
duǎn yǔ
  • phrase
短语 [duǎn yǔ]
  • [phrase] 词组。即两个词或更多的词组合而成的造句单位

  • 名词短语

短语[duǎn yǔ]
  1. 这个意大利语的短语可以译为“我尽力了”。

    The Italian phrase can be rendered as ' I did my best ' .

  2. 在一篇有关版权的文章中,有一个短语引起了我的注意。

    A phrase jumped out at me in a piece about copyright .

  3. 她的英语语法上没错,但是里面夹杂着很多法语短语。

    While her English was correct , it was peppered with French phrases

  4. 这些规则告诉我们一个句子是怎样分解成若干短语的。

    These rules tell us how a sentence is broken down into phrases .

  5. 这个短语可能翻译自一个阿拉伯语常用表达。

    This phrase may well have been a rendering of a popular Arabic expression .

  6. 不可能仅通过说某个词或短语就能把人催眠。

    It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase .

  7. 句子可以分成分句,分句能分成短语。

    Sentences can be broken up into clauses , and clauses into phrases .

  8. 这个短语起到了承上启下的作用。

    This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following .

  9. 抹掉这个短语。

    Cross out this phrase .

  10. 短语是词的组合。

    A phrase is a group of words .

  11. 那个短语已为大家所惯用。

    That phrase has come into usage .

  12. 也许我们需要一个新的短语,它可以使每个人进一步实现杜波依斯最初的理想主义希望:“重要的不是名字,而是事物本身。”

    Perhaps a new phrase is needed , one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois 's original , idealistic hope : " It 's not the name — it 's the Thing that counts . ' '

  13. “中年危机”这个短语几近完美地诠释了它自身。

    The phrase almost completes itself : midlife crisis .

  14. 人们认为,与狗有关的单词和短语通常都很幽默。

    It is believed that dog-related words and phrases usually have good humour .

  15. 格林太太,我的老师,用一个三个字的短语改变了这一切。

    Mrs. Green , my teacher , changed all of that with a single three-word phrase .

  16. TalkaBlueStreak3滔滔不绝,不停地说话定义:(口头短语)说得快而长

    Definition : ( verbal phrase ) speak quickly and at length

  17. MoneyTalks有钱能使鬼推磨定义:(惯用短语)最重要的东西是钱

    Definition : ( idiomatic phrase ) the most important thing is money

  18. 故填has,haveaninfluenceon为固定短语,意为“对……有影响”。句意为:父母与孩子之间的亲密程度对孩子性格的形成有很大的影响。

    How close parents are to their children ______ ( have ) a strong influence on the development of the children ’ s characters .

  19. 没错,其实这个说法就是从coldshoulder这个短语衍生出来的。这个表达与coldshoulder类似,后者通常用来表达拒绝或无视的行为。

    This expression is similar to " cold shoulder " , a phrase used to express dismissal or the act of disregarding someone .

  20. “矩形时间”这一短语也可以应用于其他电子产品,如电脑、iPad等。

    The term can also apply to other electronics , such as computers , iPads , etc.

  21. 这个短语的意思是:“竭诚热情,忠诚、愿望、热心。”Typhoon台风

    The phrase came to mean : " whole heartedly enthusiastic , and loyal , eager , and zealous . "

  22. 这个词是短语“tothrow(someone)underthebus”的简写形式,意为:将某人推下水,即为了个人利益牺牲或者背叛别人。这个短语至少在1991年时就开始使用了:

    This verb is a tidy shortening of the longer idiomatic phrase " to throw ( someone ) under the bus , " which has been in the language since at least 1991 :

  23. 这个说法沿袭了sweettooth押韵规律,并进一步演绎。Sweettooth在英语中流传使用已超过600年,是人尽皆知的一个短语,用以形容对甜食的喜爱。

    This term is a rhyming play on the well-known phrase sweet tooth , a craving or fondness for sweet food , which has been in the language for over 600 years .

  24. 丈夫或妻子在相互生气的时候,会使用doghouse这个短语。

    Husbands and wives use this doghouse term when they are angry at each other .

  25. Brandname-dropping指有人在别人面前频繁提及自己拥有的名牌物品,希望以此给人留下深刻印象,我们称之为“拽名牌”。这种行为一般都给人不好的印象。这个短语由name-dropping演化而来,时不时会在媒体上出现。

    Brand name-dropping describes the situation where someone attempts to impress others by frequently mentioning the brand names of goods that one owns , it is usually regarded negatively .

  26. NIMBY或Nimby是英文短语notinmybackyard(别在我家后院)的词首字母缩写,这个表达多以贬义的意味指那些因为某个社会建设项目要修在自家附近而对此表示反对的公众意见,即“邻避效应”。

    NIMBY or Nimby is an acronym by residents to a proposal for a new development close to them , developments that are generally needed in the society .

  27. 除了两个词的短语之外,神烦狗还会在句末加一个感叹词,最常用的是wow,amaze和excite也经常用到。

    the doge version would be " Much noble , so respect . " In addition to these phrases , a doge utterance4 often ends with a single word , most often " wow " but with " amaze " and " excite " also being used .

  28. 定义:(口头短语)说一些没有意义的话

    Definition : ( verbal phrase ) say things that make little sense

  29. 这就是我一直找的那个短语。

    That 's exactly the phrase I was looking for .

  30. 这个短语被采用后很快就流行了。

    The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular .