
duō biān wài jiāo
  • multilateral diplomacy
  1. 深入参与和引导多边外交进程。

    Deeply engaging in and shaping processes of multilateral diplomacy .

  2. 浅析多边外交的优势与局限

    Analysis on the Advantages and Weaknesses of the Multilateral Diplomacy

  3. ODA外交,是指将ODA作为展开多边外交和双边外交的手段,达到谋求特定战略目标的外交政策与活动。

    ODA diplomacy is a kind of a diplomatic policy and exercise for special strategic goals , in which ODA is taken as a tool in practicing the donor state 's bilateral and multilateral diplomacy .

  4. 多边外交政策大调整,全面参与联合国的活动;

    Redressing diplomatic policies extensively and participating in UN 's activities comprehensively ;

  5. 中国对多边外交的认识及参与

    China 's Idea of Multilateral Diplomacy and Her Participation in Multilateral Diplomacy

  6. 多边外交成为对外战略的亮点。

    Multilateral diplomacy has become a highlight of foreign strategy .

  7. 多边外交成为中国外交一个重要的组成部分。

    Multilateral diplomacy has become an important component of China 's diplomacy .

  8. 该国搞多边外交,和每个国家保持和平,发展贸易。

    This country plays the field . Peace and trade with everyone .

  9. 然而该论坛提供的多边外交从未生效。

    However , the multilateral diplomacy that this forum offered never worked .

  10. 中国的多边外交与上海合作组织

    China 's Multilateral Diplomacy and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

  11. 积极开展多边外交,推进国际合作。

    Vigorously conducting multilateral diplomacy for closer international cooperation .

  12. 多边外交是一种与双边外交相互补充的外交战略。

    Multilateral diplomacy is a diplomatic strategy that mutual supplements with bilateral diplomacy .

  13. 顾维钧与民国多边外交

    Wellington , koo and multilateral diplomacy of the Republic

  14. 中国的多边外交总体上比较被动,缺乏参与及设计意识。

    China lacks sense of active participation and planning ;

  15. 中国多边外交仍面临诸多的制约因素。

    However , China 's multilateral diplomacy is still restricted by many factors .

  16. 论冷战后中国的多边外交

    China 's Multilateral Diplomacy after the Cold War

  17. 中国多边外交史研究的意义及其体系的构建

    Significance of Research into Multilateral Diplomatic History of China and Its Construction of System

  18. 近年来我国政府对多边外交工作越来越重视,多边外交政策在实践中不断走向成熟,其深度和广度也在不断拓展。

    In recent years , Chinese government has attached great importance to multilateral diplomacy .

  19. 我们通过多边外交来达到这个目的。

    We have pursued that through multi-lateral diplomacy .

  20. 美国将从正式联盟和多边外交的障碍中抽身而退。

    America would free itself of the encumbrance of formal alliances and multilateral diplomacy .

  21. 目前中国正在全球各个层面积极开展多边外交活动。

    China is actively participate in multilateral diplomatic activities in the world at present .

  22. 改革开放与中国在世界贸易体制内的多边外交

    China 's Multilateral Diplomacy in the World Trading System since Its Reform and Opening-up

  23. 国际组织和多边外交讨论会;

    Seminar in international organization and multilateral diplomacy ;

  24. 同时,中国实力的不足也限制了多边外交作用的发挥。

    The lack of force for China restricts the elaboration of multilateral diplomacy 's effect .

  25. 中国2000年外交工作的一大特点是多边外交空前活跃。

    In 2000 , China 's diplomatic work featured vigorous activities on an unprecedented scale .

  26. 最后,多边外交。

    The final part is multilateral diplomacy .

  27. 中国多边外交取得了历史性突破,实力地位大大改善。

    China 's multilateral diplomacy has made a breakthrough and it 's strength improved greatly .

  28. 发展多边外交,是中国走向世界大国的必由之路。

    Developing multilateral diplomacy is the road that China must follow to build a world power .

  29. 本文试图从国际公共关系的视角,探讨提升我国多边外交成效的应有策略。

    This paper attempts to approach Chinas multilateral diplomacy from the perspective of international public relations .

  30. 另外,多边外交不应偏离发展经济和维护国家统一这两大重心,应以和平共处五项基本原则和国际法为准则。

    We should follow the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence and international law in launch multilateral diplomacy .