
  • 网络moralizing;Morale;moral teaching;moral preaching
  1. 我对她那套超凡脱俗的道德说教厌烦透了。

    I 've had enough of her high-minded moralizing .

  2. 而这当然不是通过在谈判桌上道德说教能做到的。

    And it 's certainly not done by moralizing about the party on the other side of the table .

  3. 忘记所有关于中国工人待遇的道德说教吧。

    Forget all the moralising about the treatment of Chinese workers .

  4. 他在论文中提到了中国文学中的道德说教倾向。

    He mentioned in his paper the didactic tendency in Chinese literature .

  5. 因此,必须改变这种只注重道德说教的局面。

    Therefore , we must change this situation .

  6. 理学与《三言》、《二拍》中的道德说教

    The Relationship Between Li Xue and Moral Teaching in San Yan and Er Pai

  7. 道德说教式的教育导致思维过程的扭曲。

    A moralistic training warps the thinking process .

  8. 他认为,这甚至与经济学无关,而是一种扭曲的道德说教。

    This is not even about economics , he reckons . It is a kind of twisted moralism .

  9. 《诗经》不再是僵化政治说教和道德说教的表征,而成为活的文学典范。

    The book of songs wasn 't the expression of politics and moral , but was a vital literature model .

  10. 反之,这部电影用贝尔福特自己的方式呈现了他的形象,把道德说教留给了观众。

    Instead , it presents him much as he 'd present himself , and leaves the moralising to the viewer .

  11. 其中,多数评论着眼于小说所体现的道德说教和运用的艺术手法。

    Among others , large numbers of critical discussions are focused on its moral didacticism and the artistic methods employed in it .

  12. 就算没有完全摆脱多愁善感的道德说教,《怪胎与书呆》总体而言还是毫不动摇地站在高中生里的弃儿们这边。

    If not free of sentimental moralizing , " Freaks and Geeks " is generally unflinching in its identification with high school outcasts .

  13. 道德说教的内容与理学的伦理法则相关,有陈腐、庸俗的东西,也有值得肯定的东西。

    The content of moral teaching is connected with ethical principles , which have in it things both obsolete , vulgar and positive .

  14. 前者已得到广泛肯定和阐释,后者的主要标志是道德说教,往往被简单否定。

    The first aspect has received extensive affirmation and interpretation while the second , being marked mainly by moral teaching , is often neglected .

  15. 历史也不是像有些思想家所主张的那样是道德说教的工具,伏尔泰坚持历史的道德和实践价值。

    The history is not such which some thinkers advocated likely is the tool which the morals preach , Voltaire insists historical the morals and the practice value .

  16. 用承认禁忌存在的语言――通过丰富的语义、机智或愤怒――来违反某个禁忌,公开的秘密在于它代表着某种道德说教。

    The open secret of violating a taboo with language that through its richness , wit or rage acknowledges the taboo is that it represents a kind of moralizing .

  17. 奥斯卡·王尔德是19世纪末一位具有争议性的英国小说家和剧作家。在当时的道德说教家看来,王尔德的思想是叛逆激进,甚至是荒谬的。

    Wilde is a writer and dramatist of controversy in the late 19th century for his thoughts in the eyes of philistines seem rebel , radical and even ridiculous .

  18. 提高高校德育的有效性,要变道德说教为制度建设,以规则、规定来规范人的行为;

    Promoting effectiveness of moral education in institutions of higher learning should be shifted from moral sermonizing to system building , i.e. , regulating people 's behavior by rules and stipulations .

  19. 虽然这些可能的确存在,但同中国官员交往的方式还是体现在管字上:家长式作风、道德说教和事必躬亲。

    While that reality certainly exists , the majority of interactions with authority in China are of the kind embodied by the character gu ǎ n : paternalistic , moralistic and personal .

  20. 我们已不再愿让十八世纪偏好的道德说教所打扰,也不想光顾十九世纪喜好的冗长的风景描述。

    We no longer want to be bothered with the moral dissertation of which the eighteenth century was so fond , nor with the lengthy description of scenery which were favoured in the nineteenth .

  21. 静态审美理论实质上是一种提倡在内容摒弃道德说教与感化,通过形式传达审美情感的艺术形式观。

    Essentially , the stasis aesthetic theory is a concept on art form which advocates that a novel should discard moral preach in the content and should convey the aesthetic feelings through the text forms .

  22. 但是,由于金融制度创新能够在短期内获取巨大利益,使用传统的监管手段,无论是行政管制、经济制裁还是道德说教,都无法有效地防范风险的产生。

    However , due to great benefits brought by financial system innovation , the use of traditional supervision , whether it is administrative control , economic sanctions or moral teaching , we cannot effectively prevent the risks .

  23. 以现实题材取代历史题材,以文化启蒙取代封建道德说教,以普通民众取代达官贵人、公子小姐,以通俗易懂的白话取代艰深晦涩的文言;

    It replaces historical subject matter , feudal ethical sermons , the rich and powerful persons and the difficult classical Chinese with realistic subject matter , cultural enlightenment , ordinary people and the easily understandable vernacular Chinese .

  24. 它不是一种从外部强加于经济发展主体的道德说教,而是立足于经济发展这一特定领域而得以确立的道德律令。

    It is not a kind of ethical preach forced from outside on the subject of economic development , but the moral commands that can be established and have a foothold in the specific field of " economic development " .

  25. 合规部门应直接向最高管理层和董事会报告,并定期向华盛顿旨在严厉监督的监管机构提交公众可持续性报告,这一举措远非积极的道德说教和苍白的承诺。

    In a move beyond feelgood ethics and anaemic committees , compliance divisions should report directly to chief management and the board of directors , and periodically file public Sustainability Reports to regulatory bureaux in Washington ramped up for rigorous oversight .

  26. 《三言》《二拍》中道德说教的形式与陆王学派的简易教法相关,作为教化俗众的方式有一定的可取性;

    This thesis holds that the form of moral teaching in San Yan and Er Pai is related to the " simple " methodology adopted by the Lu and Wang School , which has its usefulness in moralizing the common people .

  27. 我反对宣扬婚前性行为不道德的说教。

    I rejected the teaching that premarital sex was immoral .

  28. 与欧洲同行相比美国作家更容易在道德上说教。

    American Romantic writers tended more to moralize than their English and European counterparts .

  29. 于是,教师成了道德的说教者,成了科学知识与真理的奉送者,成了学生认知与人格结构的塑造者。

    Thus , teacher has become the moral preacher , the knowledge deliver , as well as the personality shapers of students .

  30. 公司的社会责任必须超越道德层面的说教,将其内化为公司法自身的规范和制度,才能真正做到公司与社会的和谐发展。

    At present , it is imperative to achieve the harmonious development of the company and society .