
  • 网络Tiberius
  1. 提比略不可以坏坏鸟

    Tiberius .. No ! Bad bad bird !

  2. 提比略虽然这听上去很糟但是我不全信�

    Tiberius , this is going to sound completely horrible but , I do not fully trust you .

  3. 提比略担心这种奇异的新金属,会令他拥有的大量金子银子贬值。

    He was afraid that the new wonder metal would devalue his fortune in gold and silver .

  4. 因为这个岛上尽是能够勾起你联想的历史遗迹,总叫你想到提比略大帝的神秘故事。

    For the island is rich with historic associations and over it broods always the enigmatic memory of Tiberius the Emperor .

  5. 提比略十分惊讶,但随即下令把那倒楣工匠拖去斩首,还把他的工场夷为平地。

    Tiberius was greatly astonished , but then he had the unfortunate man dragged away and beheaded , and his workplace razed to the ground .

  6. 布罗迪扮演的提比略想要获得丝绸之路从中国到西方的陆上贸易航线的控制权。

    Brody plays Tiberius who wants to gain control over the ' silk road ' - the overland trade route from China to the West .

  7. 基督时期统治罗马的提比略年轻而又沉静。他的雕像被海藻产生的硫磺严重地腐蚀黑了。

    What may be the portrait of a young and still serene Tiberius , who reigned during the time of Christ , has been badly blackened by sulfur produced by algae .