
yì dìng shū
  • protocol
议定书 [yì dìng shū]
  • [protocol] 一种国际文件,是缔约国关于个别问题所取得的协议,通常是正式条约的修正或补充;国际会议上经过各方签字的会议记录

议定书[yì dìng shū]
  1. 那些政治家签了议定书。

    The statesmen signed a protocol .

  2. 中国-新西兰自贸协定升级议定书于1月26日正式签署。中国和新西兰于1月26日签署自贸协定升级议定书,这意味着将给两国企业和百姓带来更多利好。中国和新西兰的自贸协定已签署了12年。

    China and New Zealand on Tuesday signed a protocol on upgrading their 12-year-old free trade agreement ( FTA ) , which is expected to bring more benefits to the businesses and peoples of the two countries .

  3. (七)依照日内瓦公约及其附加议定书的有关规定开展工作。

    and ( 7 ) to conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols .

  4. 3.本议定书应交存WTO总干事。

    This Protocol shall be deposited with the Director-General of the WTO .

  5. 论《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》中与WTO规则冲突的贸易措施

    On Trade Related Measures under Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Conflicting with WTO Rules

  6. 《京都议定书》减排机制与WTO贸易规则的冲突及协调

    Reduction Mechanism of Kyoto Protocol and Trade Rules of WTO : Conflict and Co-Ordination

  7. 首先,《议定书》附件B规定了工业化国家关于强制减排义务的承诺。

    Firstly , Annex B of Kyoto Protocol lists the commitment of carbon emission reduction by the industrialized countries .

  8. 去年,在联合国根据议定书认证的碳排放额度(carboncredit)项目当中,有73%位于中国。

    Last year , 73 per cent of carbon credit projects certified by the United Nations under the protocol were based in China .

  9. 根据1997年的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol),只有工业化国家才必须削减温室气体排放。

    Under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol , only industrialised nations must cut greenhouse gases .

  10. 这能为明年出台一份替代《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的强有力协议奠定基础。

    That can provide the basis for a strong treaty next year to succeed the Kyoto protocol .

  11. 1987年,美国大力推动签署限制排放破坏臭氧层化学物的《蒙特利尔议定书》(MontrealProtocol)。

    In 1987 , the US pushed hard for the Montreal Protocol , which restricted ozone-depleting chemicals .

  12. 后一冲突主要表现在京都议定书的生态标识、能效标准、灵活机制与WTO规则的冲突以及二者争端解决机制的冲突。

    The latter confliction mainly displays in the contradiction of WTO rules and ecological identification , energy efficiency standards , flexible mechanism of Kyoto protocol .

  13. 在长达数百页的中国加入WTO议定书中,金融服务贸易占有很重的份量。

    The ratio of financial trade service is more than others in the contracts , longer than hundreds pages , of China entering into WTO .

  14. 针对气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的后继协议,将以此份报告为基础。

    The report will form the basis for negotiations on a possible successor to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change .

  15. 即便意愿存在,实施限制也会成为问题,京都议定书(kyotoprotocol)就充分证明了这点。

    Even if the will were there enforcing the caps would be a problem , as the Kyoto Protocol amply attests .

  16. 工作组成员要求中国向所获授权涵盖通知主题的WTO机构提交议定书(草案)和工作组报告书所要求的通知。

    Party requested that China submit the notifications required in the Draft Protocol and Report to the WTO body with a mandate covering the subject of the notification .

  17. 中国在加入WTO议定书中同意其他的缔约国在15年内继续对中国以非市场经济看待,对中国的受控倾销的产品采用非市场经济待遇。

    At the time of entering into the WTO , China agreed to allow WTO members to treat it as non-market economy country in the coming fifteen years .

  18. 我国应当按照WTO的要求和中国加入议定书的承诺,维持、建立和完善相应的司法审查制度,并尽快完善相应的司法制度。

    We should maintain , establish and Perfect our judicial review system and judicial system at large in accordance with the requirement of WTO and the Commitments of China .

  19. 依据《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)负有碳减排共同义务的15个欧盟国家,大体上仍然有望实现减排目标。

    The 15 EU countries with a collective Kyoto Protocol obligation to cut carbon emissions are still broadly on track to meet their obligations .

  20. 然而,只有在各国现在就做出严肃努力、以达成有约束力的后续协议来取代《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的情况下,这种推迟才是值得的。

    This postponement will only be worthwhile , however , if countries now put serious effort into agreeing a binding successor to the Kyoto protocol .

  21. 这种放弃结束了自1997年《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)开始的故事,其高潮出现在去年12月的哥本哈根气候变化峰会上。

    This surrender concludes a story that began with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and reached its climax last December at the Copenhagen climate change conference .

  22. 如行政法规、部门规章或其他措施未能在此类时限内到位,则主管机关仍将信守中国在《WTO协定》和议定书(草案)项下的承诺。

    If administrative regulations , departmental rules or other measures were not in place within such time frames , authorities would still honour China 's obligations under the WTO Agreement and Protocol .

  23. 在萨科齐发表上述演讲的一周之后,来自191个国家的谈判代表将齐聚巴厘岛,就有关气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的后续协议进行谈判。

    He delivered his speech a week before negotiators from 191 countries meet in Bali for talks on a successor to the Kyoto treaty on climate change .

  24. 在两党的强力支持下,美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)以事倍功半为由,拒绝签署《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)。

    With strong bipartisan support , US President George W. Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol on the grounds that it would cost too much and deliver too little .

  25. 熟悉《蒙特利尔议定书》的指导方针、ODS国家方案以及淘汰管理战略,有承担类似项目的经验;

    Has good knowledge of MP guidelines , national ODS phase-out plan and strategy and has similar experiences ;

  26. CDM项目主管工作职责:-业务开发,识别新的《京都议定书》相关投资项目;

    CDM Project Supervisor Key Responsibilities : - Business development : identifying new Kyoto Protocol projects for investment in China ;

  27. 《京都议定书》(KyotoProtocol)的通过已有10年,但大多数工业化国家的排放还在上升,而且它们的人均排放水平保持在一个高得令人无法接受的水平。

    It has been 10 years since the Kyoto protocol was adopted . Yet most industrialised country emissions are still rising and their per capita emissions remain unacceptably high .

  28. 但作为一个发展中国家,《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)并未要求中国限制温室气体排放,因此,中国国内没有强制购买碳减排指标的需求。

    But as a developing country , China is not required to limit greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol , so there is no domestic demand for mandatory carbon credits .

  29. 京都议定书生效后全球CER成交状况分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Status of Global CER Transaction after Effectiveness of Kyoto Agreement

  30. 草案中还删除了提及就《京都议定书》(kyototreaty)替代协议开始谈判的语句,同时被删除的还有所有提及联合国(un)的语句。

    A reference to the need to begin negotiations on a successor to the Kyoto treaty is also deleted , as is all reference to the United Nations .