
  • 网络Liangjiang New Area
  1. 龙兴工业园位于渝北区龙兴镇、石船镇,是两江新区万亿级先进制造业基地。

    Located in Longxing town and Shichuan town of Yubei , Longxing Industrial Park is an advanced trillion-yuan-level manufacturing base of in Liangjiang New Area .

  2. 2010年6月18日对于重庆是一个非常重要的日子,两江新区的挂牌成立成为重庆经济起飞,再创佳绩的又一个起点。

    June 2010 18 for chongqing is a very important day , " liangjiang new area " of chongqing was founded become economic take-off and reach new heights of another starting point .

  3. 最后对两江新区的生产要素、需求要素、商业环境、生产环境、支撑要素和政府要素等提出了优化建议。

    At last , the paper proposed optimizing advice on the aspects of production factors , demanding factors , commercial and productive environment , supportive factors and government influences etc.

  4. 本文的研究成果有助于两江新区明晰战略定位,对于实现新区的大开发大开放具有重要的实践指导意义。

    The result of this paper is helpful for clear strategic positioning of the Two-Rivers New Area and has important practical guiding significance for the achievement of the development and opening up of the Chongqing Two-Rivers New Area .

  5. 两江新区的设立标志着中国经济发展战略由外需主导转向内需主导,拉开了新10年西部大开发的序幕。

    The Chongqing Two-Rivers New Area is the symbol that economic development strategy in china is turning from domestic demand-led to external needs-led . It is the start of the development of the western china for the new decade .

  6. 重庆两江新区作为继上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区之后,中国第三、内陆唯一的国家级新区,标志着新时期国家区域经济发展战略的转型开端。

    As the third State-Level New Area and the only in inland areas in china following the Shanghai Pudong New Area and the Tianjin Binhai Mew Area , the Chongqing Two-Rivers New Area is the symbol that regional economic development strategy of china is turning .