
  • 网络Orbital laboratory;orbiting lab
  1. 来自欧洲航天局的宇航员维托里在国际空间站呆了八天,沙里波夫和焦立中则从去年10月起就呆在轨道实验室里了。

    Vittori , a European Space Agency astronaut , had spent eight days on the international space station , while Sharipov and Chiao had been on the orbiting lab since October .

  2. 根据目前的进度,一个天宫二号轨道实验室模块将在九月份推出了搭载长征火箭5B测试,将需要对空间站的技术。

    Under the current schedule , a TianGong-2 orbiting laboratory module would be launched in September aboard a Long March 5B rocket to test technologies that will be needed for the space station .

  3. 这一关键里程碑开启了机组人员在轨道实验室可能长达数月的逗留。

    The critical milestone the crew 's potentially months-long stay in the orbital laboratory .

  4. 飞龙太空舱需要与绕地球飞行的空间实验室对接,该轨道实验室每90分钟就跃升一次。

    The dragon needs to meet up with the orbiting lab that is zooming around the earth every 90 minutes .

  5. 这十年来,宇航员们一直将国际空间站称之为自己的家,虽然从空间站可以欣赏到壮丽的美景,但直到最近,这个轨道实验室才开了一个观测窗。

    Space-faring humans have called the International Space Station home for10 years now , but the orbital laboratory only recently got a window worthy of its stunning views .

  6. 中国的宇航官员已经开始策划太空计划的未来目标,包括建立一个中国自己的轨道空间实验室。

    Chinese space officials are already outlining future goals for the program to include construction of an orbiting Chinese lab.

  7. 神十载人飞行任务于6月11日至26日进行,期间神舟十号飞船两次与天宫一号轨道空间实验室成功实现对接。

    The mission was carried out from June 11 to 26 , during which time the Shenzhou-10 docked with the orbiting space lab Tiangong-1 twice .

  8. 中国的宇航官员已经开始策划太空计划的未来目标,包括建立一个中国自己的轨道空间实验室。对中国来说,这将是一个雄心勃勃,具有前瞻性的目标。

    Chinese space officials are already outlining future goals for the program to include construction of an orbiting Chinese lab. Very ambitious , forward-looking projects for China .

  9. 为轨道交通国家实验室(筹)实验平台上模拟旅客乘坐环境极端工况的仿真实验奠定基础,为列车舒适度的评估提供一手反馈信息,为处理列车突变事件做有益的尝试。

    It lays the foundation for the simulation experiment of passengers ' ride environments under the extreme operating conditions which is based on National laboratory of Track Transportation . It provides first-hand feedback information for evaluating comfortable degree .

  10. 他们研发的最高成就就是航天飞机。工程师和机修工想要把航天飞机设计成可绕轨道运行的科学实验室,且能够承载大量帮助人们加深对宇宙理解的实验项目,而不仅仅只是一个交通运输工具。

    The culmination of their research and development was the Space Shuttle . The engineers and mechanics designed it to be more than just a transportation vehicle -- the Space Shuttle would become an orbiting scientific laboratory capable of hosting numerous experiments designed to increase our understanding of the universe .

  11. 为了满足市场需求,培养更多的城市轨道交通供电优秀人才,建立城市轨道交通供电实验室是十分必要的。

    As for training qualified personnel in urban rail transit to meet the market requirement , establishing urban rail transit power supply lab comes to be a necessary .