
zì zhuàn tǐ
  • autobiographical style
  1. 她的早期作品大多取材于非洲,主要讨论人的生存境遇问题,并以独特的自传体风格著称。

    Her early works , based on Africa , mainly discuss the problems of human survival circumstances , and are famous for the unique autobiographical style .

  2. 这本书很显然属于自传体小说。

    This book clearly falls into the category of fictionalised autobiography

  3. 这部电影是自传体,其中的主角由科勒德亲自扮演。

    The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself

  4. 劳里·李的自传体小说三部曲

    Laurie Lee 's trilogy of autobiographical novels .

  5. 这种“超级自传体记忆”(简称HSAM)首次进入公众视野是在21世纪初。

    " Highly superior autobiographical memory " ( or HSAM for short ) first came to light in the early 2000s , with a young woman named Jill Price .

  6. 但是,不是每一个有幻想倾向的人都能发展出“超级自传体记忆”,所以帕特西斯认为一定存在某些东西触发他们不停回忆过去。

    Not everyone with a tendency to fantasise will develop HSAM , though , so Patihis suggests that something must have caused them to think so much about their past .

  7. 《女勇士》是华裔美籍作家汤亭亭(MaxineHongKingston1940-)发表的第一部自传体小说。

    Maxine Hong Kingston ( 1940 - ) is a Chinese American writer .

  8. 她有了第一张自己的EP《也。许飞》,第一个半自传体的音乐片《飞行日志。

    She has made her own EP If Fly and a semi-autobiographical musical film Air Dairy .

  9. 故事发生在英国,可以被解释为Lawrence的自传体小说。

    The story , set in England , can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Lawrence .

  10. 最新一本小说集《亲爱的生活》(DearLife)显然很有意思。这本书最后包括了一系列自传体小说,是打开芒罗整个作家生涯大门的一把钥匙。

    The latest one is obviously very interesting , ' Dear Life , ' which contains a number of autobiographical sketches at the end that gives a key to the entire authorship of Alice Munro .

  11. Galton和Freud都没有把自传体记忆作为一个系统的问题进行研究。

    Freud or Galton did not take autobiographical memory as a system for research .

  12. 自传体记忆(autobiographicalmemory)是个人生活事件的记忆,是某些行为基线(人物,地点,时间,自我,情绪等)的摘要式记录。

    Autobiographical memory is a personal memory of life events , and some of the baseline ( figure , location , time , self , emotional , etc ) of the summary record .

  13. 自传体记忆神经机制的经颅磁刺激(TMS)研究

    The Neural Mechanisms of Autobiographical Memory by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation ( TMS ); Microsurgical Decompression of Traumatic Optic Neuropathy via Transcranial Approach

  14. 研究方法也由最初Rogers的经典范式到新方法的不断产生,如自传体提取范式、自我生成程序等等。

    The methods developed from the Rogers ' classic paradigm ( Self-Descriptiveness Judgments ) to some new methods , such as Autobiographical Retrieval , Self-generated Procedure etc.

  15. 她将自己与抑郁症和滥用药物的斗争变成了喜剧效果强烈的作品,包括半自传体小说《来自边缘的明信片》(PostcardsFromtheEdge)和回忆录、独角戏《怀着愿望畅饮》(WishfulDrinking)。

    She channeled her struggles with depression and substance abuse into fiercely comic works , including the semiautobiographical novel " Postcards From the Edge " and the memoir and one-woman show " Wishful Drinking . "

  16. 最早对自传体记忆进行研究是Galton和Freud,他们认为心理学应该研究有关个体自身经历的记忆。

    The earliest autobiographical memory studies were taken by Freud and Galton , they thought psychology should study about the memory of his own experiences .

  17. 自传体记忆(autobiographicalmemory,AM)是指日常生活中自发产生的与自我经验相联系的信息存储和提取的过程,是个体对过去生活事件的回忆。

    The Autobiographical Memory ( with Autobiographical , AM ) refers to the daily life spontaneously produce associated with ego experience in the process of information storage and puts forward to the past , is individual life events Memory .

  18. Bartlett认为记忆研究应着眼于研究有意义的东西而导致随后的研究自传体记忆的热潮。

    But , Bartlett thought that we should use the meaningful materials to study memory and his work led to an upsurge of autobiographical memory study .

  19. 保罗·高更(PaulGauguin)在自传体小说《此前此后》(AvantetAprès)中描述了在阿尔勒,自己决定离开之后与梵高之间发生的争执。

    In Paul Gauguin 's autobiographical novel , " Avant et Apr è s , " he describes a disagreement between him and van Gogh in Arles after Gauguin decided to leave .

  20. 屈原是中国历史上第一位伟大诗人,其代表作《离骚》是中国文学史上最长的一首自传体政治抒情诗。

    Qu Yuan is the first poet in the Chinese history .

  21. 沉思和分心对负情绪和自传体记忆的影响

    Effects of Rumination and Distraction on Negative Emotion and Autobiographical Memory

  22. 学者们从不同角度对自传体记忆的概念进行了界定。

    Different definitions of autobiographical memory are defined through different aspects .

  23. 自传体记忆是人类记忆研究中的一个新领域。

    Autobiographical memory is a new field of human memory research .

  24. 据说最早写的一些小说往往是自传体小说。

    It is said that first novels are often Autobiog raphical .

  25. 婴幼儿自传体记忆研究的现状及展望

    The Actuality and Expectation of The Research On Infantile Autobiographical Memory

  26. 发展心理学家主要关注生命历程的自传体记忆。

    Developmental psychologists focus on the life span of autobiographical memory .

  27. 在美国文学史上,德莱塞的自传体小说《天才》一直备受争议。

    Dreisers autobiographical novel The Genius has been disputed for centuries .

  28. 种类;类别这本书很显然属于自传体小说。

    This book clearly falls into the category of fictionalised autobiography .

  29. 自传体小说是女性主义诗学的重要组成部分。

    Autobiography is one of the important part of feminist poetics .

  30. 抑郁情绪大学生自传体记忆具体性特点的研究

    Specificity of Autobiographical Memory in College Students with Depressive Mood