
  • 网络Janssen;Jansen
  1. 通过杨森在市场的其他优势药物或产品没有受到影响。

    No other strengths of the drug or products marketed by Janssen are affected .

  2. 从杨森曾采用的平衡条件和常系数假定出发,本文用分段法推导裤型漏斗直壁和曲壁的贮料压力计算公式。

    This paper derives the pressure formula of granular for trouser-shape funnel from equilibrium condition and assumption with constant coefficient ever adopted by Janssen .

  3. 方法:将106例FD患者分成两组:雷尼替丁加西沙比利(西安杨森制药生产)为治疗组、单用西沙比利为对照组,观察溃疡样FD、动力障碍样FD在两组中的有效率。

    Methods : 106 patients with FD were randomly , double-blindly divided into two groups . A group , Ranitidine and prepulsid as therapy group . B group , prepulsid as control group .

  4. 本文报道了临床观察甲苯咪唑(Vermox,由比利时杨森制药公司提供)治疗12例囊型包虫病的效果。

    This paper observed clinically the efficacy of mebendazole ( Vermox ) in the treatment of 12 cases with cystic echinococcosis ( CE ) .

  5. 2月,黎志英与李卓人、杨森一同被捕。

    Lai was arrested in February Lee Cheuk-yan and Yeung Sum .

  6. 杨森议员就“政府教育经费”提出质询。

    Dr Hon YEUNG Sum raised a question on " government spending on education " .

  7. 杨森与体育

    YANG Sen and Sport

  8. 杨森议员就“加强区议会角色和职能”提出质询。

    Dr Hon YEUNG Sum raised a question on " enhancing role and functions of district councils " .

  9. 杨森上个赛季在汉堡过得不如意,现在有报道说国王有意引进这位德国球员。

    Reports suggest Dalglish is keen to move for the German international , who endured a difficult campaign with Hamburg last season .

  10. 杨森议员就“委任最少的区议员”动议议案,以便在立法会辩论。

    Dr Hon YEUNG Sum moved a motion on " appointing least number of District Council members " for debate in the council .

  11. 同时改变了西安杨森制药有限责任公司药品生产过程主要依靠人工操作的现状。

    It also changes the Xi ' an-Janssen Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd. mainly relying on the pharmaceutical manufacturing process the status of manual operation .

  12. 文章试图以西安杨森为例,就跨国公司管理中伦理力建设提出几点建议。

    The author attempts to introduce Xian-Janssen , then promote several suggestions for the construction of the ethic power in the transnational corporation management .

  13. 对西安杨森制药有限责任公司霜剂生产过程用计算机控制来代替原来的人工操作。

    The cream production process controlled of the Xi ' an-Janssen Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd. takes the place of the manual by the computer .

  14. 古德杨森是除特里以外队中最老资格的非门将球员,在上赛季他的出场次数为近五季的最低点。

    Eidur Gudjohnsen , Chelsea 's longest-serving outfield player after John Terry , made his fewest appearances for five seasons in the campaign just gone .

  15. 该研究成果无论是对古典杨森理论的发展和采矿工程的应用均具有实际意义。

    The research results are of great significance to both the development of classical Janssen bulk solid pressure theory and the application of mining engineering .

  16. 杨森,强生公司的一个部门,表示星期五一封信发至制药者以及医疗服务机构人员,自动召回大量受影响的234毫克注射剂。

    Janssen , a unit of Johnson & Johnson , said in a letter to pharmacists and health care providers Friday that the voluntary recall affects lots of its234-milligram-strength injections .

  17. 本文以西安杨森制药有限公司立项,由西安工业大学承担的霜剂反应釜控制系统项目为背景。

    We talks about Xi ' an-Janssen Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd. Project undertaken by the Xi ' an University of Technology " cream reactor control system " as the background in this paper .