
kāi pínɡ qì
  • opener
  1. 送个内衣修补包,或者奥巴马“Yes,WeCan”开瓶器如何?

    Then how about an underwear repair kit or maybe a Barack Obama " Yes , We Can " can opener ?

  2. 清单上有开瓶器吗,Marilyn?

    Do we have a bottle opener on the list , Marilyn ?

  3. 这是一物多用,既是瓶塞钻,又是开瓶器。

    It 's a corkscrew and bottle-opener all in one .

  4. 一句话介绍,开瓶器是一个隧道通过HTTP代理SSH的工具。

    Corkscrew is a tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies .

  5. wine:酒,葡萄酒opener:开户物,开具的确,所以我之前去找开瓶器为了可以拿瓶Margaux让你爸爸开心一下。而我找到了这个,你要怎么说?

    Anne : It is , which is why I was looking for a wine opener so I could surprise your father , with a bottle of Margaux , which is how I found this .

  6. 我想我要找个开瓶器。

    I think I should have one of those bottle openers .

  7. 你有开瓶器之类东西吗?

    Do you have such a thing as a bottle opener ?

  8. 没有人想到要带开瓶器。

    No one had had the wit to bring a hottie-opener .

  9. 在右边的抽屉里就在开瓶器旁边。

    It 's in the righthand drawer next to the bottle openers .

  10. 你能帮我把开瓶器从抽屉里拿出来吗?

    Can you get the corkscrew out of the drawer ?

  11. 我找不到开瓶器了

    I just - I can 't find my corkscrew .

  12. 说明:再次订购喜力杯橄榄球世界锦标赛,带开瓶器的钥匙环。

    Description : Re-order Heineken Rugby World Cup , Key Ring Bottle opener .

  13. 而不是为她买醉。不如试试“意见开瓶器”吧!

    So instead of buying her a drink , try an Opinion Opener .

  14. 奥利,你把开瓶器放哪了?

    Ollie ? Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing ?

  15. 你恐怕没带开瓶器吧。

    I don 't suppose you brought a corkscrew ?

  16. 你把开瓶器放哪了?

    Yeah . Where do you keep the bottle opener in this thing ?

  17. 还有红葡萄酒还有开瓶器

    And a bottle of red wine . Corkscrew .

  18. 刀上面有个开瓶器!

    It has a bottle opener on it !

  19. 开瓶器是厨用小器具。

    A bottle opener is a kitchen gadget .

  20. 我在找开瓶器

    I was looking for a bottle opener .

  21. 却没人找得到开瓶器

    and nobody can find a wine opener .

  22. 出厂价开瓶器大量批发!

    Opener large wholesale ex-factory price !

  23. 我买了酒,但是找不到开瓶器

    Hey , I got us wine , but I can 't find a corkscrew anywhere .

  24. 里面配有小刀,开瓶器,削皮器,万能柄,砧板!

    In have penknife , bottle opener , peeler , all-powerful handle , kitchen chopping board !

  25. 他有一个开瓶器。

    He has a tin-opener .

  26. 我抱着瓶子,把瓶颈放在开瓶器下面,瓶盖就顺势掉进了下面的旧木箱里。

    The cap dropped into an old wooden box , and I reached in to retrieve it .

  27. 没有,没有开瓶器。

    No. No bottle opener .

  28. 就像你不需要一个智能开瓶器一样,你同样不需要一个智能酒瓶。

    Just like you don 't need a smart bottle opener , you don 't need a smart wine bottle .

  29. 我公司完善的质量管理体系和高素质的员工,保证了温州人塑料开瓶器的健康发展。

    My company to improve quality management system and high-quality staff to ensure the plastic bottle opener Wenzhou People 's healthy development .

  30. 这个开瓶器能在你开酒瓶的时候通过短信发消息通知你的好友,这很疯狂,对吗?

    This bottle opener sends a message to your friends via Messenger every time you open a bottle - crazy , right ?