
  • 网络educational knowledge;education knowledge;Pedagogic knowledge;pedagogical knowledge
  1. 教育知识(PedagogicalKnowledge)主要关涉着如何实际有效地引导人的真正成长,它具有很强的实践智慧与人文取向。

    The pedagogical knowledge is primarily concerned with how people can guide the actual real growth effectively ; it has the very strong practice wisdom and the humanities orientation .

  2. 该方法由两部分组成:一是高度类自然的教育知识描述语言(PKDL),由知识工程师用于形式化《中国大百科全书》中的教育知识文本;

    The method consists of two major parts : a Pedagogical Knowledge Description Language ( PKDL ) for formalizing the texts , and a PKDL compiler for parsing and analyzing the formalized text and representing it with IO-model of knowledge representation .

  3. 高中化学课程STS教育知识体系的构建

    The Construction of STS Education Knowledge System of Chemistry Curriculum in Senior High Schools

  4. 个人教育知识是一个与公共教育知识相对的概念。

    Personal educational knowledge is opposite to public educational knowledge .

  5. 论教育知识实在化过程中教师应具备的素质

    On the Essential Qualitative Demands for Teachers in Knowledge Practicality of Education

  6. 论知识/权力关系及其对教育知识价值取向之影响

    Knowledge / Power Relationship and its Influence on the Choice of Educational Knowledge

  7. 第三,教育知识是主观的。

    Third , the pedagogical knowledge is subjective .

  8. 民族国家教育知识和比较教育研究&比较教育学科体系再思考

    Educational Knowledge of Nation-state and Comparative Education Research

  9. 对中国古代女性文化教育知识内容的考察

    On cultural education of women in ancient China

  10. 新手教师的成长过程就是逐步掌握和运用教育知识、胜任教师工作的过程。

    The period of the novice teachers is the start stage of their development .

  11. 幼儿教师科学教育知识的类型及其特征

    Study of Types and Properties of Kindergarten Teachers ' Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Science

  12. 教育知识的实在化,就是把教育知识变为新的教育实践。

    Realization of educational knowledge is to turn educational knowledge into new educational practice .

  13. 解读教师个人教育知识

    Understand Personal Educational Knowledge of Teachers

  14. “潜在性”教育知识观将真正带来教育的革命。

    This " potential " educational knowledge view is bound to bring about an education revolution .

  15. 意向规定性下的教育知识应具有人文性、道德性特征。

    The pedagogical knowledge under the intention regulated should have the humanity , the moral characteristic .

  16. 颈椎病手术病人家属健康教育知识需求的调查分析

    A survey of demands of family members of cervical spondylosis patients underwent surgery for health education information

  17. 教育知识性质的判断往往决定了教育的本质。

    The judgment about the nature of the pedagogical knowledge is determined by the nature of pedagogy .

  18. 论教育知识的实在化

    On Realization of Educational Knowledge

  19. 对教育知识性质的不同认识对教育实践会产生不同的效果。

    Different understanding about the nature of the pedagogical knowledge can produce the different results to pedagogical practice .

  20. 然现行的教育知识却缺乏生命意识、缺乏实践智慧、缺乏个性色彩。

    However , the present pedagogical knowledge actually lacks consciousness of life , practice wisdom , individuality color .

  21. 93.8%希望与医护人员面对面直接交谈健康教育知识;

    93 . 8 % of the patients ' dependents helped to talk with medical staff about the health educational knowledge .

  22. 教师合理的知识结构是教育知识实在化的客观条件;

    For teachers , whether their knowledge structure is rational or not is an objective condition for the knowledge practicality of education ;

  23. 教育知识的生成过程主要有三个步骤:一是在教育教学实践中遇到问题;

    The generation course of educational knowledge has three steps mainly . One is the problem we meet in educational teaching practice .

  24. 由此,理念现代化的转向便成为当前高校法制教育知识化倾向逻辑必然。

    Thus , the turning of Ideal modernization has become a logical necessity of the knowledge tendency in the current society legal education .

  25. 当代中国教育知识界对人类教育学界的贡献,体现在基础理论、基本实践以及理论与实践的双向转化、双向构成等方面。

    The participation of Chinese education in the world education embodies the theory , the practice and bidirectional transformation and construction and so on .

  26. 客观真实性使得教育知识取得了实在化的资格,但要真正地实在化,还需要求助于教育者,他们是教育知识实在化的实际承担者。

    Objective factuality qualifies educational knowledge for realization . But true realization appeals to educators who undertake the realization of educational knowledge in practice .

  27. 目的:探讨住院儿童精神分裂症患者家属对健康教育知识的需求,为临床护理工作实施健康教育提供依据,指导患儿的全面康复。

    Objective : To identify the requirement of health education of relatives of hospitalized children with schizophrenia and provide scientific basement for nursing care .

  28. 教育知识具有一定的价值是无可争议的,但教育知识的价值问题在理论上仍然值得探索。

    It is indisputable that certain value lies in educational knowledge , the issue of whose value , however , still remains to be explored theoretically .

  29. 方法对3所镇医院(一级甲等)500名临床护理人员进行健康教育知识测试。

    Method : Tests on the knowledge of health teaching were performed in five hundred clinical nurses from 3 hospitals ( level A of grade I ) .

  30. 在本文中,我将介绍这个领域以及学习与教育知识管理的重大进展,重点放在学习对象的元数据上。

    In this article , I shall introduce the field and the significant developments in knowledge management for learning and instruction , focusing on metadata for learning objects .