
  • 网络German reunification
  1. 来自慕尼黑的一家名为ifo的研究机构的月度德国企业信心指数,目前处于自1991年两德统一后的繁荣期以来的最高点。

    The index of German business confidence calculated monthly by IFO , a Munich research institute , is at its highest since the post-unification boom in 1991 .

  2. 两德统一后的最初几年,住在柏林是一件令人兴奋的事情。

    Living here during those early years of reunification was thrilling .

  3. 还介绍了两德统一后德国外交部对海外使馆总体规模的控制。

    He also introduced the control of the number of German embassies after the German unification .

  4. 两德统一后的经济和金融问题

    German Economy and Finance after Unification

  5. 德国的失业率逼近1990年两德统一以来的纪录低点,企业信心也依然保持在高位。

    Unemployment is near record lows since reunification in 1990 , while business confidence remains high .

  6. 两德统一之后,宣传的目标也总是成为“欧洲的德国,而不是德国的欧洲”。

    After reunification , the goal was always said to be " a European Germany , not a German Europe " .

  7. 三块墙体于去年10月份被运到纽约,以纪念1990年两德统一。

    The three wall fragments were shipped to New York last October in memory of the unification of the two germanys .

  8. 欧洲一体化让德国得以重振本国经济,而与美国结盟则使两德统一的可能性一直不至于破灭。

    European integration allowed Germany to rebuild its economy ; and the alliance with the US kept alive the possibility of reunification .

  9. 位于柏林市中心的宫殿广场,成为自两德统一以来的热门话题与至今尚未解决的难题。

    The Palace Square in the center of Berlin city has been the topical subject and an unsolved difficult problem since Germany unified .

  10. 在发达经济体中,德国的表现最为抢眼,其工业生产出现复苏,而且失业率降低到了1990年两德统一以来的最低水平。

    Germany is the star performer among advanced economies , with resurgent industrial production and unemployment falling to its lowest level since reunification in 1990 .

  11. 在这些职位上,他处理过两德统一减免拉美债务以及前苏联经济转轨等一系列重大事件。

    And in these posts , he has worked on issues ranging from German unification to Latin American debt relief to the transition of post-Soviet economies .

  12. 实际上,自上世纪90年代两德统一引发的消费热潮结束以来,家庭消费状况从未真正复苏过。在过去十年的大部分时间内,德国的消费水平一直落后于美国。

    In fact , households never really recovered from the reunification-induced boom of the early1990s , with spending lagging behind the US for much of the decade .

  13. 两德统一之后,东部全面移植西部的经济、社会制度,并且从1992年起东、西部福利正式并轨。

    After the reunification , the economic and social system was wholly transplanted on the eastern part . From 1992 on , the two welfare systems was formally unified .

  14. 德国上月失业人数大幅下降,创下了自17年前两德统一以来的最大月度降幅,凸现出该国经济的强劲复苏。德国是欧洲最大的经济体。

    Unemployment in Germany last month recorded its biggest monthly drop since the country 's reunification 17 years ago , underscoring the robustness of the rebound in Europe 's largest economy .

  15. 我们认为,未建立财政联盟的货币联盟具有很大风险;强大的北部经济体不太可能与南部经济体趋同(尤其是在两德统一之后)。

    We believed monetary union without fiscal union was risky ; that convergence of the powerful northern economies with southern Europe was unlikely ( especially once Germany had absorbed her Eastern lander ) .

  16. 现在担心增长似乎有些奇怪,此时德国实现了自两德统一以来最快的季度增长&折合年率约9%。

    It may seem strange , at a time when Germany has notched up its fastest quarterly growth since unification – about 9 per cent at an annual rate – to worry about growth .

  17. 德国在二战后和两德统一后都进行了政治和经济上的重建,努力保持经济稳定,致力于出口世界一流的制造业产品。我与其他所有人一样对此表示钦佩。

    Along with everybody else , I admire the political and economic reconstruction of Germany after the second world war and again after unification , the commitment to economic stability and its first-class manufactured exports .

  18. 第二次世界大战以来,特别是20世纪90年代两德统一以后,德国越来越成为事实上的非典型的移民国家,移民社会问题成为德国社会问题的核心。

    Since the World War II , especially the unity of Germany in 1990s , Germany has become a virtual non-typical immigration country gradually , and the immigration issues have become the core of social issues .

  19. 这种做法拉低了葡萄牙、爱尔兰、希腊、意大利和西班牙的利率,造成了住房市场泡沫与此同时,德国不得不勒紧腰带以应对两德统一的代价。

    This lowered interest rates in Portugal , Ireland , Greece , Italy and Spain and generated housing bubbles at the same time as Germany had to tighten its belt to cope with the costs of reunification .

  20. 两德统一后的最初几年,住在柏林是一件令人兴奋的事情。我记得自己曾在1992年搭乘最初的几班轻轨列车之一,前往位于柏林之南的波茨坦,一座到处都是公园和宫殿的城市。

    Living here during those early years of reunification was thrilling . I recall in 1992 taking one of the first light-rail S-Bahn trains to Potsdam , the city of parks and palaces to Berlin 's south .

  21. 文章介绍了两德统一后在德国新首都柏林开工建设的具有代表意义的几个使馆项目:法国使馆、英国使馆、美国使馆、荷兰使馆、奥地利使馆等。

    This article introduces some new typicalembassy projects in berlin , built after the reunificationbetween the East and West germany , for example , French embassy , British embassy , American embassy , Netherlands embassy , Austrian embassy , etc.

  22. 首先,作为两德统一的第一块基石,1990年7月的货币联盟确定了不切实际的汇率水平:一德国马克兑两东德马克(个人可以按一比一的汇率兑换部分存款)。

    Firstly , the currency union of July 1990 that marked the first building block of reunification set an unrealistic exchange rate of one deutschemark to two East German marks ( individuals could even convert some of their savings at a one-to-one rate ) .

  23. 这是两德自统一以来第一次夺得世界杯冠军。

    It 's Germany 's first World Cup win as a united country . 2 .

  24. 冷战的结束与两德的统一使德国在领土、人口和经济实力经历了质的飞跃。

    The end of the Cold War and the unification of the Germany have substantially enlarged the power of Germany in terms of territory , population and economy .

  25. 1990年两德实现统一之后,德国并没有因为自己领土和人口的扩大、经济实力的增强和地理位置的优越等因素而改变既有的欧洲政策。

    After Germany Unification in 1990 , Germany does not change its formal European policy because of the enlargement of territory and population , the improvement of economic power and the preponderance of geographical location .

  26. 德国再度统一后,德国师范教育的进一步改革和完善。主要包括以下几个方面的内容:两德师范教育的统一、教师专业化的发展以及欧洲教师教育一体化。

    German Normal Education has experienced reformation and perfection after the unity of Federal Germany and Democratic Germany .