
tí chànɡ zhě
  • advocate;advocator;prophet
  1. 在英国,毕马威(kpmg)是远程学习的热忱提倡者。

    KPMG , in the UK , is a strong advocate for distance learning .

  2. 赫斯特是一杯完美的咖啡(CupofExcellence)竞赛的热情提倡者。竞赛始于1999年,目前在从巴西到卢旺达的九个咖啡生产国举办。

    Hurst is a passionate advocate for the Cup of Excellence competition , which began in 1999 and is now run in nine coffee-producing countries , from Brazil to Rwanda .

  3. 人们一直将他视为主张更为谨慎的经济改革措施的提倡者。

    He has been seen as a champion of a more cautious approach to economic reform .

  4. 正是对怜悯的作用有了认识,才使得死刑的提倡者指控主张废除死刑的人感情用事,同情谋杀犯胜过同情受害者。

    It is recognition of compassion 's part that leads the up-holders of capital punishment to accuse the abolitionists of sentimentality in being more sorry for the murderer than for his victim .

  5. 企业内部的提倡者同时也必须在内部出售SOA构想,然后向基于标准规范的方向前进。

    Advocates within the enterprise also must sell the SOA vision internally and move toward a standards-based direction .

  6. advocaten.提倡者,拥护�他竭力主张改革政治体制。

    He is a strong advocate of reforms on the political system .

  7. Sachs是环境友好科技的强烈提倡者。

    Sachs is a strong of environmentally friendly technology .

  8. 该框架的创始人HowardLewisShip是独立顾问、优秀导师和不屈不挠的提倡者。

    The framework 's founder , Howard Lewis Ship , is an independent consultant , an excellent instructor , and a tireless promoter .

  9. Don这次带这一个魔鬼式的提倡者的意见和Yael讨论。

    Don takes the devil 's advocate position and discusses this with Yael .

  10. 我们希望这份报告可以激励CMMI和敏捷的提倡者们(理想状况下,包括软件相关行业的每一个人),让他们能够

    We hope this report encourages both CMMI and Agile proponents ( ideally , everyone in software related industries ) to do the following

  11. 选举巴拉克胡赛因奥巴马(barackhusseinobama)担任总统,美国民众选择的是一位知识分子,一位团结的提倡者,以及一位肯尼亚黑人父亲与美国白人母亲的儿子。

    In electing Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency , the American people have chosen an intellectual , a prophet of unity and a man with a black Kenyan father and a white American mother .

  12. 这个笑话被现场观众很好地接收了,但当你意识到史蒂夫乔布斯才是Federighi贬低的设计风格的最大提倡者时,对此只是有些略奇怪。

    The jokes were well-received by the people in the audience , but there was something slightly weird about them when you consider that Steve Jobs was a big proponent of the design style Federighi was trashing .

  13. 他是主张工人管理的最积极的提倡者之一。

    He was one of the most vigorous advocates of workers'control .

  14. 提倡者辩论支持某事的人;倡导者。

    One who argues in support of something ; an advocate .

  15. 但是,美国许多动物福利提倡者却认为这个方法是不人道得,而且是很残忍的。

    Many animal-welfare advocates , though , say the method is inhumane .

  16. 妇女有权选举的女性提倡者。

    A woman advocate of women 's right to vote .

  17. 他们推崇他为革命的提倡者和领导者。

    They hailed him as the author and leader of the revolution .

  18. 现在,更新世野生动物重返的提倡者们主要是有两大目标。

    Now , the advocates of Pleistocene rewilding cite two main goals .

  19. (一种新的信仰、事业、理论等的)鼓吹者,提倡者

    Spokesman or advocate of a new belief , cause , theory , etc

  20. 权利提倡者和媒体专家对这次会议进行了谴责。

    Rights advocates and media experts criticised the conference .

  21. 他被视作政府改革的主要提倡者之一。

    He is recognised as one of the leading advocates for governmental reform .

  22. 反对现存文化的人;在政治和生活方式上极度自由的提倡者。

    Someone who rejects the established culture ; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle .

  23. 在学院里,他最先遇到的教授是一个真理的提倡者。

    In the college , the professor he met first was an advocate of truth .

  24. 同性婚姻的提倡者和反对者在争论中指责最高法院。

    Advocates on both sides of the gay marriage debate are criticizing the Supreme Court .

  25. 儿童早期开发专家和提倡者认为,现在采取行动尚不晚。

    It 's not too late to act , though , experts and advocates argue .

  26. “杂乱桌面”的提倡者不乏一些名人。

    Messy desks have some celebrated advocates .

  27. 对此一些武器控制的提倡者保持怀疑。

    Some arms control advocates remain sceptical .

  28. 移民提倡者反对说当前的费用增加远远超过以前增长的。

    Immigrant advocates counter that the current fee hike is far greater than any pervious increase .

  29. 提倡者、推动者和参加者

    Promoters , agents and participants

  30. 这第一次疗程里程碑是科学家,欢迎干细胞提倡者和病人希望医。

    This first treatment milestone is welcomed by scientists , stem cell advocates and patients hoping for cures .