
  • 网络digital instrument
  1. 随着大规模集成电路和微型计算机的发展,数字仪器的智能化程度越来越高。

    With the development of LSI and micro-computer , the digital instruments become more and more intelligent .

  2. 致力于向全球客户提供安全、耐用、精准的数字仪器仪表。

    Hammer at supplying safe , durable , precise digital instruments for the clients all over the world .

  3. 介绍了基于GPIB总线的计算机与数字仪器之间的通信来实现电台音频救生模块的自动测试系统原理。

    The principle of implementing automatic test system of radio audio frequency lifesaving module based on the communication between computer and digital instrument based on GPIB bus is introduced .

  4. 从事专业数字仪器仪表研发、生产及销售经营的高科技企业。

    We 're a high-tech company who is engaged in developing , producing and selling professional digital multimeter .

  5. 数字仪器的分辨率由可以显示的数字值决定,而该数字值又决定于位数。

    The resolution of a digital instrument is determined by the number of counts that can be displayed , which depends on the number of digits .

  6. VXI数字示波器仪器驱动器与软面板设计

    Design of Instrument Driver and Soft Panel of VXI Digital Oscilloscope

  7. 数字测量仪器采用实验室虚拟仪器开发平台LabVIEW软件开发,实现硬件测量功能。

    The digital monitoring instrument is developed by LabVIEW ( Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench ) software to realize the functions of hardware measurement .

  8. 浅谈水化数字观测仪器的使用

    Elementary introduction on the use of the hydrochemistry digital observational instrument

  9. 火炮身管内膛表面数字检测仪器研制

    Instrument research for the inside surface of the artillery piping digital testing

  10. 数字核仪器系统中高斯成形滤波的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Gaussian Shaping Filtering in Digital Nuclear Instrument System

  11. 汽车数字测量仪器的设计

    Design of the Digital Automobile Measurer

  12. 舌诊医疗中,病人的舌图象可以通过数字采集仪器(如数码相机等)获得。

    In the tongue diagnosis , the tongue image of patient can be obtained by using digital instrument , for example , digital camera .

  13. 本文所介绍的大马力柴油机油耗率、转速自动测试装置,包括自动秤及一台数字测量仪器。

    The automatic measuring instrument for specific oil consumption and engine revolution of heavy-duty diesel described in this paper involves an automatic weigh and a numerical measuring instrument .

  14. 随着地震勘探技术和电子通讯技术的发展,地震勘探仪器也由最初的模拟光点地震记录仪发展成为目前的24位A/D型遥测数字地震仪器。

    With the developing of geophysical prospecting techniques and other advanced techniques , seismic exploration instrument in now updated to telemetry seismic instrument with 24 bits A / D converter .

  15. 介绍了不使用频差倍增器测量数字通信仪器内部高稳时基日老化率的测试方法&频率合成器倍频法和示波器同步法,并给出了日老化率指标的计算公式。

    The new Approaches are presented for measuring aging rate of internal Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator ( OCXO ) in digital communication measurement instruments without Frequency Difference ( Multiplicator ), and the aging rate calculating formula is given .

  16. 流动数字地震仪器采集的数据分散存储在众多存储介质中,为了开展研究的便利,需要对数据进行进一步集中保管、处理和利用,即需要把所有数据按照统一的适合科研需要的格式进行统一归档。

    The data acquired from mobile digital seismic instruments is stored in many scattered storage media . To further data storing together , processing and using , all the data should be archived in accordance with the requirements of a unified format .

  17. 摘要:为测量X射线粉末衍射照片德拜弧,进而计算布拉格角,制作了一种数字显示测量仪器.该仪器用数字读出方式显示测量结果,适用于近代物理X光实验教学。

    Abstract : An instrument with digital read-out has been made for measuring the X-ray powder diffraction photograph . The instrument can be applied to the modern physical experiments for measuring the Debye photograph and calibrating the Bragg angle .

  18. 通用串行总线(universalserialbus,USB)由于具有高传输速率、即插即用和易于扩展等优点而被广泛应用于计算机外设、数字设备和仪器仪表等领域。

    Universal Serial Bus ( USB ) nowadays has been used widely for the peripheral equipment , digital device and the scientific instrument field due to such advantages as Plug and Play , flexible expandability and the high speed on transmitting .

  19. 数字摄像能见度仪器系统(DPVS)是完全仿照人工目测能见度的方法测量能见度的,比传统的透射式、散射式能见度仪更具客观性。

    The Digital Photography Visiometer System ( DPVS ) measures visibility through emulating man 's eyeballing , so it is more objective compared with traditional transmission or dispersion visiometers .

  20. 钻孔平斜度的数字测量及仪器

    Digital level measurement and its instrument for rock drill setting

  21. 测量冲击电压用的快速数字波形记录仪器

    Fast Digital Recorder for Measurements in HV Impulse Tests

  22. 这种液晶显示技术适用在需要多位数字显示的仪器中推广。

    This display technology can be used in apparatuses which need to display many-bit numbers .

  23. 提出一种基于虚拟仪器技术的数字信号分析仪器的设计方法。

    It brings forward a designing method of digital signal analysis apparatus based on virtual instrument .

  24. 介绍了即将投入使用的一种新型数字地震测深仪器系统的情况;

    The fourth paper deals with a new-type digital system for seismic sounding soon to be put into operation .

  25. 介绍了新疆数字地震台仪器的配置,对新疆23个数字地震台站台基噪声进行分析计算。

    The article introduces instrument configuration of Xinjiang digital seismic station , and analyzes and calculates station base noise of 23 Xinjiang digital seismic station .

  26. 建议把数字仿真与仪器观测联合起来,以创建安全监控新平台&混凝土坝数字监控。

    The results of instrumental observations are important for monitoring of concrete dams but they can not give the stress field and coefficients of dam safety .

  27. 用定量研究的方法,从理论上对影响自感电动势产生和测量的因素进行了探讨分析,同时用电压效应和数字示波器等仪器对相应内容进行了演示或验证性实验。

    An attempt is made to explore self-induced EMF in theory by a quantitative means , and to demonstrate the corresponding contents or its experimental design by using the instruments such as voltage effect and digital oscillograph .

  28. 本文详细介绍了仪器驱动器的设计原理和方法,并重点介绍了高速数字测试模块仪器驱动器的设计思路、流程设计和实现方法,对自行设计的文件传输协议进行了介绍和分析。

    This paper detailedly describes the design principle and method of the instrument driver , and puts emphasis on design thought and flow design and implement method . The file transport protocol is a important point in this part .

  29. 本文是结合课题某型雷达生产调试/维护保障一体化测试系统技术中关于高速数字测试模块仪器驱动器和故障诊断推理软件的研究与实现,并根据自己在该课题中所承担的任务撰写完成。

    The dissertation was written with the subject of radar incorporate test system technology in production , debugging and maintenance about research and realization on instrument driver of the high speed digital test module and fault diagnostic reasoning , and the task I have accomplished in the subject .

  30. 基于卫生健康事业的需求和世界医疗器械发展的大趋势,我国应以数字医疗核心仪器装备和关键技术为重点,以现代化的主流数字化医疗产品带动整个国家医疗器械产业的发展。

    According to the requirement of health cause and the developing tendency of medical apparatus and instruments , our country should take key devices of digital medical instruments and their key technology for the developing focal point , and promote the development for medical apparatus and instruments of our country .