
  • 网络Kaiping Diaolou and Villages;Kaiping Watchtowers;diaolou
  1. 开平碉楼与村落,已经走进了全人类的文化视野。

    Kaiping Diaolou and villages have stepped into the cultural vision of the world .

  2. 村中的天禄楼是开平碉楼“众楼”的突出代表,给人非常坚实厚重的感觉。

    It is known as " The Most Harmoniously Natural " residential environment Tianlulou in the village is an outstanding example of Kaiping Diaolou " Zhong Lou ", which imposes a very solid impression .

  3. 试析开平碉楼的功能&侨乡文书研究之三

    An Analysis of the Functions of the Watchtowers in Kaiping & The third of a Research Series into the Culture of the Hometown of Overseas Chinese

  4. 为避免洪涝和盗匪的侵袭,建起了风格拙朴的迎龙楼,该楼是广东开平碉楼中最原始、最古老的碉楼,因而享有“开平碉楼之父”的称号。

    The rustic Yinglonglou was built in the village to avert floods and ward off bandit attacks . It 's the oldest and most original Diaolou in kaiping , so it is called " Father of Kaiping Diaolou " .

  5. 开平碉楼大部分是由著名的“海漂”开平人在20世纪早期建造的,他们把在国外看到的伊斯兰、罗马甚至是古希腊建筑风格带回了家乡。

    Erected mostly in the early 20th century , the fortress towers at Kaiping were built by famously outbound Kaipingers , who brought home the many architectural styles they saw abroad , including Islamic , Roman and even ancient Greek .