
  • 网络Jumping thinking;bound thinking;bounced thinking
  1. 伊万尼克因其一丝不苟的执行力和跳跃性思维而名声卓著。

    Ewanick built his reputation on meticulous execution and unconventional thinking .

  2. 人工智能往往可以井井有条地解决问题,但是人类大脑在有逻辑地发挥想象力、进行跳跃性思维方面要出色得多。

    Artificial intelligence tends to solve problems methodically but the human brain is far better at making logical leaps of imagination .

  3. 前者以突发的、非线性的、跳跃性的思维为主导,旨在发散搜寻发挥创造思维的灵活性与独创性;

    The former is dominated by sudden , nonlinear and skip thinking ;