
  • 网络Orbital mechanics;orbit mechanics
  1. 亦将讨论动力学在航太工程上的应用,包含轨道力学,飞行力学,惯性导航与姿态动力学。

    Applications to aerospace engineering are discussed , including introductory topics in orbital mechanics , flight dynamics , inertial navigation and attitude dynamics .

  2. 其表面的一半由于轨道力学的变幻莫测,这一半总是面对地球一直处于黑暗之中,这片黑暗的地方被称为月海,不仅平坦广阔,而且由古老而冻结的火山岩形成。

    One half of its surface the half which , thanks to the vagaries of orbital mechanics , always faces Earth is dominated by dark , smooth expanses of ancient , frozen lava known as maria .

  3. 该模型是对轨道力学理论的一个补充。

    The model is a complement to track dynamics .

  4. 卫星轨道力学模型分析

    Analysis of the Orbit Dynamical Models of Satellite

  5. 月球卫星轨道力学综述

    On the Orbit Dynamics of Lunar Satellite

  6. 高速铁路桥上有砟轨道力学特性及结构选型研究

    Research on Mechanical Characteristic of Ballasted Track Structure on Bridge of High-speed Railway & Structure 's Selection

  7. 在轨卫星运行仿真平台的研究涉及了卫星轨道力学,计算机仿真和地理信息技术等多学科领域。

    The research of simulation platform of satellite in orbit involves some field including dynamics of satellite orbit , computer simulation and geographical information technology .

  8. 卫星应用的日益发展需要由多颗卫星组成的卫星系统(形成各种类型的星座)来替代单颗卫星,这就给卫星轨道力学的应用增加了一些新内容。

    With the development of satellite application , satellite constellation system with more than one satellite becomes popular . It brings about a new branch in orbital dynamics .

  9. 无砟轨道力学特性的研究,对于我国世界一流客运专线的建设,及铁路技术装备质量的大幅提具有十分重要的意义。

    The research on mechanical characteristics of ballastless track is of great significance for the world-class construction of railway in our country . Meanwhile , the research is important for the large scale improvement of technical equipment of railway line for passenger traffic .

  10. 阐述当今天体力学前沿课题中的几个热点问题:近地小行星与地球的交会及其动力演化,航天器定轨新手段中的星-星跟踪自主定轨方法以及星际探测中的轨道力学问题。

    This paper discussed some hotspots in the advanced field of celestial mechanics : asteroids encountering the earth and its dynamical evolvement , method of autonomy orbit determination with satellite-satellite tracking which is one of the latest methods and orbit dynamical problems in interplanetary probe .

  11. 流变力学理论在铁路轨道结构力学研究中的应用

    Application of the rheologic mechanics theory to track structures of Railway

  12. 30吨轴重重载铁路轨道结构力学特性研究

    Mechnical Properties Study of 30t Axle Load Heavy-haul Railway Track Structure

  13. 高速铁路轨道结构力学模型参数研究

    Research on Parameters of Mechanical Model for High Speed Railway Truck

  14. 高速铁路无砟轨道结构力学特性的研究

    Research on Mechanical Characteristics of Ballastless Track in High-Speed Railway

  15. 不平顺条件下车体及土质路基板式轨道系统力学特性研究顺式藁苯内酯在大鼠体内外的代谢及其代谢物的药理活性研究

    A Study of the Mechanics Character of Slab-track and Train Bodywork System on Soil Roadbed under the Condition of Track Irregularity Pharmacological Activities of Z-ligustilide and Metabolites in Rats

  16. 系统地阐述了抛物线轨道的力学模型和数学模型,分析了抛物线剖面的特征参数和设计条件,提出了2种抛物线剖面的设计方法&迭代法和直接法。

    The author systematically discussed the mechanical and mathematical models of a parabola well path , analyzed the characteristic parameters and known data of a parabola profile , and presented two methods for planning the parabola profile ( iterative calculation and explicit solution ) .

  17. 桥上无碴轨道无缝道岔力学特性分析

    Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics to the Jointless Switch on Ballastless Bridge

  18. 轨道结构关键力学和严酷环境下轨道工程破坏问题。

    Key mechanics problems of track structure and destructive problems of track engineering under atrocious environment .

  19. 通过此项研究,为进一步探讨铁路轨道结构的力学问题、完善高速铁路轨道结构的设计及养护维修工作打下良好的基础。

    The present work lays down the foundation for further study of the mechanical properties of track structures and improvement of design methodology and maintenance for high-speed railway .

  20. 本文主要针对轨排-道床结构中存在的流变力学现象,应用流变力学的基本理论与研究方法,探讨轨道结构的力学问题。

    This paper is mainly concerned with the rheologic phenomena in the structure of track plane and ballast of railway . Based on the rheologic theory , the problems of track mechanics are studied .

  21. 通过建立铁路隔振沟对轨道减振分析的力学模型,运用ANSYS大型有限元通用软件对隔振沟深度、隔振沟宽度及隔振沟位置对隔振沟减振效果进行分析。

    Establishing a mechanical model for analyzing railway vibration reduction by trenches this paper uses the universal finite-element software ANSYS to analyze the reduction effect of different characteristics which influence resulting vibration reduction , such as the depth , the width or the location of trenches .

  22. 道岔区无碴轨道连续道床板力学分析

    The Mechanics Analysis of Continuous Bed Slab of Ballastless Track of Switch

  23. 通过轨道不平顺的描述,预测轨道不平顺的变化规律是近代轨道力学的基本课题,也是制定养护维修计划的关键。

    By describing track irregularity , to forecast the change status of it is a basic task of track mechanics and also a key to make the maintenance plan .

  24. 因此本文针对城市轨道交通的特点,着重对高架桥上整体道床的钢轨支承间距进行研究,计算分析了不同轨枕间距对轨道结构力学特性的影响。

    In this paper , aiming at the characteristics of urban track traffic , research has been done mainly on support spacing of rail on integrated ballast bed of viaduct .