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nǔ gōng
  • crossbow
弩弓 [nǔ gōng]
  • [crossbow] 一种利用机械力量将箭射出的古代弓

弩弓[nǔ gōng]
  1. 冒险者弩兵训练有素,装备弩弓、长剑和板甲。

    Well skilled troops armed with a crossbow and sword and armoured in plate .

  2. 那也是我第一次得到这样的告诫:小说已经濒临消亡的边缘,就像城寨和弩弓,只属于逝去的时代。

    From the first , too , I had been warned that the novel was at the point of death , that like the walled city or the crossbow , it was a thing of the past .