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  • 网络carry water;carrying water
  1. 我们经常帮那位老大娘提水。

    We often help the old woman carry water .

  2. 学生们经常帮那位老人提水。

    Students often help the old man carry water .

  3. B:很多事情。我会把垃圾捡起来,给跑步者提水,给他们拍照。

    B : A lot of things . I will pick up the rubbish , offer water to the runners and take photos for them .

  4. 基于PLC控制的水头差压力转换提水装置的设计

    Design About the Water Lifts of Head Pressure Transition Based on PLC

  5. 提取工艺主要考虑浸提水溶液温度、pH值、料水比和浸提时间对多糖得率的影响,研究最佳的粗多糖浸提工艺参数;

    The major factors which influence the extracting ratio are saturating temperature pH saturating time and the ratio between material and water .

  6. 从高粱黑粉菌中提取出水提水溶多糖B1和碱提水溶多糖B2,经分析及测定2种多糖均为纯多糖。

    The water extractive water soluble polysaccharide B 1 and the alkali extractive water soluble polysaccharide B 2 were extracted from ustilaginaceae .

  7. 二次浸提水与药物体积为6∶1,浸药时间18~24h;

    The volume ratio of lixiviating water and medicinal herbs in secondary lixiviation as 6 ∶ 1 with herbs steeping time as 18 ~ 24 h ;

  8. 从玉米芯(corn-cob)中提取出酸提水溶性粗多糖,经G。

    Water-soluble crude polysaccharide has been extracted by acid from corn cob . G.

  9. 通过优化设计计算,确定了水泵的几何参数和性能参数,当风力提水机转速n为72r/min,水泵叶轮转速为512r/min时,能够达到最满意的泵水效果。

    We determined the parameter of geometry and capability by optimizing design . There is a good effect when the wind power machine runs at a speed of 72 r / min , impeller of water pump runs at a speed of 512 r / min.

  10. FS-3.5型风力发电提水机

    FS-3.5 type of water pump driven by wind generation

  11. XFT-6型风力提水机组的试验研究

    Test and research of type XFT-6 Windmill Pump

  12. FT-2.6型风力提水机的研究

    Research on the ft-2.6 windmill water pump

  13. 结果:钩吻醇提水沉组分具有明显的抑制HL60细胞增殖的作用,且存在明显的剂量和时间-反应关系;

    Results Components of Gelsemium by ethanol extracting and water deposition obviously inhibited HL-60 cells proliferation , and there is a distinct relation between dose-effects and time-effects .

  14. 主要工艺参数:一次浸提水与药物体积为8∶1,水温45~55℃,浸药时间36~48h;

    The main technical parameters were as follows : the volume ratio of lixiviating water and medicinal herbs in primary lixiviation as 8 ∶ 1 with water temperature at 45 ~ 55 ℃ and herbs steeping time as 36 ~ 48 h ;

  15. 水流式水轮泵是以水流为动力的提水机械,该文针对德国Bremen海外研究与发展协会研制的BORDA泵在试验及应用中存在的问题,设计了一种新型的垂直轴水流式水轮泵。

    In order to solve the problems existed in the BORDA pump developed by the Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association , Germany , a new type of vertical axle turbine pump was designed and manufactured .

  16. FT-2.5型风力提水机是一种能从地下水位在5~15米深的井中,提供连续、稳定水流的节能环保设备。

    FT-2.5 wind pump is a kind of green equipment to supply continuous and steady water from the wells with 5-15 meters water table .

  17. 经钩吻醇提水沉组分处理的HL60细胞周期状态发生明显变化,表现为G0G1期细胞比例降低,S期细胞比例增加,并出现较明显的亚二倍体细胞峰型。

    The cells treated with the components of Gelsemium by ethanol extracting and water deposition appeared obviously cell cycle state changes , ratio of G0 / G1 phase increased and S phase decreased , a distinct sub-diploid peak can be seen .

  18. 中午开机测定提水、搅拌等能力;

    The capacities of water elevation and stirring measured at midday ;

  19. 提水灌溉工程混凝土建筑物的侵蚀及修复

    Erosion and repair of concrete buildings of water pumping irrigation works

  20. 多级提水灌溉系统的临界经济扬程分析

    Analysis of Critical Economic Lift for Multilevel Water Pumping Irrigation System

  21. 低扬程提水灌区喷灌节能措施的探讨

    Measures to Save Energy for Sprinkler Irrigation in the Low-lift Plain

  22. 停止高谈阔论,提水灭火。

    Stop critiquing the fire and grab a bucket of water .

  23. 某提水工程首部枢纽钢筋混凝土质量控制

    Quality control of reinforced concrete in one lift irrigation project

  24. 多级提水灌区水资源管理决策支持系统建设

    Water resources management DSS for multilevel lifting water irrigation districts

  25. 新型节能的提水工具&水锤泵

    New-style lifting water tool of energy conservation hydraulic hammer pump

  26. 苜蓿、玉米根系提水作用机制研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Hydraulic Lift of the Alfalfa and Maize

  27. 娘子关提水工程集泉二泵站基础处理设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Foundation Treatment of the Second Jiquan Pumping Station

  28. 提水工程泵站水泵的合理选择研究

    Rational Choice and Study of Pumps in the Pumping Stations

  29. 风力提水与风力发电提水技术

    Wind power pumping water and wind turbine pumping water technology

  30. 水头差压力转换提水技术研究

    Research on transforming head difference Pressure to water raising technique