
jiào yù quán
  • right of education
  1. 公民受教育权的法津保障及实现机制

    Legal Guarantee of a Citizen 's Right of Education and Mechanism of Realizing It

  2. 受教育权是大学生依法享有的一项基本权利。

    The right of education is one of College student 's basic rights according to law .

  3. 通过对公民受教育权之演变与主要表现形式、权利实现的状况以及加入WTO对我国教育的影响之理性分析与评价,提出了保障我国公民受教育权实现之对策与建议。

    On the basis of analyzing the evolvement , main forms , actuality of the right and affecting of joining the WTO , this article brings forward the suggestions and the countermeasures to realize the right to receive education .

  4. 浅析少数民族儿童受教育权的促进和保护&以边远地区为视角

    On the Promotion and Protection of Educated Right of Minority Children

  5. 对罪犯受教育权的价值解读

    Analysis On the Value of Criminal 's Right to Receive Education

  6. 试论受教育权向学习权的转变

    The Change from the Receiving Education Right to the Learning Right

  7. 受教育权的司法救济

    Judicial Protection to Education Right through Constitutional Procedure or Administrative Procedure

  8. 三是受教育权的监督不力;

    Third , is educated the power the surveillance not strength ;

  9. 论临床实习中医学生受教育权的保护

    On Protecting Medical Students ' Right for Education in Clinical Practice

  10. 公民应当享有不同层次择校权;在实践中不能将学生权等同于受教育权。

    Citizen 's educated right is different from student right in school .

  11. 大学生受教育权及其问题分析

    University Student Right to Receive Education Analysis of the Problems

  12. 我国宪法和法律对高校学生受教育权进行了一般性限制。

    Constitution and law gives general restriction to the right .

  13. 大学生受教育权保护中的法律程序问题

    On Legal Procedure of Protecting University Students ' Right to Receive Education

  14. 论受教育权及司法保障

    On the Right of Receiving Education and Its Judicatory Guarantee

  15. 浅谈受教育权的历史沿革和发展

    The History and Development of the Right to Receive Education

  16. 受教育权具有绝对权利属性。

    Right to education has the attribute of absolute power .

  17. 刍议流动人口子女受教育权的司法救济

    A Discussion On judicial relief of The Transient Population Children Educated Power

  18. 受教育权的国家义务分类浅析

    On the Typology of State Obligations Relating to the Right to Education

  19. 二是受教育权的执法不严;

    Second , is educated the power not enforcing the law strictly ;

  20. 弱势群体的受教育权保护

    Protection of the Rights of Being Educated for The Disadvantaged

  21. 此前,还没有未成年人家庭受教育权这一概念。

    The concept of Juvenile Family Education was inexistent before .

  22. 论学习权与受教育权

    To Comment on the Right of Learning and Receiving Education

  23. 受教育权若干问题研究

    Research of Several Issues of the Right of Receiving Education

  24. 民国政府收回教育权述论

    The study on Regaining Educational Right of the National Republic of China

  25. 论受教育权的实现与保障

    On the Right to Education : Its Fulfillment and Assurance

  26. 教师教育权行使的公平问题初探

    Analyzing the Equity in Teachers ' Exercising Educational Rights

  27. 不管采取何种方式挽救,法律仍然保障这些学生的一般受教育权。

    But whatever method is applied , we must guarantee their educational right .

  28. 当代中国农民的受教育权

    The Right of the Chinese Farmers to Receive Education

  29. 美国受教育权平等保障的法制实践为我国提供了经验。

    Education the equal legal system practice has offered experience for our country .

  30. 关于保障未成年犯受教育权的思考

    Reflection on the Protection and Guarantee of Minor Offenders ' Right to Education