
  • 网络teaching ideas;approach;teaching theory
  1. 你应该收集所有的奖状、成绩单、简历、甚至是教学思想,然后装订在一起。

    You should collect all your awards , transcripts , resumes , and even teaching ideas and compile them in a large binder .

  2. 谈职业教育中《工程力学》教学思想的变革

    Changes of Teaching Ideas of Engineer Mechanics in Vocational Education

  3. 对话:AA学校的建筑历史与理论的教学思想

    Conversation : aa 's method and belief in teaching architecture histories and theories

  4. 本文根据现代学习理论,在已有网络教学思想和模式的基础之上,运用现代网页技术、JSP技术、数据库技术等设计并实现了基于网络的在线学习辅助系统。

    According to modern learning theory , existing E-Learning theories and modes , we design an online aiding-study system integrating the state-of-the-arts technologies of web pages , JSP and database .

  5. 所以本文重新探索一种基于现代教学思想和现代信息技术条件下新型的教学模式:信息技术环境下基于问题学习方式(PBL:Problem-BasedLearning)。

    Thus this mode of teaching and learning is not conducive to the all-around development of the students . Therefore in the thesis the author , based upon the modern teaching concept and modern education technology , develops her own web-based problem solving teaching and learning mode .

  6. 基于现代教育技术的理论与实践,探讨了多媒体CAI课件设计与开发的教学思想以及几项最新技术,包括多媒体技术,超文本、超媒体技术和交互技术的运用。

    Based on the theory and practice of modern education technology , the teaching thoughts and the application of several new information techniques , including Multimedia , Hypertext , Hypermedia and Interactive techniques , in the design and development of multimedia CAI courseware are discussed in this paper .

  7. 对罗杰斯学生为中心教学思想的再思考

    Another Reflection on Rogers 's Idea of " Student-Centered " Teaching

  8. 唐彪语文教学思想的合理内核及其启示

    Reasonable Core and Apocalypse of Tang Biao 's Chinese Teaching Thoughts

  9. 老师的教学思想还停留在激进层面上。

    Teachers teaching thoughts still remain in the radical level .

  10. 研究首先对中西方幼儿园生命关怀教学思想进行了追溯与回顾。

    This thesis first reviews the kindergarten instruction thought of life concern .

  11. 愉快教学思想是现代教育思想的体现。

    Happy teaching is one reflect of modern education thought .

  12. 学校体育教学思想的社会学认识

    Understanding of School Physical Education Teaching Idea from Sociological Viewpoint

  13. 寓教于学是应坚持的教学思想。

    The thought of teaching combining with practice studying should be persisted .

  14. 研究的指导思想还有待端正,要用现代教育教学思想来指导教科研工作。

    We should direct education researches using modern education ideology and conception .

  15. 道格拉斯·罗宾逊以人为中心的翻译教学思想评介

    Douglas Robinson 's Person-centered Approach to Teaching and Learning Translation

  16. 快乐体育教学思想的理论探索

    Study on the theory of How to Give a Happy Lesson in PE

  17. 《易·蒙》教育教学思想简论

    On Education and Teaching Thoughts of Yi · Meng

  18. 论范例教学思想在成人高师教学中的应用

    On the Application of Model Teaching in Higher Teachers'Training

  19. 高校体育教学思想的思考

    Thought on the College Physical Education Teaching Methodology

  20. 利用几何画板直观形象性,凸现数学教学思想。

    Sight and visualize by the Geometer 's Sketchpad , show mathematics teaching idea .

  21. 自主学习是实现现代化教学思想的一种有效途径和基本环节。

    Self-regulated learning is one basic method and sector to realize modern teaching thoughts .

  22. 交际能力理论的问世,对交际语言教学思想起了奠基作用。

    The theory of communicative competence lays a theoretical foundation for communicative language teaching .

  23. 试论朱熹的书院教学思想

    Comment on Zhu Xi 's Academic Teaching Ideology

  24. 美术院校雕塑教学思想的裂变

    Ideological Fission of Sculptural Education in Art Colleges

  25. 体育教学思想对体育教师教学成就影响的理性思考

    Rational Reflection on the Influence of P.E. Teaching Thought on the Teaching Achievement of P.E. Teachers

  26. 这些因素的共同作用促使了萨其曼探究教学思想在这一特定的时代应运而生。

    All these factors impelled his inquiry teaching thought to bring about at the historic moment .

  27. 关于《学记》与《雄辩术原理》教学思想的比较研究

    A summary of the comparative study of the teaching ideology in on Learning & the Rhetoric Principles

  28. 进入新世纪,杜威的实用主义教学思想重新受到重视。

    Dewey 's pragmatic teaching thoughts have attracted educators again at the threshold of the new century .

  29. 要转变教学思想,更新教学观念,提高教师自身素质。

    Change the teaching thought , reform the teaching idea , and improve the teachers ' quality .

  30. 非专业数学学习中的理解障碍分析&兼谈教学思想的变革

    Analysis on Understanding Obstruction in Mathematical Studying of Non-specialized : Together with Changing of Teaching Thoughts for Mathematics