
  • 网络Michelle;Michelle Yeoh
  1. 出演该片的还有奥卡菲娜、陈法拉、杨紫琼和梁朝伟,梁朝伟饰演真满大人和十戒帮的老大。

    The film also stars Awkwafina , Fala Chen , Michelle Yeoh and Tony Chiu-Wai Leung , the latter of which plays the real Mandarin5 and the leader of the Ten Rings organization .

  2. 《尚气与十环传奇》是漫威第一部由亚洲人领衔主演的超级英雄大片,包括奥卡菲娜、杨紫琼、梁朝伟、刘思慕在内的所有主要演员都是亚洲人或亚裔。

    Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is the first of Marvel 's superhero blockbusters to have an Asian lead character , and all of its main actors – including Awkwafina , Michelle Yeoh , Tony Leung , and Simu Liu as Shang-Chi himself – are Asian or of Asian descent .

  3. 电影《卧虎藏龙》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon)将拍摄续集,杨紫琼(MichelleYeoh)将继续担任主演,功夫明星甄子丹(DonnieYen)也会加盟。

    Michelle Yeoh is returning to star in the sequel to " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon , " joined by kung-fu star Donnie Yen .

  4. 这部由周润发、章子怡和杨紫琼主演的影片取得了意想不到的成功,在线电影票房网站BoxOfficeMojo称,该片在全球共获得了2.135亿美元的票房。

    It starred Chow Yun-fat , Zhang Ziyi and Ms. Yeoh and was an unexpected hit ─ pulling in a world-wide total of $ 213.5 million , according to Box Office Mojo .

  5. 他将自己的设计风格归结为“奢华的简约”(extravagantsimplicity),张曼玉、杨紫琼、巩俐、梅艳芳、李嘉欣、刘嘉玲和舒淇等众多明星都是他的客户。

    With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .

  6. 在好莱坞,为什么章子怡和杨紫琼出名?

    Why are Zhang Ziyi and Yang Ziqiong famous in Hollywood ?

  7. 杨紫琼:艺伎的世界神秘莫测。

    Michelle Yeoh : The geisha world is a very mysterious world .

  8. 今天的来宾是影星杨紫琼。

    My guest today is the movie star Michelle Yeah .

  9. 杨紫琼:(对章子怡)说说你学习舞蹈的一些情况吧。

    Michelle Yeoh : Tell them about your dancing .

  10. 智慧与身手并存的美人!《亚洲名人聊天室》专访动作女星杨紫琼!

    Butt-Kicking Beauty . A Talk Asia exclusive interview with action star Michelle Yeah .

  11. 和邦德女孩杨紫琼这样的亚洲演员都是好莱坞的大明星。

    And Bond girl Michelle Yeoh ( Yang Ziqiong ) are big stars in Hollywood .

  12. 2003年,有由杨紫琼和周润发出演的版本的传言。

    In2003 , there was talk of a version starring Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun-Fat .

  13. 杨紫琼:我们亲切地把训练的七间屋子称为魔鬼训练营。

    Michelle Yeoh : We have what we affectionately call the seven rooms of torture .

  14. 优雅狡黠的杨紫琼是唯一一个来自原版的明星。

    The graceful and sly Ms. Yeoh is the only star to return from the original .

  15. 杨紫琼:我认为每个人遭受的痛苦不尽相同。

    Michelle Yeoh : I think for each of us , there were different levels of pain .

  16. 杨紫琼将会再度担任女主角,而甄子丹和岑勇康则首次携手加盟。

    Michelle Yeoh will reprise her role of the original film , joined by Donnie Yen and Harry Shum Jr.

  17. 我想到了。我知道她的中文名:杨紫琼。

    Yeah , I got it . I know she 's ( her ) Chinese name : Yang Ziqiong .

  18. 在续集中,杨紫琼继续扮演侠女俞秀莲,但该片不是李安执导的。

    In the sequel , Michelle Yeoh reprises her role as the warrior Yu Shu Lien but Mr. Lee does not return .

  19. 我听说在林青霞出演那个狼女前,原本预定的是由杨紫琼来演这个角色的。

    Akik I know that before Brigitte was cast as a wolf woman , Michelle Yeoh was supposed to do the role .

  20. 《黑客帝国》剧组甚至曾为杨紫琼提供了一个“六翼天使”的角色,但由于档期冲突她拒绝了。

    She was even offered the role of Seraph in the two sequels to The Matrix , but she could not accept due to a scheduling conflict .

  21. 女星杨紫琼:我当时有点不太愿意做这件事,之所以参加都是因为我母亲的关系。

    MICHELLE YEOH , ACTRESS : Well , I was a little resistant , you know , to do it , and it really was my mom .

  22. 女星杨紫琼:我认为让大家知道女人可以很强悍,同时又很性感,这件事很重要。

    MICHELLE YEOH , ACTRESS : And I think it 's very important to realize that when women are tough , they can be very sexy as well .

  23. 女星杨紫琼:老实说,我小时候不曾想过有一天会成为女演员。

    MICHELLE YEOH , ACTRESS : Well , ever since I was a little girl , I never thought that one day I would be an actress , to be honest .

  24. 侠女俞秀莲(杨紫琼饰)来到朋友贝勒爷家中,这一次是参加他的葬礼,一个旧情人也来到她的身边。

    Once again the warrior Shu Lien ( Michelle Yeoh ) comes to the home of her friend Sir Te , this time for his funeral , and is joined there by an old flame .

  25. 女星杨紫琼:所以她不想要个邦德宝贝,因为如果你看看新一代的或近20年来的邦德女郎,会发现她们越来越强悍了。

    MICHELLE YEOH , ACTRESS : So she didn 't just want like a Bond babe because if you look at this new generation-or the last two decades of the Bond girls , they 've been tougher .

  26. 优雅逸然的荡在空中,生于马来西亚的“功夫女神”杨紫琼这是这般享受着其跨洋国际演艺生涯的。—选自“一个世界”,国家地理杂志1999年8月

    Sublimely at ease in midair , Malaysian-born " action goddess " Michelle Yeoh is just as comfortable with an acting career that routinely hops continents . " - From " A World Together , " August 1999 , National Geographic magazine

  27. 女星杨紫琼:在我看来,有些亚洲女郎的特定典型显然需要彻底破除,我们被塑造成像是明朝花瓶,脆弱易碎、摆在背景当装饰。

    MICHELLE YEOH , ACTRESS : It was very apparent to me that , you know , there were certain molds about referring to the Asian babes that needed to be completely broken , whereby , you know , we are the Ming vases , just fragile and in the background .