
duō rèn wu
  • multitasking;multitask
多任务[duō rèn wu]
  1. Windows多任务机制及其应用研究

    Study of Windows ′ Multitasking Mechanism and its Applications

  2. Windows多任务管理机制分析

    Analysis of Multitasking Management Principles in Windows

  3. 也就是说,我们变成了“多任务拖延者”,同时进行多个与工作无关的事情,来拖延正事儿的进程。

    In other words , we are becoming " multicrastinators " , people who procrastinate .

  4. 一种用于PC系列微机的实时多任务操作系统

    The Multitasking Real-time Operating System of Appling in PC-series Computers

  5. 基于Linux的全自动上芯机实时多任务结构与实现

    Realization of Real Time and Multitasking Framework of Automatic Die Bonder Based on Linux

  6. PLC在多任务系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC to Multitask System

  7. Linux是一个多任务的操作系统。

    Linux is a multi-tasking operating system .

  8. PHP与多任务或并发的关系十分复杂。

    PHP has a complex relationship with multitasking or concurrency .

  9. 基于ASP平台的多任务资源分配决策的研究

    Research on Resources Distribution Decision-making Problem for Multiple-Project Based on the ASP Platform

  10. 软件系统由汇编语言和高级C语言混合编程,软件采用了模块化技术和实时多任务控制机制。

    The mixing programming by C language and assembly language be used . Modularity design and real time multitasking control mechanism is used .

  11. 讨论了针对PC机的DOS系统设计制做一个多任务管理器所需解决的一些问题,给出了解决这些问题的方法,并给出了相应的Turboc语言程序。

    Finally a solution to these problems together with Turbo C program is given .

  12. 提出了通过任务QoS映射为负载权值的思想,并给出了一种改进的任务最少优先算法&加权负载率最小法,描述了以加权负载率表为核心的多任务均衡调度算法。

    Further more , an effective load balancing algorithm and task schedule algorithm are given .

  13. CNC实时多任务管理及实现

    CNC Real-time Multitask Processing and Implementation

  14. 对时间Petri网在水下航行器制导系统仿真多任务调度中的应用进行了探索和研究。

    The timed Petri nets application in multitask scheduling was investigated for underwater vehicle guidance simulation .

  15. 基于Windows多任务处理的原理,本文提出了两种通讯任务转让控制的策略。

    On the basis of principle of multitasking in Windows , the paper presents two tactics of control transferring of communication task .

  16. 任务层的任务Agent完成特定任务,根据多任务规划改变各层Agent数目及功能。

    The task agents in task layer accomplish given task . The agent number and functions of each task layer is changed according to various task planning .

  17. 开发系统运行着经过裁剪的Linux操作系统,由于它有内存管理和多任务管理等优点,使得开发应用程序更加容易;

    Linux operation system runs in embedded system and it makes develop procedure more easy because of its MMU and multi-procedure management .

  18. CSCW分布式多任务协作机制的研究

    Research of Coordination Mechanism of Distributed Multi-tasks in CSCW

  19. 近年来兴起的Agent技术具有自主性、异步并行性、交互性、通讯性和异构性等行为特性,由于这些优点,Agent成为在实时控制系统中实现并行多任务的最佳技术手段。

    Agent technology has characters of self-determination , asynchronous operations , society nature , communication and isomerism , it will be the most appropriate technology to achieve parallel multitask .

  20. 软件方面以源码公开的μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统为软件的底层支持平台,采用多任务的程序设计思想,通过一个主任务和7个用户任务完成系统各部分的软件功能。

    In the software design , the paper uses μ C / OS-II operation system . There are one main task and seven user tasks make up of the software .

  21. DOS环境下多任务控制研究

    Multiple task control research under DOS environment

  22. 软件采用多任务操作系统&Windows为基本操作系统,以Visualc++为集成开发环境,在此基础上设计和开发虚拟仪表程序。

    Design and development for the data collection and display software is based on a multitasking operating system Windows , and Visual C + + the integrated developing environment .

  23. 基于RTX的软PLC多任务系统研究

    Research of a RTX-based Soft-PLC Multi-task System

  24. 层次化的体系有助于建立标准化、模块化和开放式的CNC系统,多任务的软件设计可大大提高CPU的利用率。

    A hierarchical architecture can help to establish modular and open CNC system , multiprogramming can greatly enhance the usage ratio of CPUs .

  25. 建筑预(结)算单机多任务并行操作CAC系统

    Architectural Budget Single Computers System Multitasking Concurrent Operation CAC System

  26. 基于DDE技术的实时多任务控制系统

    Technology of DDE for Real-time and Multi-task Controlling System

  27. 本文实现的实时系统是一个基于WINDOWSnt的弱实时系统,它通过在NT上采用多任务抢占机制来实现。

    The realization of our soft real-time system base on Windows NT and it is realized by the multitask emptive mechanism of NT .

  28. 同时PRA算法还具有多任务机制。

    PRA algorithm also has a multi-task mechanism .

  29. Mylyn是以任务为中心的UI,它可以降低信息负载并轻松地执行多任务。

    Mylyn is a task-focused UI that reduces information overload and makes multitasking easy .

  30. FORTRAN程序的多任务分割

    Multitasking of Fortran Programs