
yì yuán
  • deputy;parliamentarian;member of parliament(MP);Member of Parliament;congressman;assemblyman;member of a legislative assembly;assembly man
议员 [yì yuán]
  • [member of parliament(MP);assembly man;congressman] 在议会中有正式代表资格,享有表决权的成员

议员[yì yuán]
  1. 该市恰好位于州议会议员约翰•佩雷斯(JohnPérez)的选区内,这位积极进取的民主党人也担任该州议会议长。

    The city happens to be in the district of assemblyman John P é rez , a Democrat who is also the assembly 's speaker and an up-and-coming sort .

  2. 在奥尔巴尼,来自布鲁克林的民主党议员卡里姆·卡马拉(KarimCamara)正在重新修改他于2011年引入的一项改变高中招生政策的法案。

    In Albany , Assemblyman Karim Camara , a Democrat from Brooklyn , is redrafting a bill he introduced in 2011 to change admissions policies at the high schools .

  3. 他是在议员特权的保护下说出那种指责的话的。

    He made the allegation under the protection of parliamentary privilege .

  4. 图书馆将由当地下院议员正式揭幕。

    The library will be officially opened by the local MP .

  5. 国会议员希望推翻英国退出该条约的决定。

    MPs hoped to reverse Britain 's opt-out from the treaty .

  6. 几个造反的下院议员已与反对派站在一起。

    The rebel MPs have realigned themselves with the opposition party .

  7. 他们决定向本地区的下议院议员反映这一问题。

    They decided to take the matter up with their MP .

  8. 两名保守党议员已转向自由民主党人一边。

    Two Conservative MPs have gone over to the Liberal Democrats .

  9. 首相是下院议员从他们当中选出的。

    The prime minister is elected by MPs from among their number .

  10. 反对党从政者在议院的议员席提出了抗议。

    Opposition politicians registered their protest on the floor of the House .

  11. 反对党议员指责女部长玩忽职守。

    Opposition MPs charged the minister with neglecting her duty .

  12. 地方议员有义务为社区服务。

    Local councillors have a duty to serve the community .

  13. 她被推举为伍德格林选区的议员候选人。

    She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green .

  14. 她被选为巴斯选区的议员候选人。

    She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath .

  15. 当地议员将鸣枪开赛,并颁发奖品。

    The local MP will start the race and present the prizes .

  16. 有人提到他,认为他将来可以当下院议员。

    His name has been mentioned as a future MP .

  17. 他辞去了内政大臣的职务,回到后座议员席。

    He resigned as Home Secretary and returned to the back benches .

  18. 首相参与了和下院反对党议员的激烈争论。

    The Prime Minister was involved in a heated exchange with opposition MPs .

  19. 在至关重要的表决临近时,下院议员们玩起了数字游戏。

    MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer .

  20. 给你们地区的苏格兰议会议员写信抗议。

    Write to your local MSP to protest .

  21. 反对党议员席那边响起了欢呼声。

    There was cheering from the Opposition benches .

  22. 给你们地区的议员写信抗议。

    Write to your local MP to protest .

  23. 他多年担任代表亨利选区的议会议员。

    For years he sat for Henley .

  24. 她是地方议会的议员。

    She 's on the local council .

  25. 她再次当选为议员。

    She was re-elected to parliament .

  26. 他竞选过议会议员。

    He stood for parliament .

  27. 他是个资深议员,其观点受到广泛尊重。

    He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect .

  28. 这位议员被控违反了保密规定。

    The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules .

  29. 总统呼吁议员尽快通过这一方案。

    The president appealed to deputies to approve the plan quickly .

  30. 议员以99张的多数票批准了这项动议。

    Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine