
  1. 武磊刚刚帮助西班牙人足球俱乐部升级西甲。

    Wu just helped Spanish club Espanyol win promotion to La Liga .

  2. 去年,武磊和另外两名中国球员郑智、冯潇霆也曾入选该榜单。

    Wu also made it onto last year 's list along with fellow Chinese players Zheng Zhi and Feng Xiaoting .

  3. 上海上港的边锋武磊成为唯一一名跻身最新版“世界500强球员榜单”的中国球员。

    Shanghai SIPG winger Wu Lei is the only Chinese player to have made it onto the latest World Soccer 500 list .

  4. 现年26岁的武磊是中国超级联赛中的顶尖射手,截至本赛季的3场比赛,他已打进7球。

    The 26-year-old is the lead scorer in China 's Super League , with 7 goals from 3 games so far this season .

  5. 中国足球明星武磊将重返国家队,参加定于5月底开始的2022年世界杯亚洲区预选赛。

    Chinese football star Wu Lei will return to the national team for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Asian qualifiers which are scheduled to kick off in late May .

  6. 他们分别是武磊在上海上港队的队友胡尔克、北京国安的中场球员雷纳托·奥古斯托、天津泰达的约翰·米克尔·奥比、天津权健的埃克塞尔·维特塞尔、广州富力的伊兰·扎哈维。

    They are Wu 's SIPG teammate Hulk , Beijing Guo'an midfielder Renato Augusto , Tianjin Teda 's John Mikel Obi , Tianjin Quanjian 's Axel Witsel , as well as Guangzhou R & F 's Eran Zahavi .