
  • 网络mimo;Multiple-Input Multiple-Output;Multiple Input Multiple Output-MIMO
  1. 天线之间的空间相关性对系统容量有影响。空间相关性是多进多出无线系统必须处理的实际损害。

    The correlation between the antennas has affected the system capacity , the spacial correlation is the real damage which is must be dealt with by system .

  2. 对于多进多出系统的研究可以改变目前人们对无线接入速率低的问题,因此,对多进多出系统的研究逐渐成为了无线网络研究的热点。

    Research of MIMO system can change the current rate of people on the problem of low access . Therefore , the multiple input and multiple output system has become a research hotspot in wireless networks .

  3. 多输入多输出(MIMO)系统也叫多进多出系统被认为是下一代高速通信网络中的一个关键技术,它的最大特点是可以在不增加带宽的前提下成倍的提高网络吞吐量。

    MIMO system is considered to be a key technology of high-speed communication networks of next generation . Its biggest feature is the premise of not increasing the bandwidth to improve network throughput under the double .