
  • 网络multiphoton process;multi-photon process
  1. Cs原子多光子过程的理论计算

    Calculation of multiphoton process of Cs atoms

  2. 多光子过程和自发辐射对激光诱导自电离的影响

    Effect of multiphoton process and spontaneous emission on laser induced autoionization

  3. 利用Laplace变换法导出了多光子过程的跃迁几率、跃迁速率和平均跃迁几率。

    The transition probability and the transition rate as well as the average transition probability are derived using Laplace transforms .

  4. Dicke超辐射系统多光子过程中光场的压缩效应

    The Squeezing Properties of Light Field In Dicke Superradiation System With Multiphoton Process

  5. 本文报导用脉冲光电流效应观察发生在直流放电的商品Na/Ne和Nd/Ne空心阴极放申灯中的Ne和Na的一些双光子过程,指出不少多光子过程都可以用这种方法来探测。

    Some two-photon processes of Ne and Na in Na / Ne and Nd / Ne hollow cathode discharge lamps were probed by using the pulse optogalvanic effect . It is pointed out that a lot of multiphoton processes may be measured by using this method .

  6. 在短波段CH3I分子为(3+1)多光子过程,长波段为(2+2)多光过程。

    The multiphoton ionization processes at short wavelength side are ( 3 + 1 ), at long wavelength side are ( 2 + 2 ) .

  7. 简并多光子过程中两能级原子的动力学性质

    The Two-level Atom 's Dynamics in Degenerate Multi - photon Processes

  8. 非谐振多光子过程的原子压缩效应

    The Atom Squeezing Effect for off Resonant n Photon System

  9. 光泵远红外激光中多光子过程的饱和效应

    Saturation Effect of Multiphoton Processes in Optically Pumped FIR Lasers

  10. 双模腔场多光子过程的压缩现象

    Squeezing phenomenon of multiphoton process of two cavity field

  11. 多光子过程中光场的位相特性

    Phase Properties of the Light in the Multiphoton Process

  12. 用脉冲光电流效应探测多光子过程

    Multiphoton process probed by using the pulse optogalvanic effect

  13. 这一理论模型可推广应用于多光子过程。

    The theoretical scheme can be extended to the application for multiphoton processes .

  14. 多光子过程的光强指数研究

    Study of Laser Power Index in Multiphoton Processes

  15. 强光场下电子与库仑势散射及多光子过程

    Scattering of electrons by Coulomb potential under a strong laser field and multiphoton processes

  16. 多光子过程中单模热辐射场与原子相互作用的场熵特性

    Entropy Properties of a Single-Mode Thermal Radiation Field interacting with an Atom in Multiphoton Process

  17. 竞争型三能级原子J&C模型多光子过程的能级布居几率

    Occupation probability of level for multiphoton process of competitive three level atom j & c model

  18. 由此,科学界出现了一个关于双光子与多光子过程研究的新领域。

    A new scientific field was opened up which mainly studied two-photon absorption and multi-photon absorption .

  19. 多光子过程光强指数的新应用&激发截面估计

    A New Application of Laser Power Index in Multiphoton Processer : estimation of excitation cross sections

  20. 多光子过程使原子的信息熵增大,而相干态光场的强度对其也有明显的影响。

    The intensity of coherent field also exhibits the strong influence on the atomic information entropy .

  21. 本文讨论了多光子过程中激光能量起伏对信号平均过程的影响,并对由此产生的误差进行了分析及估计。

    The influence of light intensity fluctuation on the signal average in multiphoton processes is studied .

  22. 氢原子的多光子过程

    Multiphoton Process of H-Atoms

  23. 激光强度的时间和空间分布对多光子过程的影响激光束空域强度分布测试

    Geometrical and Temporal Effect of Laser Beam on the Multiphoton Processes TEST OF LASER SPATIAL DOMAIN INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION

  24. 本文采用动力学李代数方法研究了分子在强红外场中的多光子过程及其控制。

    In this thesis , Multiphoton process and control of molecules in intense infrared laser fields have been studied .

  25. 多光子过程的偏振特性可以用来标识电子态及振动结构的对称性。

    The polarized characteristic of multiphoton process can be used to assign the symmetries of electronic states and vibrational structures .

  26. 这部分内容的研究也进一步说明我们的方法对研究三原子分子在强红外场中的多光子过程问题是有效的。

    This study also shows our method is effective to study the multiphoton process of triatomic molecules in intense laser fields . 3 .

  27. 第3章通过分析多光子过程的光强指数随激光强度的变化规律,得到了可用饱和过渡区任一光强值估算一步吸收截面的结论。

    The result shows that the absorption cross section can be estimated with the laser intensities in the changing region of absorption saturation .

  28. 用多模相干态描述光场,应用预解算符和投影算符推导演化算符,使本方法可统一处理锁模激光脉冲序列输出及原子的共振多光子过程。

    This method can be used to describe the resonant multi-photon processes that the pulse train from the mode locked laser interacting with atoms .

  29. 我们还研究了不同激发电流和掺杂浓度对上转换发光强度的影响,分析了实现红光和绿光发射的多光子过程。

    The influence of the up-conversion emission intensity on the working current and doping concentration were detected . The multi-photon processes of the red and green emissions were analyzed .

  30. 采用相互作用绘景,用完全量子化方法研究两个两能级原子与腔场的相互作用中场的相关性质及压缩效应,揭示了多光子过程对上述性质的影响。

    TO study the coherent property and squeezed phenomenon of field in two two-level atoms interacting with cavity field , and discuss the influence on above property by multi photon process .