
duǎn píng
  • short review;short commentary;brief comment;small comment
短评 [duǎn píng]
  • [brief comment;short commentary] 简短的评论(如报刊上简短的评论)

  • 文艺短评

短评[duǎn píng]
  1. 短评:欧洲战后历史时期的终结

    Short commentary : termination of the post-war historical period in Europe

  2. 选题进一步落实三贴近原则,新闻性增强,趋向多元化,经济新闻评论由失语走向活跃;重点评论优势凸显,短评轻骑兵角色强化,时评由沉寂走向兴盛。

    Topics further implement the " three close " principle , news of the increased diversification and economic comments from aphasia to active key advantage comment highlights , short commentary , " Light Cavalry " strengthen the role , Commentary from quiet to thrive .

  3. 他为这些月刊写短评。

    He writes short reviews for the monthly magazines .

  4. 在这个页面底端,我把页面往下拉到他的留言墙(wall),在这里有朋友们两年来写的短评。

    At the bottom of the page I scrolled down his wall , where friends had written two years ' worth of blurbs .

  5. 257.起初我对这个重要的短评保持沉默。

    257 . Initially I kept silent to the essential essay .

  6. 短评;段落符号新的一段总是换行开始。

    paragraph A new paragraph always begins on a new line .

  7. 计算特征向量导数的若干方法的短评和一种改进模态法

    Short review of some methods for calculating eigenvector derivatives & an improved modal method

  8. 短评、警告和表格单元(见表格)现在可以包含段落。

    Blurbs , Admonitions and table cells ( see Tables ) may now contain paragraphs .

  9. 学术书籍短评通常被认为属于是次要语类,其存在依赖于书籍的主体内容。

    Book blurbs have usually been considered as secondary genres , whose existence depends on the book contents .

  10. 利用你的专业技能对新闻事件发表短评,例如指出错误的概念,这是很好的。

    Short observations on news events that use your expertise , for example to point out misconceptions , are great .

  11. 与此同时,关于情景喜剧的理论研究也逐步发展起来。不过,这些研究大多是片段化的、短评式的。

    Meanwhile , the theoretical study of sitcom develops gradually , though mainly taking the paragraphic form and being always episodes .

  12. 我的美术老师留了个关于“蓝调时期”的短评,而我的头号候选舞会舞伴突然找了个加拿大女朋友。

    My art teacher made a pithy " Blue period " comment , and my top prom prospect suddenly found a girlfriend in Canada .

  13. 另外,短评可以用裁判自己的语言写,然后别人翻译,或者直接用英语写。

    Also , the justifications should be written in the judge 's own language and we can translate later ( or english if possible ) .

  14. 然而,对于学术书籍短评的语类结构研究却未受到应有的关注,因此本研究很有必要。

    However , there has been little research on generic pattern of academic book blurbs ; hence a detailed study of English academic book blurbs along this line is necessary .

  15. (当时为书评提供的篇幅比现在多得多。)不论什么书,我都乐意评,常为一些栏目写点新书短评。

    ( There was much more space then for book reviews than there is now . ) I was ready to review anything , and often did columns of short notes on new books .

  16. 本研究为学术书籍短评的体裁分析提供了实例和模型,丰富了体裁分析,同时还可以帮助读者更好理解学术书籍短评的结构和特点,对书籍短评的撰写也有一定的借鉴意义。

    The present study can enrich the genre analysis , provide some insights into a better understanding of the structure and construction of the academic book blurbs for readers , and shed some light on the writing of book blurbs .