
ɡōnɡ nénɡ cí
  • functional word;operator, function word
  1. 在不同语言中有不同用法的功能词。

    A function word having different uses in different languages .

  2. 代替名词或名词短语的功能词。

    A function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase .

  3. 主要的结论是:功能词和内容词的加工方式可能不同,从而引起不同ERP成分,主要包括N280,N400和N400-700等;

    The main conclusions are : the processing mechanism of function and words may be different , which is indexed by different ERP components they elicited ;

  4. 本研究仅讨论弱读现象中的一类:功能词中元音弱读为schwa。

    The research aimed only atone kind of weak forms : the vowel in the function words weakened into schwa .

  5. 经验&人际二元功能词在语篇中的功能

    Functions of Experiential - Interpersonal Bi - Functional Lexis in Text

  6. 功能词与内容词加工的神经机制的研究综述

    A review of the neural mechanism of function and content words

  7. 否定转移及其功能词的理解和翻译

    Transferred negation and the understanding and translating of its functional words

  8. 经验&人际二元功能词及其词源学演变理据

    Lexis of Experiential-Interpersonal Bi-functionality and the Etymological Reason of Evolution DUAL-PURPOSE MANIPULATOR RETAINER

  9. 作为功能词,介词在英语中扮演着十分重要的角色。

    As function words , prepositions play a very important role in English .

  10. 功能词“his”实际上就是使这个句子语法上的正确。

    The functional word " his " only makes the sentence grammatically correct .

  11. 相似之处在于两者都借助于功能词来表达语法意义。

    But similarly , both languages achieve this through the use of function words .

  12. 语用功能词的词类地位

    Pragmatic Functional Words and its Word Class Position

  13. 对于功能词,第一种和最后一种方法是常用的处理方式。

    For the functional words , the first and fifth methods are mainly used .

  14. 使单词短语从句和句子相连不变的功能词。

    An uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences .

  15. 而英语则以直线思维为特质,语言脉络清晰,在篇章结构上突出主语,以功能词连接句子。

    While English , characterized by linear way of thinking , emphasizes subjects and functional linkers .

  16. 20世纪以来,语法学家们对英语中的功能词重新加以审视。

    The 20th century saw a reappraisal of function word ( FW ) in English by grammarians .

  17. 然后在朗读这些句子的时候,注意重读这些实义词,而功能词则只需快速读过。

    Read these sentences focusing on accenting these content words , while quickly speaking over the structure words .

  18. 结论运动性失语患者的句法理解障碍与功能词的异常加工有关。

    Conclusions The syntactic comprehension deficits in motor aphasics were tied to an abnormal processing of closed class items .

  19. 英语冠词作为一种功能词,是英语语篇中词频最高的词之一。

    English articles as one kind of function words are one of the most commonly used words in English discourse .

  20. 省略是新闻标题句法上的显著特征。为了简洁,标题中的功能词大量删减。

    Ellipsis is a prominent feature at syntactical level . The functional words in news headlines are omitted for brevity .

  21. 内容词的加工可能涉及两个大脑半球的相关脑区,而功能词的加工则可能只涉及大脑左半球的某些脑区。

    The processing of content words may involve two brain hemispheres , while that of function words may mainly involve left hemisphere .

  22. 它有几种类型,其中之一的结构省略主要指一些功能词的省略。

    There are several forms of ellipsis , one of them is about structure , that is , the ellipsis of some function words .

  23. 功能词在英语中被称为结构词或形式词,在汉语中被称为虚词。

    Function words , also termed structural words or form words in English , are called xu ci ( empty words ) in Chinese .

  24. 在这些所删掉的词中,65%到75%为词汇,25%到35%为功能词。

    Among the deleted words , lexical ones take up 65 percent to 75 percent and functional ones , 25 percent to 35 percent .

  25. 从英语教学的角度探讨了英语词汇的一些属性:功能词与实义词;

    This paper will probe into the property of some of the English words through English Teaching : functional words and words with real meaning ;

  26. 格助词是日语中一类非常重要的功能词,表示句中动词和名词之间复杂多变的关系。

    Case particle is a category of function words of great importance in the Japanese language , serving to exhibit the complicated relationship between verbs and nouns .

  27. 结果显示,中国英语学习者,即使在高级阶段,在运用如TO和FOR等高频率功能词方面仍然有很大的困难。

    Results show that EFL learners , even at the advanced proficiency level , have great difficulty with high frequency function words , such as TO and FOR .

  28. 而在英语中,还有一个与功能词概念不同,功能相似的术语&小品词。

    In English , however , there is still another term for function words & particles , different from function words in : oncept , but similar in function .

  29. 随着儿童的语言越来越接近成人语法,他们开始使用其语言中的屈折因素、派生词素和功能词。

    As children produce sentences that more and more closely approximate the adult grammar , they begin to use functional words as well as inflectional and derivational morphemes of the language .

  30. 结论部分讨论了本研究对外语教学的启示并建议运用基于检索的练习作为一种提高学习者认识高频率功能词复杂性的途径。

    In the conclusion part , the pedagogical implications of the study are discussed and suggestions are made for using concordance-based exercises as a way of raising learners ' awareness of the complexity of high-frequency function words .