
  • 网络Dawes;DOWS
  1. 英国的反间谍组织M15(即英国军情五处——译者注)以为道斯是德国间谍,并提审了他。但很快道斯就获释了,因为他们相信这些词只是他随意挑选的。

    The MI5 , Britain 's counter-espionage service , assumed Dawes was a German agent and interrogated him , but released him a short time later once they became convinced the words were chosen randomly .

  2. 道斯小姐打算开车送您去听证会。

    Miss Dawes has offered to drive you to the hearing .

  3. 自从G·道斯在其技术规范理论中,将技术分为传统技术和高技术,高技术产业和传统产业的发展问题逐步成为国家或地区产业规划及经济发展中的重要问题。

    Since G · Dosi divides technology into high technology and traditional technology , the development of high-tech industries and traditional industries becomes step by step the important problem of industrial layout and economic development in a country or region .

  4. 温道斯先生经过出版社的许可而使用照片。

    Mr. Windaus used the photograph by courtesy of the publisher .

  5. 道斯是二战时的一位美国军医。

    Doss was a US army medic during World War II

  6. 道斯探员,你能看见吗?能看见盖茨在水里吗?

    Agent dawes , do you have a visual ? Can you see gates in the water ?

  7. 温道斯涡轮都是大型的,并给涡轮涂上鲜亮的颜色,可以更好地保护鸟类。

    Windaus turbines are large and the color is bright which make them visible , it is better to protect the birds .

  8. 33岁的美国演员安德鲁.加菲尔德在梅尔.吉布森执导的新片《血战钢锯岭》中扮演戴斯蒙德.道斯一角时,便遭遇了这样的两难境地。

    American actor Andrew Garfield , 33 , faced that * dilemma when playing Desmond Doss in recent Mel Gibson film Hacksaw Ridge .

  9. 为了能达成这一目标,加菲尔德来到了田纳西州的查特怒加市,拜访了道斯2006年去世前的住所。

    To help achieve his goal , Garfield traveled to Chattanooga in Tennessee to visit the last home Doss lived in before he died in 2006 .

  10. 他想走道斯走过的路,用道斯用过的工具,并时刻牢记这些调查对他表演所产生的影响。

    The actor wanted to walk where Doss walked , handle the tools Doss handled , while all the time keeping in mind how the research would affect his performance .