
  • 网络Wulingyuan Scenic Spot;Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area;Wulingyuan Scenic Area
  1. 风景名胜区内特殊客运工具乘客群研究&以武陵源风景名胜区索道、观光电梯为例

    A Study of Domestic Tourists of Special Transportation Facilities in Scenic Spots : A survey of passengers of the ropeway and sightseeing elevator in Wulingyuan scenic spot

  2. 基于游客感知形象的武陵源风景名胜区营销路径分析

    Path Analysis on Marketing Management Basing on Tourist Apperceiving in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot

  3. 流调报告显示:7月22日,上述四人都曾在武陵源风景名胜区魅力湘西剧场观看演出。

    All four had been at the Charm Xiangxi Theater in the Wulingyuan scenic area on July 22 , watching a show .

  4. 武陵源风景名胜区旅游循环经济体系建设研究

    Tourism Circular Economy Structuring in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot

  5. 武陵源风景名胜区水环境调查

    Water Environment Study of Wulingyuan Scenic Zone

  6. 本文研究的重点是探讨张家界武陵源风景名胜区如何精品化。

    The emphasis of the study is how to develop competitive products in Wulingyuan tourist district .

  7. 自然遗产地保护分区模式探讨&以武陵源风景名胜区为例

    Protection Zoning System of Natural Heritage & A Case Study on Wulingyuan Famous Scenic Sites of China

  8. 张家界作为一个著名的旅游城市,以世界自然遗产武陵源风景名胜区为核心。

    Zhangjiajie is a famous tourist city ; it takes world nature legacy-Wulingyuan scenic spot as its core .

  9. 张家界武陵源风景名胜区精品化研究甘肃嘉陵江三滩旅游景区地基土特征

    The Study on the Development of High-quality Tourism Products of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie Gansu Jialing River Santan Tourist Scenic Zone Foundation Soil Characteristic

  10. 并强调要加强对武陵源风景名胜区生态旅游可持续发展目标管理的效果进行监督与评价。

    And it is emphasized that we must strengthen to supervise and assess the effect of eco-tourism sustainable development management by objectives in Wulingyuan scenic and historic natural area .

  11. 武陵源得天独厚的旅游资源闻名于世,必须对武陵源风景名胜区进行科学化的管理,依法保护风景名胜区的野生动物资源。

    Wu Linyuan is famous for its abundant gifts of nature , therefore the scenic spot of Wu Linyuan must be scientifically managed so that the wild life resources in this spot could be protected by law .