
  1. 骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。

    Horse is running out , and strengthening the armed forces are playing out .

  2. 魏晋十六国北朝国家分裂时期,足食强兵是各分割性政权共同的经济开发目标。

    During the sixteen countries in the Chinese history , the period of nations splitting up , sufficient food and strong military army were the targets of different political regimes .

  3. 富国才能强兵,我们必须努力地团结一致,振兴中华;努力防止世界上的局部战争的爆发和升级;党的领导是中国历史的必然选择。

    Therefore , we must make great efforts to unite as one and rejuvenate China ; We ought to try hard to prevent the local wars of the world from breaking out and escalating ; The leadership of the Communist Party is the inexorable choice of Chinese history .

  4. 韩非以治为政治理想,他思想中存在着一个有治的理想国,同时他又现实地面对以力相争的当下,富国、强兵就是他在理想与现实之间确定的政治目标。

    Han Fei also took Governance as a political ideal and believed that there was a Utopia with Governance , meanwhile , he also envisaged the current power struggle realistically and suggested to realize the political target between the ideal and reality by enriching the state and equipping the army .