
  1. 另一位创始人杨焕明也曾在国外留学,他在哥本哈根大学(UniversityofCopenhagen)获得博士学位。

    Another co-founder , Yang Huanming , also studied abroad , receiving his PhD at the University of Copenhagen .

  2. 都柏林大学圣三一学院的教授,EAGLELS的联合副主席DavidMcConnell对杨焕明的呼吁表示欢迎。

    David McConnell , a professor of biotechnology at Trinity College , Dublin and co-vice chairman of EAGLES , welcomes Yang 's appeals .

  3. 据课题组中方协调人、中科院北京基因组研究所所长杨焕明表示,目前,课题组没有把这些化合物发展为药物的打算,不过它们可以被提供给制药公司作进一步开发。

    Instead , he says , the compounds could be offered to pharmaceutical firms to develop .

  4. 杨焕明在欧洲科学开放论坛的一场由欧洲全球生命科学行动(EAGLELS)于7月18日组织的会议上做出了以上发言。

    Yang 's remark was made on18 July at a session organised by European Action on Global Life Sciences ( EAGLES ) during the Euroscience Open Forum .

  5. 杨焕明认为该项目会让转基因作物的批准更加容易,特别是几个正在中国进行前商业化试验的转基因水稻品种。

    Yang believes that this project will make the approval of GM crops easier , especially GM rice of which several varieties are under pre-commercialisation trials in China .