
  • 网络natural selection theory
  1. 上述三种论点的依据都是自然选择理论。

    All base their arguments on the same tenets of natural selection .

  2. 两结果均支持自然选择理论。

    The two results stand by the Natural Selection .

  3. 第一部分介绍达尔文体系及Eigen模型,包括适应面概念、Fisher的自然选择理论、准物种模型的解析解、微扰近似和数值解。

    The first part deals with the Darwinian system and Eigen model , including the concept of fitness landscape , Fisher 's theory , and the analytical solution , perturbation approximation and numerical solution for quasi-species model .

  4. 自然选择理论在行为研究中的核心概念辨析

    Discriminating the Core Concepts of Natural Selection 's Behavior-research

  5. 达尔文的自然选择理论和巴斯德的微生物理论变革了生物学和医学;

    Darwin 's theory of natural selection and Pasteur 's germ theory revolutionized biology and medicine ;

  6. 他的自然选择理论就是基于适者生存的原则。

    His theory of natural selection is based on the principle of the survival of the fittest .

  7. 也许你们之中会有人觉得,这和达尔文的自然选择理论,看上去很相似,自然选择就是随机突变的随机分配。

    And it might occur to some of you that this seems to be an analogy with the Darwinian theory of natural selection where there 's a random assortment of random mutations .

  8. 达尔文则相反,他最初就是在放鸽子运动中通过一些特殊的习性发现了自然选择理论(鸽子奇特习性),它们在行为方式上表现出巨大的变化。

    Charles Darwin , by contrast , found a lead for his theory of natural selection in the whimsical hobby of pigeon fancying , where the birds showed an enormous variety of form and behaviour .

  9. 在笔者看来,罗森堡达尔文还原论思想的意义一方面在于坚持了还原的物理主义的基本立场,另一方面也为调和还原论与自然选择理论提供了一种新的尝试。

    In my opinion , Rosenberg established the position of physicalism and reductionism on one hand , and found a new way to mediate Reductionism and the Theory of Natural Selection on the other hand .

  10. 1859年11月24日,英国博物学家查尔斯·达尔文发表“物种起源”,解释了自然选择进化理论。

    On Nov. 24 , 1859 , British naturalist Charles Darwin published " On the Origin of Species , " which explained his theory of evolution by means of natural selection .

  11. 遗传算法是以自然选择和群体遗传理论为基础,模拟生物进化过程中适者生存规则与群体内部染色体的信息随机交换机制的一类自适应并行随机的全局搜索算法。

    Genetic algorithm is a self-adaptive collateral , random , general and global search algorithm , which stimulates biologic evolution process based on natural selection and population heredity .

  12. 遗传算法和蚁群优化算法是两种最流行的仿生算法,前者以自然选择和遗传变异理论为基础,后者则是对蚂蚁觅食行为进行模拟而提出的一种仿生算法。

    Genetic algorithm ( GA ) and ant colony optimization ( ACO ) are two best popular bionical algorithms . GA is based on natural selection and evolution theory , and ACO simulates ants ' behaviour of looking for food .