层为争取政治权利的斗争很少脱离议会制度的框架之外,在绝大多数情况下,都是围绕着选举权而展开的。

    All the classes in Britain seldom deviate from the parliamentary system in the process of fighting for political rights . In most cases , they aimed at suffrage .

  24. 立法辩论制度产生于西方政治文明,发源于英国议会制度,以追求平等、自由为价值核心。

    Legislative debate on the system arising from Western political civilization , originated in the British parliamentary system , in pursuit of equality , the core value of freedom .

  25. 临时参议院在实际活动中所存在的种种不良现象,使多数民众对西方议会制度在中国的实现产生质疑并最终失望。

    The various adverse phenomenon in practical activities of the Provisional Senate have made majority people queried the achievement that brought the western congress system to China and ultimately disappointed .

  26. 在此基础上,以马克思主义的历史唯物主义为指导,对资产阶级议会制度在中国的作用进行全面、系统和深入的分析,对其坎坷的历史命运进行评价,力求得出客观、公允的结论。

    Another aim is to analyze the effect of the bourgeoisie parliamentary thoughts by using the historical materialistic method of Marxism , and draw out an impersonal and faire conclusion .

  27. 日本是一个实行君主立宪政治制度的国家,其地方议会制度自明治初期实施以来即在日本国家政治制度中占据着极其重要的地位。

    Japan is a country of constitutional monarchy , and its local diets system has been holding an important position in the state political system of Japan since it was practised at early of Meiji period .

  28. 其中正文部分包括三章:第一章分析弗吉尼亚议会制度的产生与设置及其社会渊源;第二章梳理弗吉尼亚议会演变的脉络及其特点;第三章总结弗吉尼亚议会制度的历史地位和意义。

    The main body consists of three chapters . The first chapter analyses the birth , setting and social origin of Virginian parliamentary system . The second chapter clarifies the evolvement and characteristics of Virginian parliamentary system .

  29. 宗派情结是议会制度实验失败的一个重要因素,而宗派情结背后所凝结的传统文化情结,更加说明了议会制度与中国政治文化传统的互不兼容。

    The fancy of sect is an important reason why the experiment of parliamentarism failed , while the fancy of traditional culture behind the fancy of sect explains more the non-compatibility between parliamentarism and Chinese political cultural tradition .

  30. 自1848年开始,荷兰实行议会制度,1815年起它成为了君主宪政国家,因为在1581年至1806年它是一个共和政体的国家(1806年至1815年荷兰被法国占领)。

    The Netherlands has been a parliamentary democracy since 1848 and a constitutional monarchy since 1815 ; before that it had been a republic from 1581 to 1806 ( it was occupied by France between 1806 and 1815 ) .