
  • 网络naturalism;nature centralism
  1. 自然中心主义是人与自然界之间肯定性的关系;

    Naturalism is the affirmative value relationship between man and nature ;

  2. 人类中心主义、自然中心主义和可持续发展是对人和自然界价值论地位的三种确立方式。

    Anthropocentrism , naturalism and sustainable development are the three establishing ways of the value status of man and nature .

  3. 试析自然中心主义环境伦理学及其理论困境

    On Environmental Ethics of Natural Centre Doctrine and Its Predicament

  4. 在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。

    At the theoretical level , there is an intrinsic conflict between EJ and non-anthropocentric environmentalism .

  5. 而自然中心主义企图通过把自然作为伦理主体来看待,这虽然对克服旧人类中心主义有积极意义,但是,本身却违反了伦理学的基本原理。

    Although it had active significance of overcoming the old human centrism , it violated the basic rules of ethics itself .

  6. 以往人们试图从自然中心主义和传统人类中心主义这两种视角来审视可持续发展。

    In the past , we try to examine sustainable development closely from such two view angles as naturalism and traditional humanism .

  7. 人类中心主义与自然中心主义价值观的比较以人为本是贯穿其中的核心价值原则。

    The Comparison Concerning the Outlooks of Value Between the Anthropocentrism and the Naturalism ; And the key value principle all throughout is man as the noumenon .

  8. 马克思在超越自然中心主义和人类中心主义二者的对立的基础上找到了结合点,那就是人道主义和自然主义的结合,从而达到人与自然的和谐。

    Marx found out the way of harmony for human and nature by unifying naturalism and humanitarian which conquered the opposition of natural centrality and human centrality .

  9. 自然中心主义环境伦理思想作为目前最为热门的学科之一,自然同其它学科一样,有它产生的思想根源、现实缘由和直接的动因。

    Natural Central Environmental Ethics , at present as one of the most popular subject , naturally like other disciplines has its ideological roots , actual origins and direct cause .

  10. 一种超越自然中心主义的新人类中心主义是把人作为感性和理性统一的主体来看待的,因而,为人类的生存提供了理由。

    There is a " new human centrism " treating human being as the subject of unification of ration and perception , thus it can provide reasons of human existence .

  11. 自然中心主义和传统人类中心主义虽对当代生态环境危机进行过一些道德思考,对生态环境保护运动起到了积极作用,但都有其自身的不合理性和局限性存在。

    Although naturalism and traditional humanism make some moral thoughts to the present biological crisis of environment and have positive effect at a certain degree , it still exists some irrationality and limitation .

  12. 就生态伦理和可持续发展理论的理论立场和理论性质问题,理论界明显存在两种不同的倾向:自然中心主义和人类中心主义。

    It exists obviously two kinds of tendency : Nature Center Doctrine with Human Center Doctrine in the theoretical field on the position and characters of the theories of Ecological Ethics and Sustainable Development .

  13. 对这个困境的分析将从三方面来进行:远离自然、人类中心主义、过度开采。

    This dilemma is further discussed from three aspects : far from the nature , anthropocentrism , and overexploitation .

  14. 在这个反思的过程中,不少学者认为,主张征服、控制自然的人类中心主义是现代社会生态危机的罪魁祸首。

    In the process of reflection , many scholars believe that the anthropocentrism which advocate conquer and control of nature is the culprit for the ecological crisis of modern society .

  15. 在人与自然的价值问题上,一直存在着人类中心主义与自然中心主义两种争论。

    As to the value of man and nature , there have been existing two types of controversies in this issue : Anthropocentrism and Non-anthropocentric Naturalism .

  16. 道家自然权利观的核心观念是因循自然,有性任自然的自然中心主义倾向。

    The quintessence of natural rights is to follow the principle of nature , with the inclination of natural centrism .

  17. 他热爱、敬畏自然,对人类社会充满失望,他希望杂草能接管世界的愿望表明他是一位自然中心主义者。

    He has passion and awe to the nature , while he has full disappointment to human society . He hopes that one day weed will take over our world , which indicates that he is an anti-anthropocentric .

  18. 后现代哲学自然观认为,当今的人与自然的矛盾应归咎于现代性,是机械自然观、人类中心主义造成的恶果。

    Natural-view of postmodern philosophy holds that contemporary contradiction between human being and nature should put blame on modernity , and it is the evil consequence caused by mechanical natural-view and anthropocentrism .