
jiè cí duán yǔ
  • prepositional phrase
  1. 介引处所的介词短语在NL

    The Usage of the Prepositional Phrase " Zai + Location Word "

  2. 介词短语的英译汉处理技巧

    Tactical Skill in Prepositional Phrase of English-Chinese Translation

  3. 汉语介词短语(pp)的蒙古语转换规则研究

    A Study on the Rules of Rendering Chinese Prepositional Phrases into Mongolian

  4. 本文以STCW公约中的介词短语作为研究对象。

    This thesis takes prepositional phrases in STCW as the research object .

  5. 与此同时,Halliday提出了语义空间的概念,认为语义空间是通过环境成分中的介词短语来实现的,这些不同类型的环境成分与不同的过程相结合形成不同的语义空间。

    In the meantime , Halliday puts forward the definition of semantic space which is realized by prepositional phrases in circumstantial elements . The combination of various circumstantial elements and different process types will form distinctive semantic space .

  6. 最后,针对处理介词短语歧义时遇到的数据稀疏这一所有统计语言模型都面临的难题,分析介绍了基于N-Gram的回退法介词短语消歧及平滑技术。

    Finally , in connection with the sparse data problem in the processing of PP disambiguation and current statistical language models , the author introduces the backed-off N-Gram based algorithm and similarity-based smoothing .

  7. 解读英语中由介词短语引起的歧义句

    Syntactic Interpretation of Some Ambiguous Sentences Caused by English Prepositional Phrases

  8. 介词短语是汉语中一种重要的短语类型。

    Prepositional phrase is one of the most important Chinese phrases .

  9. 本论文对处所介词短语进行功能研究。

    This dissertation adopts a functional approach to locative prepositional phrases .

  10. 科技德语介词短语用法的研究

    A Study of the Use of the Prepositional Phrases in Scientific German

  11. 基于最大熵的汉语介词短语自动识别

    Automatic Identification of Chinese Prepositional Phrase Based on Maximum Entropy

  12. 英语介词短语的句法歧义检测

    How to test the ambiguity of syntactic function in English prepositional phrases

  13. 现代汉语介词短语边界识别研究

    A Study on Boundary Recognition of Modern Chinese Prepositional Phrase

  14. 介词短语是英语中常见的语言表现形式。

    Prepositional Phrase is a common phrasal expression of language in English .

  15. 在一个句子里,最多只能有一个介词短语。

    In one sentence , at most one prepositional phrase is allowed .

  16. 准定位介词短语通常出现于句中,移位至句首时受到一定的限制。

    Sub-fixed-position prepositional phrase generally appears in the middle of the sentence .

  17. 在我看来,这是个很重要的问题。(介词短语作插入语)

    This , in my opinion , is a very important question .

  18. 英语介词短语的语义重叠与识解:认知&语料库分析

    Semantic Overlap and Construal of English Prepositional Phrases : A Cognitive-corpus Analysis

  19. 他病得太厉害,哪也去不了,只能呆在床上。(分译动词不定式和介词短语)

    He is too ill to have been anywhere but in bed .

  20. 它通常是由副词词组或介词短语体现的。

    It is typically realized by an adverbial group or a prepositional phrase .

  21. 提高了介词短语的识别率。

    It improves the recognition rate of prepositional phrase .

  22. 谈谈英语介词短语的多种译法

    An Account of Translation Methods of English Prepositional Phrase

  23. 名词作前置定语的新发展&探索介词短语的名词性词组作前置定语

    A New Development of Nouns Used as Prepositive Attributes

  24. 处所环境是小句背景信息的语义表征,大多由处所介词短语加以体现。

    Locative circumstance is the semantic representation of background information in a clause .

  25. 论介词短语作句首状语

    The Prepositional Phrases Function as the Adverbial Modifier of Beginning of the Sentence

  26. 论介词短语的句法语义属性

    On the Semantic Attribution in Syntax of Prepositional Phrase

  27. 这就是那个左耳上有个洞的猫。(介词短语,状语)

    This is the cat in whose left ear there is a hole .

  28. 另外,处所环境主要由处所介词短语加以体现。

    Moreover , the locative environment is mainly realized by a locative prepositional phrase .

  29. 介词短语这里用作副词。

    The prepositional phrase here is used adverbially .

  30. 4.转译成介词短语据报道,蒙特利尔(1976年夏季奥运会的东道主)损失了10亿美元。

    Montreal ( host of the 1976 Summer Games ) reportedly lost 1 billion .