
China has joined two space vehicles together in orbit for the first time .
But on the 27th , the first attempt of the spaceship to dock with the orbital station failed .
If Titan II inserted Centaur into orbit , it would have enough power after docking to boost the spacecraft to escape velocity .
This will be the last chance for this cargo spaceship to dock with the orbital station because the fuel on the spaceship is already very limited .
According to research plans , the verification of launch , orbit injection , unfolding , illumination , adjust and control of the man-made moon will be completed by 2020 , said Wu Chunfeng , head of Tianfu New District System Science Research Institute in Chengdu , Southwest China 's Sichuan province .
Russia 's cargo spaceship failed to dock with the " Peace " orbital station twice
The next challenge for the Chang'e-5 is to a rendezvous and docking mission in an orbit around the moon .
Operations of the JSC engineering simulation facility , the Systems Engineering Simulator , were expanded in 1985 to support Orbiter-related Space Station design activities such as Orbiter docking scenarios and the use of the Orbiter remote manipulator system in Space Station berthing scenarios .
Chang'e-5 , comprising an orbiter , a returner , a lander , and an ascender , with a total takeoff mass of 8.2 tonnes , is expected to accomplish unmanned rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit .