
ɡuǐ dào fēi xínɡ qì
  • orbiter
  1. 印度是一个朝气蓬勃的民主国家,已经向火星发射了一个轨道飞行器。

    India is a vigorous democracy that has sent an orbiter to Mars .

  2. 着陆器把这些信息发往轨道飞行器,然后再发回地球。

    The lander would send this information to the orbiter and then back to Earth .

  3. 许多开发人员具有很高的希望,PDE将最终成为最具成本效益的推动超音速亚轨道飞行器的有效方法。

    Many developers have high hopes that the PDE will ultimately become the most cost-effective method of propelling supersonic sub-orbital craft .

  4. 在一篇刊载于《自然·地球科学》(NatureGeoscience)的文章中,科学家通过轨道飞行器读数识别出火星地表有被曾被水浸没的分子——一种叫做高氯酸盐的盐类。

    In a paper published in the journal Nature Geoscience , scientists identified waterlogged molecules - salts of a type known as perchlorates - on the surface in readings from orbit .

  5. 区域定位系统是一种与GPS兼容的地基导航系统,可以完成轨道飞行器乃至弹道试验的定位和定轨任务。

    The Regional Positioning System ( RPS ) is a ground - based navigation system compatible with GPS , which can be able to complete position and orbit determination of spacecrafts as well as trajectory test .

  6. XCOR是开发亚轨道飞行器、用于商业太空飞行的几家公司之一。

    XCOR is one of several companies developing suborbital vehicles for commercial space tourist flights .

  7. 在1985年,JSC工程仿真设施系统工程仿真器得到了扩充,以支持与轨道飞行器有关的空间站设计活动,例如:轨道飞行器的对接方案,利用轨道飞行器远程操纵系统停靠空间站的方案。

    Operations of the JSC engineering simulation facility , the Systems Engineering Simulator , were expanded in 1985 to support Orbiter-related Space Station design activities such as Orbiter docking scenarios and the use of the Orbiter remote manipulator system in Space Station berthing scenarios .

  8. 亚轨道飞行器航程控制的末端能量管理方法

    Terminal Area Energy Management of Suborbital Vehicle Based on Range Control

  9. 大气环境中的亚轨道飞行器再入轨迹仿真

    Reentry Trajectories Simulation of Sub-orbital Flight Vehicle in Atmospheric Environment

  10. 两个海盗号轨道飞行器绘制出了火星大部分表面的地图。

    The two Viking orbiters made maps of much of the surface .

  11. 延时轨道飞行器医学方案现代医学延长了人的寿命。

    Extended Duration Medical Program Modern medicine has increased man 's life span .

  12. 亚轨道飞行器上升段轨迹优化与快速重规划

    Ascent Trajectory Optimization and Fast-Reconstruction for Suborbital Launch Vehicle

  13. 原子氧是低地球轨道飞行器经受的重要环境因素。

    Atomic Oxygen is a kind of important environment factor of Low-earth-orbit spacecraft undergoing .

  14. 最后还为我国的亚轨道飞行器设计提出了一些可行的操控和制导方案。

    The feasible control and guiding scheme of the sub-orbital vehicle are introduced finally .

  15. 近来,美航局卡西尼号轨道飞行器用雷达扫描了土星的卫星泰坦。

    NASA 's Cassini orbiter recently took some radar readings of the Saturnian moon Titan .

  16. 亚轨道飞行器返回轨道设计

    Return Trajectory Design of the Sub-orbital Vehicle

  17. 之后又有14处新的断层被发现,美国宇航局的月球勘测轨道飞行器拍摄了这些断层的高清照片。

    Fourteen new faults have been been spotted in images taken by NASA 's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter .

  18. 这个密苏里州的国家太空博物馆弗吉尼亚在旅行最多轨道飞行器会有这次的发现。

    This Missourian national space museum Stephen F Virginia would get this discovery on the most traveled orbiter .

  19. 正如预期的那样,罗塞塔轨道飞行器移动到菲莱的联系范围之外,无线电通信中断了。

    As expected , the Rosetta orbiter moved out of the line of sight of Philae , breaking radio communications .

  20. 1978年12月,金星先驱者1号探测器和轨道飞行器,测定了金星大气层中的氩同位素。

    In December 1978 , the Pioneer Venus 1 probe and orbiter measured argon isotopes in the atmosphere of Venus .

  21. 海盗号轨道飞行器发现,火星南部的大部分地区布满了古老的洞穴或环形山。

    The Viking orbiters found that much of the southern part of Mars is full of old holes , or craters .

  22. 这些在布满薄霜的粉红沙丘挤成一簇一簇的暗棕色条状物是“火星勘探轨道飞行器”拍下来的。

    Groups of dark brown streaks have been photographed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on melting pinkish sand dunes covered with light frost .

  23. 大约36分钟后,包括一个轨道飞行器和一个火星车(漫游者)在内的航天器被送入地球—火星转移轨道。

    About 36 minutes later , the spacecraft , including an orbiter and a rover , was sent into the Earth-Mars transfer orbit .

  24. 美国宇航局的月球勘测轨道飞行器利用“占卜者”仪器探测永久阴影环形山的底部世界。

    Nasa 's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has used its Diviner instrument to probe the insides of permanently shadowed craters on Earth 's satellite .

  25. 美国宇航局月球勘测轨道飞行器日前拍摄到了一组月球南半球(人类无法观测到的月球半球)照片。

    NASA 's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter ( LRO ) captured some images of the far side ( the southern hemisphere ) of the moon .

  26. 几个小时后,又出了一件让人担忧的事情:着陆器与轨道飞行器重新建立通信联系时晚了约10分钟。

    There was some worrying a couple of hours later when the lander was about 10 minutes late in re-establishing communications with the orbiter .

  27. 月球也是月球轨道飞行器的家园,这些飞行器在撞击月球表面之前就绘制了月球地图,这增加了月球的垃圾。

    The moon is also home to lunar orbiters that mapped the moon before they crashed into its surface , adding to the garbage heap .

  28. 主要内容包括:1.通过分析现阶段各种单一导航系统的优缺点,提出了适合亚轨道飞行器的组合导航方案。

    On the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of all single navigation system Presented , gave the combination navigation system adaptable the Suborbital Launch Vehicle .

  29. 周日晚上,欧洲和美国国家航空航天局合作的太阳轨道飞行器发射升空,执行一项史无前例的任务——拍摄太阳难以捉摸的两极的首批照片。

    Europe and NASA 's Solar Orbiter rocketed into space Sunday night on an unprecedented mission to capture the first pictures of the sun 's elusive poles .

  30. 英国宇航局说,美国航天局发射的火星勘测轨道飞行器拍摄的卫星图像提供了确凿证据。

    The agency said there was " clear evidence " of the lost lander in satellite images taken by the U.S. space agency NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter .