
shù jù mó xínɡ
  • data model
  1. Web的半结构化数据模型和查询模型

    The Semistructured Data Model and the Query Models for the Web

  2. Web数据库中抽象数据模型及查询语言的研究

    On the Abstract Data Model and Query Language for Web Database

  3. 传统的数据模型不能有效的管理和定位各种Web资源。

    The traditional data models are incapable of effectively manage and locate Web resources .

  4. 基于边-节点和原子属性的多比例尺GIS数据模型

    Multi-scale GIS Data Model Based on Edge Node and Atom Attribute

  5. GIS中图形结构的关系型数据模型研究

    Study on related-type digital modal of topological structure in GIS

  6. GIS中矢量与栅格数据模型比较

    A comparison of vector and gridded data pattern by GIS

  7. GIS数据模型是地理信息系统建设的关键。

    Data model of GIS is the core of GIS .

  8. GIS中统计专题图数据模型的设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of Statistical Thematic Map 's Data Model in GIS

  9. 基于GIS的道路几何网络数据模型及其应用

    GIS-based Road Geometric Net Data Model and Its Application

  10. 面向交通网络的三维GIS数据模型与可视化

    3D GIS Data Model and Visualization in Transportation Network

  11. XML形式数据模型及其查询代数

    XML formal data model and query algebra

  12. 采用面向对象的数据模型对系统GIS数据进行建模;

    The method of OOP is adopted for GIS data model of this system .

  13. GIS中河网空间数据模型

    River Network Spatial Data Model in GIS

  14. XML为Web提供了一致的数据模型和描述语言,已成为表示Web中多样性数据的事实标准。

    XML has become the standard to represent data in Web and it provides a uniform data model for Web data .

  15. GIS中基于特征的数据模型

    Feature-based Data Models in GIS

  16. 描述了过程链的模型设计,复杂的3D几何数据模型的制作说明了这些过程链。

    A formal description is designed for process chains , determined by the processing of complex 3D geometry models .

  17. OpenGL软件在人体三维数据模型建立中的应用

    The Application of OpenGL in Body 's Three Dimensional Data Model Building

  18. 基于STEP-NC数据模型的XML转化

    Mapping to XML Based on STEP-NC Data Model

  19. 多维数据模型ER(■)

    Multidimensional Data Model ER (■)

  20. inventory数据模型允许指定用于指定库存源的位置的请求。

    The inventory data model allows the request to specify the location of a source of inventory to be specified .

  21. 提出的一种解决方法是专门为描述SOAP数据模型创建一种简单的新语言。

    One proposed solution is that a new simple language be created for describing SOAP data models explicitly .

  22. 本系统采用J2EE分层架构,包括表现层、业务逻辑层、和数据模型层。

    The system uses J2EE layered architecture , including the presentation layer , business logic layer , and data model layer .

  23. EMF的模型更多的是关注于数据模型,以及一个用于操作处理和访问的API。

    EMF 's model focuses mostly on the data model , and an API for its manipulation and access .

  24. 分析了当前CAD和RP系统间数据模型的各种转换方法,并指明了进一步的发展方向。

    This paper addresses diverse methods of data exchange from CAD to RP systems , and also points out future developing direction .

  25. STL数据模型的快速切片算法

    Algorithm for rapid slicing STL model

  26. 传统E-R模型到面向对象数据模型转换的研究

    Research on Transformation of Traditional E-R Model to Object-oriented Data Model

  27. 基于IPN的关系数据模型与同步代理

    Relational Date Model on IPN and Synchronization Agent

  28. STL数据模型正确与否直接影响后续工艺的具体实现。

    Whether the data model in STL files is correct can effect the realization of the following process .

  29. ERP、CRM、SCM系统之间数据模型不共享,很难实现集成;

    Because the data models of ERP , CRM , and SCM system are not in common , it is too difficult to integrate those systems .

  30. FastSOA使用XQuery数据模型来实施策略。

    FastSOA uses the XQuery data model to implement policies .