
  • 网络Mathematics Competition;mathematical competition;A Math Contest;math competition
  1. 高职数学竞赛的作用以及存在的问题

    The Function of Mathematics Competition and Its Problems in Higher Vocational Colleges

  2. 中学数学竞赛中的构造性思想方法研究

    The Constructive Thoughtway Research of Secondary School Mathematics Competition

  3. 高中数学竞赛参赛学生的最大的供应者之一,包括那些最终参加国际奥林匹克数学大赛的学生,是个叫MathCounts的中学项目。

    One of the largest feeders for high school math competitions — including those that eventually lead to the IMO — is a middle school program called Math Counts .

  4. 在低收入的城市和农村地区的教师没有参加过数学竞赛,所以可能也不知道如MathCounts这样学习高数的机会,而那些知道的老师,可能又不会支持或感觉没有足够的能力带领孩子们参赛。

    Teachers in low-income urban and rural areas with no history of participating in math competitions may not know about advanced-math opportunities like Math Counts — and those who do may not have support or feel trained to lead them .

  5. 大多数高等数学竞赛的训练都是在正常学校时间之外进行的。

    Most of the training for advanced-math competitions happens outside the confines of the normal school day .

  6. 杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的约瑟夫·普莱斯(JosephPrice)及其同事今年发布的研究报告显示,仅仅为高风险的数学竞赛添加更多轮次的较量,优胜者的性别差异就会随之消失。

    Joseph Price of Brigham Young University and his colleagues reported this year that the gender gap in high-stakes math competitions disappeared simply by adding more rounds to a contest .

  7. 我国的数学竞赛始于1956年,但直到1985年我国数学优秀学生才首次参加国际数学奥林匹克竞赛(IMO)。

    Though started in 1956 , no significant achievements were gained by China in the international Math Olympic ( IMO ) until 1985 . The main results showed : 90 % Olympains came from the key schools of urban ;

  8. 他代表学校去参加国际数学竞赛了。

    He repesents the school to attend the international math competition .

  9. 极端性原理之最大数与最小数原理在数学竞赛中的应用

    The Maximum-principle and Minimun-principle Of Extremes Principle Apply In Mathematics Contesting

  10. 他的粗心导致了他在数学竞赛中的失败。

    His carelessness resulted in his failure in the math contest .

  11. 数学竞赛改革与新课程标准的若干思考

    Some thoughts on the reforming of mathematical competition and new curricular standards

  12. 递推数列是各类数学竞赛的热点之一。

    On the limit of two kinds of recursive sequence ;

  13. 这些实例来自中学数学竞赛题。

    This examples come from game of middle school mathematics .

  14. 很多学生参加了这次数学竞赛。

    Many students took part in this math contest .

  15. 两道数学竞赛题的新推广与排序定理的新应用

    New Generalization of Two Test Questions And New Application of Arranging Sequence Theorem

  16. 马塞尔·塞拉亚获得今年数学竞赛的亚军。

    Marcel Celaya takes the runner-up prize this year .

  17. 如何抓好数学竞赛的培训工作等。

    How to do a good job of the training of mathematics contest .

  18. 今年数学竞赛的冠军是刘若川。

    The overall winner this year is Ruochuan Liu .

  19. 校长因他在数学竞赛中成绩优秀给他颁奖。

    The headmaster decorated him for making great achivement in math 's competition .

  20. 数学竞赛的教育价值是不可否认的。

    Math competition education value is beyond doubt .

  21. 数学竞赛与数学思维的发展

    Mathematics Competition and the Development of Mathematics Thinking

  22. 解数学竞赛题中的几何构造方法

    Geometry construction method in solving mathematics competition problems

  23. 这个男孩子十分聪明,完全有能力去争夺数学竞赛金牌。

    This boy is clever enough to compete for the gold medal in mathematics .

  24. 数学竞赛促进教与学

    Improving Teaching and Learning through Mathematics Competitions

  25. 奥林匹克数学竞赛中的面积问题

    Squares Solution in Olympics Competition of Mathematics

  26. 从一道数学竞赛题的解法看正确思维的重要性

    Find out the Importance of Right Thinking from Solution of a Problem in Mathematics Contest

  27. 祝你在数学竞赛中好运。

    Good luck with your maths competition .

  28. 数学竞赛能够很好地提高中学生的数学能力与数学思维。

    Mathematical competition can primely improve the mathematical ability and mathematical thinking of high school students .

  29. 幂指不等式在数学竞赛中时有出现,其证明往往是比较困难的。

    Power exponent inequality often appeared in Mathematical Olympian , its proof was usually rather difficult .

  30. 他问我们将有多少人参加数学竞赛。

    He asked how many of us were going to take part in this maths contest .